# # This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. # See the file COPYING. # # $Id: .config/subtle/subtle.rb,v 390 2011/10/02 09:06:16 unexist $ # require "socket" # Contrib {{{ begin require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/bin/subtle-contrib/ruby/launcher.rb" require "#{ENV["HOME"]}/bin/subtle-contrib/ruby/selector.rb" Subtle::Contrib::Selector.font = "xft:Envy Code R:pixelsize=13" # Subtle::Contrib::Selector.font = "xft:Terminus2" Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.fonts = [ "xft:Envy Code R:pixelsize=80", "xft:Envy Code R:pixelsize=13" # "xft:Terminus2:pixelsize=10" ] Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.browser_screen_num = 0 rescue LoadError end # }}} # Options {{{ set :step, 5 set :snap, 10 set :gravity, :center set :urgent, false set :resize, false set :tiling, false #set :separator, "∞" # }}} # Screens {{{ screen 1 do stipple false top [:spacer, :mpd, :separator, :clock] bottom [:title, :spacer, :views, :tray] view 1 end # }}} # Styles {{{ style :all do padding 2, 6, 2, 6 background "#1a1a1a" font "xft:Envy Code R:pixelsize=13" end style :separator do separator "//" foreground "#ff0000" end style :title do foreground "#FFFFFF" end style :views do foreground "#7c7c72" icon "#7c7c72" style :focus do foreground "#ffffff" icon "#ffffff" border_bottom "#acaa53", 2 end style :occupied do foreground "#7c7c72" border_bottom "#949269", 2 end style :urgent do foreground "#c0bd5c" icon "#c0bd5c" end style :visible do padding_top 0 border_top "#494948", 2 end end style :sublets do foreground "#7c7c72" icon "#7c7c72" end style :clients do active "#7c7c72", 2 inactive "#494948", 2 margin 10 end style :subtle do panel "#1a1a1a" # background "#595959" stipple "#595959" end # }}} # # == Gravities # # Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways # to set a certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or # change them during runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify # gravities. # # A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen # size. The first two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen # and he last two values are the width and height. # # === Example # # Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height: # # gravity :example, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ] # # === Link # # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Gravity # # Top left gravity :top_left, [ 0, 0, 50, 50 ] gravity :top_left66, [ 0, 0, 50, 66 ] gravity :top_left33, [ 0, 0, 50, 34 ] # Top gravity :top, [ 0, 0, 100, 50 ] gravity :top66, [ 0, 0, 100, 66 ] gravity :top33, [ 0, 0, 100, 34 ] # Top right gravity :top_right, [ 50, 0, 50, 50 ] gravity :top_right66, [ 50, 0, 50, 66 ] gravity :top_right33, [ 50, 0, 50, 33 ] # Left gravity :left, [ 0, 0, 50, 100 ] gravity :left66, [ 0, 0, 66, 100 ] gravity :left33, [ 0, 0, 33, 100 ] # Center gravity :center, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ] gravity :center66, [ 17, 17, 66, 66 ] gravity :center33, [ 33, 33, 33, 33 ] # Right gravity :right, [ 50, 0, 50, 100 ] gravity :right66, [ 34, 0, 66, 100 ] gravity :right33, [ 67, 50, 33, 100 ] # Bottom left gravity :bottom_left, [ 0, 50, 50, 50 ] gravity :bottom_left66, [ 0, 34, 50, 66 ] gravity :bottom_left33, [ 0, 67, 50, 33 ] # Bottom gravity :bottom, [ 0, 50, 100, 50 ] gravity :bottom66, [ 0, 34, 100, 66 ] gravity :bottom33, [ 0, 67, 100, 33 ] # Bottom right gravity :bottom_right, [ 50, 50, 50, 50 ] gravity :bottom_right66, [ 50, 34, 50, 66 ] gravity :bottom_right33, [ 50, 67, 50, 33 ] # Gimp #gravity :gimp_image, [ 10, 0, 80, 100 ] #gravity :gimp_toolbox, [ 0, 0, 10, 100 ] #gravity :gimp_dock, [ 90, 0, 10, 100 ] # Pidgin gravity :pidgin_buddylist, [ 80, 50, 20, 100 ] gravity :pidgin_conv, [ 0, 0, 80, 100 ] # # == Grabs # # Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be # assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab # consists of a chain and an action. # # === Finding keys # # The best resource for getting the correct key names is # */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints # about it: # # * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0* # * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad # * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in # /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h # * Keys usually have meaningful english names # * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M), # Shift (S), Super (W)) # # === Chaining # # Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys # and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are # two ways to define chains for grabs: # # 1. *Default*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab # # *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt" # # 2. *Chain*: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed in order # # *Example*: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt" # # ==== Mouse buttons # # [*B1*] = Button1 (Left mouse button) # [*B2*] = Button2 (Middle mouse button) # [*B3*] = Button3 (Right mouse button) # [*B4*] = Button4 (Mouse wheel up) # [*B5*] = Button5 (Mouse wheel down) # [*...