package App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN::PackagesDetailsFetcher; use strictures; use autodie; use Function::Parameters; use Log::Any qw($log); use IPC::Run qw(run); use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache; =head1 NAME App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN::PackagesDetailsFetcher - Provide access to the 02packages.details CPAN file =head1 SYNOPSIS use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN::PackagesDetailsFetcher; =head1 DESCRIPTION Internal class that abstracts access to the 02packages file from CPAN. =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $fetcher = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN::PackagesDetailsFetcher->new(); Returns a new instance. =cut method new($class: $deps = {}) { $deps->{cache} //= App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache->new({$deps->%{context}}); return $class->new_no_defaults($deps); } method new_no_defaults($class: $deps = {}) { my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->{deps} = $deps; return $self; } =head2 Public Methods =cut =head3 get_packages_data my $data = $fetcher->get_packages_data(); Return the uncompressed data of the 02packages.details.txt.gz file. =cut method get_packages_data() { my $data; my $use_cpanplus_index = 1; if ($use_cpanplus_index) { # This is mostly for development so we don't go over the network on each run. my $packages_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpanplus/02packages.details.txt.gz"; run ['zcat', $packages_file], \undef, \$data or die $log->error("Failed to fetch and uncompress CPAN module index: $?")."\n"; } else { # TODO cache the details file locally # TODO when we have a cache of this, remove the $use_cpanplus_index part since that is worse than having our own cache # TODO make the cpan mirror configurable run [qw(curl -s ), ""], '|', ['zcat'], \$data or die $log->error("Failed to fetch and uncompress CPAN module index: $?")."\n"; } return $data; } 1; __END__