*] # [*B20*] = Button20 (Are you sure that this is a mouse and not a keyboard?) # # ==== Modifiers # # [*A*] = Alt key (Mod1) # [*C*] = Control key # [*M*] = Meta key (Mod3) # [*S*] = Shift key # [*W*] = Super/Windows key (Mod4) # [*G*] = Alt Gr (Mod5) # # === Action # # An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one # of the following: # # [*symbol*] Run a subtle action # [*string*] Start a certain program # [*array*] Cycle through gravities # [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc # # === Example # # This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed: # # grab "A-Return", "urxvt" # grab "C-a c", "urxvt" # # === Link # # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Grabs # # Jump to view1, view2, ... grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1 grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2 grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3 grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4 grab "W-S-5", :ViewJump5 grab "W-S-6", :ViewJump6 grab "W-S-7", :ViewJump7 grab "W-S-8", :ViewJump8 grab "W-S-9", :ViewJump9 # Switch current view grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1 grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2 grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3 grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4 grab "W-5", :ViewSwitch5 grab "W-6", :ViewSwitch6 grab "W-7", :ViewSwitch7 grab "W-8", :ViewSwitch8 grab "W-9", :ViewSwitch9 # Select next and prev view */ grab "KP_Add", :ViewNext grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev # Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ... grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1 grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2 grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3 grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4 # Force reload of config and sublets grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload # Force restart of subtle grab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart # Quit subtle grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit # Move current window grab "W-B1", :WindowMove # Resize current window grab "W-B3", :WindowResize # Toggle floating mode of window grab "W-f", :WindowFloat # Toggle fullscreen mode of window grab "W-space", :WindowFull # Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views) grab "W-s", :WindowStick # Toggle zaphod mode of window (will span across all screens) grab "W-equal", :WindowZaphod # Raise window grab "W-r", :WindowRaise # Lower window grab "W-l", :WindowLower # Select next windows grab "W-Left", :WindowLeft grab "W-Down", :WindowDown grab "W-Up", :WindowUp grab "W-Right", :WindowRight # Kill current window grab "W-k", :WindowKill # Cycle between given gravities grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ] grab "W-KP_8", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ] grab "W-KP_9", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ] grab "W-KP_4", [ :left, :left66, :left33 ] grab "W-KP_5", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ] grab "W-KP_6", [ :right, :right66, :right33 ] grab "W-KP_1", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ] grab "W-KP_2", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ] grab "W-KP_3", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ] # In case no numpad is available e.g. on notebooks #grab "W-q", [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ] #grab "W-w", [ :top, :top66, :top33 ] #grab "W-e", [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ] #grab "W-a", [ :left, :left66, :left33 ] #grab "W-s", [ :center, :center66, :center33 ] #grab "W-d", [ :right, :right66, :right33 ] # # QUERTZ #grab "W-y", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ] # # QWERTY #grab "W-z", [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ] # #grab "W-x", [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ] #grab "W-c", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ] # Exec programs grab "W-Return", "terminal" grab "W-p", "/usr/bin/dmenu_run -b -fn 'Envy Code R-10' -nf '#999' -nb '#000' -sf '#eee' -sb '#0077bb' -p 'run:'" grab "W-S-n", "urxvtc -name ncmpc -e ncmpcpp" grab "W-S-r", "urxvtc -name ranger -e ranger" grab "W-S-l", "xlock" grab "W-S-s", "urxvtc -name ssh -e /home/carnager/bin/ssh" grab "W-S-F12", "/home/carnager/bin/lastfm.sh" grab "W-S-F11", "/home/carnager/bin/love" grab "W-Insert", "/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/bin/dmenuclip" grab "W-C-Insert", "/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/bin/dmenurl" grab "Print", "/home/carnager/bin/scrotmenu.sh" grab "W-F1", "/home/carnager/bin/mpdmenu.sh" grab "W-F2", "/home/carnager/bin/appmenu.sh" grab "W-S-m", "urxvtc -name newsbeuter -e newsbeuter" grab "XF86Mail", "urxvtc -name newsbeuter -e mutt" grab "XF86HomePage", "firefox-beta-bin" grab "XF86AudioPlay", "mpc toggle" grab "XF86AudioStop", "mpc stop" grab "XF86AudioNext", "mpc next" grab "XF86AudioPrev", "mpc prev" grab "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "mpc volume +1" grab "XF86AudioLowerVolume", "mpc volume -1" grab "XF86Back", "mpc seek -5" grab "XF86Forward", "mpc seek +5" grab "XF86Reload", "/home/carnager/bin/mpdscrobble" grab "Cancel", "/home/carnager/bin/love" grab "XF86Tools", "urxvtc -name ncmpc -e ncmpcpp" grab "W-S-Escape", "/home/carnager/bin/power.sh" # Contrib grab "W-x" do Subtle::Contrib::Launcher.run end grab "W-z" do Subtle::Contrib::Selector.run end # Scratchpad grab "W-y" do if((c = Subtlext::Client["scratch"])) c.toggle_stick c.focus elsif((c = Subtlext::Subtle.spawn("urxvt -name scratch"))) c.tags = [] c.flags = [ :stick ] end end # Run Ruby lambdas grab "S-F2" do |c| puts c.name end grab "S-F3" do puts Subtlext::VERSION end # # == Tags # # Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is # strict, that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows # must have a matching tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that # windows that are started on a certain view will not automatically be placed # there. # # There are to ways to define a tag: # # === Simple # # The simple way just needs a name and a regular expression to just handle the # placement: # # Example: # # tag "terms", "terms" # # === Extended # # Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they # also have properties than can define and control some aspects of a window # like the default gravity or the default screen per view. # # Example: # # tag "terms" do # match "xterm|[u]?rxvt" # gravity :center # end # # === Default # # Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the # default view. The default view can either be set by the user with adding the # default tag to a view by choice or otherwise the first defined view will be # chosen automatically. # # === Properties # # [*borderless*] This property enables the borderless mode for tagged clients. # # Example: borderless true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Borderless # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Borderless # # [*fixed*] This property enables the fixed mode for tagged clients. # # Example: fixed true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Fixed # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Fixed # # [*float*] This property enables the float mode for tagged clients. # # Example: float true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Float # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Float # # [*full*] This property enables the fullscreen mode for tagged clients. # # Example: full true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Fullscreen # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Fullscreen # # [*geometry*] This property sets a certain geometry as well as floating mode # to the tagged client, but only on views that have this tag too. # It expects an array with x, y, width and height values whereas # width and height must be >0. # # Example: geometry [100, 100, 50, 50] # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Geometry # # [*gravity*] This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client, # but only on views that have this tag too. # # Example: gravity :center # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Gravity # # [*match*] This property adds matching patterns to a tag, a tag can have # more than one. Matching works either via plaintext, regex # (see man regex(7)) or window id. Per default tags will only # match the WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client, this # can be changed with following possible values: # # [*:name*] Match the WM_NAME # [*:instance*] Match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS # [*:class*] Match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS # [*:role*] Match the window role # [*:type*] Match the window type # # Examples: match instance: "urxvt" # match [:role, :class] => "test" # match "[xa]+term" # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Match # # [*position*] Similar to the geometry property, this property just sets the # x/y coordinates of the tagged client, but only on views that # have this tag, too. It expects an array with x and y values. # # Example: position [ 10, 10 ] # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Position # # [*resize*] This property enables the float mode for tagged clients. # # Example: resize true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Resize # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Resize # # [*stick*] This property enables the float mode for tagged clients. # # Example: stick true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Stick # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Stick # # [*type*] This property sets the tagged client to be treated as a specific # window type though as the window sets the type itself. Following # types are possible: # # [*:desktop*] Treat as desktop window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP) # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Desktop # [*:dock*] Treat as dock window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK) # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Dock # [*:toolbar*] Treat as toolbar windows (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR) # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Toolbar # [*:splash*] Treat as splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH) # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Splash # [*:dialog*] Treat as dialog window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Dialog # # Example: type :desktop # Link: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Type # # [*urgent*] This property enables the urgent mode for tagged clients. # # Example: stick true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Stick # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Urgent # # [*zaphod*] This property enables the zaphod mode for tagged clients. # # Example: zaphod true # Links: http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging#Zaphod # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Clients#Zaphod # # # === Link # # http://subforge.org/projects/subtle/wiki/Tagging # # Simple tags tag "terms" do match "xterm|[u]?rxvt|terminal"; exclude "ncmpc|ssh|newsbeuter"; end tag "browser", "uzbl|opera|firefox|navigator|chromium|Browser|Minefield|Navigator||gnome-mplayer|Exe|jumanji|dwb||plugin-container|exe|operapluginwrapper|npviewer.bin" tag "gmpc" do match "gmpc" end tag "mail" do match "Mail|Lanikai" match :instance => "newsbeuter"; gravity :center33 end tag "mail2" do match "Mail|Lanikai" end tag "chat" do match :instance => "ssh"; gravity :center33 end tag "ranger" do match :instance => "ranger" gravity :center33 end tag "DL", "jd.Main|transmission-qt" # Placement tag "editor" do match "[g]?vim" resize true end tag "thunar" do match "thunar" end tag "thunar2" do match :name => "File.Operation.Progress" float true end tag "TeamSpeak" do match "Ts3client_linux_amd64" end tag "fixed" do geometry [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ] stick true end tag "resize" do match "sakura|gvim" resize true end tag "gravity" do gravity :center end # Modes tag "stick" do match "mplayer|feh|mupdf|pinentry-gtk-2|pdfshuffler" float true stick true urgent true end tag "float" do match "awt|ccgo" float true end # Pidgin tag "conversations" do match :role => "conversation" gravity :pidgin_conv end tag "buddylist" do match :role => "buddy_list" gravity :pidgin_buddylist end tag "filetransfer" do match "Pidgin" match :role => "transfer" float true end # Gimp #tag "gimp_image" do # # match :role => "gimp-image-window" # gravity :gimp_image #end #tag "gimp_toolbox" do # match :role => "gimp-toolbox$" # gravity :gimp_toolbox #end #tag "gimp_dock" do # match :role => "gimp-dock" # gravity :gimp_dock #end tag "gfx" do match "gthumb|Gthumb|Shotwell|shotwell|digikam|Digikam" end tag "wine" do match "Wine" gravity :center float true end tag "gimp_splash" do match "Gimp" end # # == Views # # Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a # tag with them. Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view # which is the view with the default tag or the first defined view when this # tag isn't set. # view "terms" do match "terms|ranger" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/arch.xbm" icon_only false end view "www" do match "browser" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/fox.xbm" icon_only false end view "stuff" do match "thunar|TeamSpeak|thunar2" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/dish.xbm" icon_only false end view "media" do match "Musicbrainz|gmpc" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/note.xbm" icon_only false end view "dl" do match "DL" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/net_down_02.xbm" icon_only false end view "gfx" do match "gimp_.*|gfx" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/fs_01.xbm" icon_only false end view "mail" do match "mail|mail2|buddylist|conversations|filetransfer" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/mail.xbm" icon_only false end view "notag" do match "default|kgs_room" # icon "/home/carnager/.config/subtle/icons/empty.xbm" icon_only false end # # == Sublets # # Sublets are Ruby scripts that provide data for the panel and can be managed # with the sur script that comes with subtle. Configuration of sublets can # either be done inside of the sublet or when supported in the config. # # === Example # # sublet :clock do # interval 30 # format_string "%H:%M:%S" # end # # # == Hooks # # And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event. # # Following hooks exist so far: # # [*:client_create*] Called whenever a window is created # [*:client_configure*] Called whenever a window is configured # [*:client_focus*] Called whenever a window gets focus # [*:client_kill*] Called whenever a window is killed # # [*:tag_create*] Called whenever a tag is created # [*:tag_kill*] Called whenever a tag is killed # # [*:view_create*] Called whenever a view is created # [*:view_configure*] Called whenever a view is configured # [*:view_jump*] Called whenever the view is switched # [*:view_kill*] Called whenever a view is killed # # [*:tile*] Called on whenever tiling would be needed # [*:reload*] Called on reload # [*:start*] Called on start # [*:exit*] Called on exit # # === Example # # This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus: # # on :client_focus do |c| # puts c.name # end # # === Link # # http://subforge.org/wiki/subtle/Hooks on :start do # Create missing tags views = Subtlext::View.all.map { |v| v.name } tags = Subtlext::Tag.all.map { |t| t.name } views.each do |v| unless(tags.include?(v)) t = Subtlext::Tag.new(v) t.save end end end # Add nine C-< number> grabs (1..9).each do |i| grab "C-%d" % [ i ] do |c| views = Subtlext::View.all names = views.map { |v| v.name } # Sanity check if(i <= views.size) # Tag client tags = c.tags.reject { |t| names.include?(t.name) or "default" == t.name } tags << names[i - 1] c.tags = tags # Tag view views[i - 1].tag(names[i - 1]) end end end grab "A-Tab" do |c| sel = 0 clients = Subtlext::Client.visible clients.each_index do |idx| if(clients[idx].id == c.id) sel = idx + 1 if(idx < clients.size - 1) end end clients[sel].focus end sublet :mpd do host "" show_icons false end on :start do # Create missing tags views = Subtlext::View.all.map { |v| v.name } tags = Subtlext::Tag.all.map { |t| t.name } views.each do |v| unless tags.include?(v) t = Subtlext::Tag.new(v) t.save end end end # Add nine C-< number> grabs (1..9).each do |i| grab "C-%d" % [ i ] do |c| views = Subtlext::View.all names = views.map { |v| v.name } # Sanity check if i <= views.size # Tag client tags = c.tags.reject { |t| names.include?(t.name) or "default" == t.name } tags << names[i - 1] c.tags = tags # Tag view views[i - 1].tag(names[i - 1]) end end end