use strictures 2; use Log::Any::Adapter ('TAP'); use Test::More; use Test::MockObject; use Test::Differences; use Test::Exception; use CHI; use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools; use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache; use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN; use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Pacman; =head1 DESCRIPTION Integration test that tests PackagerTools->get_filtered_updateable_packages(). It creates an environment that has 4 faked CPAN distributions: * Test::FOO which has version 1.2.0 in the repository and 1.2.3 in CPAN * Bar which has version 0.5 in both places and thus NO update * foobar-blub which has version 0.9 in the repository and 1.0 in CPAN. It is however not maintained by 'test-maintainer' or 'joe' and thus should NOT be listed in the output. * Diff::Maint which has version 1.1 in the repository and 3.0 in CPAN. It is maintained by 'joe'. This test verifies as much of the available classes as possible. Currently the Pacman class is mocked and NOT verified due to it calling external programs (TODO: fix this). The 02packages "file" in this test contains some old modules from distributions that also contain newer modules. These should be ignored by the CPAN class and not influence the result. =cut my $details_fetcher = Test::MockObject->new();# my $pkgdata = 'File: 02packages.details.txt URL: Description: Package names found in directory $CPAN/authors/id/ Columns: package name, version, path Intended-For: Automated fetch routines, namespace documentation. Written-By: PAUSE version 1.005 Line-Count: 219941 Last-Updated: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 06:54:25 GMT A1z::HTML5::Template 0.20 C/CE/CEEJAY/A1z-HTML5-Template-0.20.tar.gz a2crd 0.972 J/JV/JV/App-Music-ChordPro-0.972.tar.gz A_Third_Package undef C/CL/CLEMBURG/Test-Unit-0.13.tar.gz AAA::Demo undef J/JW/JWACH/Apache-FastForward-1.1.tar.gz AAA::eBay undef J/JW/JWACH/Apache-FastForward-1.1.tar.gz AAAA::Crypt::DH 0.06 B/BI/BINGOS/AAAA-Crypt-DH-0.06.tar.gz AAAA::Mail::SpamAssassin 0.002 S/SC/SCHWIGON/AAAA-Mail-SpamAssassin-0.002.tar.gz AAAAAAAAA 1.01 M/MS/MSCHWERN/AAAAAAAAA-1.01.tar.gz AAC::Pvoice 0.91 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz AAC::Pvoice::Bitmap 1.12 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz AAC::Pvoice::Dialog 1.01 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz Test::FOO 1.2.3 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-1.2.3.tar.gz Test::FOO::Mod 1.2.3 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-1.2.3.tar.gz Test::FOO::Old 0.9 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-0.9.tar.gz Bar 0.5 T/TE/TEST/Bar-0.5.tar.gz Foobar::Blub 1.0 T/TE/TEST/foobar-blub-1.0.tar.gz Diff::Old 0.5 T/TE/TEST/Diff-Maint-0.5.tar.gz Diff::Maint 3.0 T/TE/TEST/Diff-Maint-3.0.tar.gz '; $details_fetcher->set_always('get_packages_data', $pkgdata); my $context = {}; my $config = Test::MockObject->new(); $config->set_always('get_config', { cpan => {cache_timeout => '1m'}, allowed_maintainers => ['test-maintainer', 'joe'], }); my $chi = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', datastore => {}); my $cache = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache->new_no_defaults($context, {CHI => $chi}); my $cpan = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN->new_no_defaults($context, {packages_details_fetcher => $details_fetcher, cache => $cache, config => $config}); # This returns the version in CPAN my $pacman = Test::MockObject->new(); $pacman->set_always('get_perl_distributions', [ {dist_name => 'Test::FOO', version => '1.2.3'}, {dist_name => 'Bar', version => '0.5'}, {dist_name => 'foobar-blub', version => '1.0'}, {dist_name => 'Diff::Maint', version => '3.0'}, ]); # This returns the version in the repository $pacman->mock('get_perl_distribution_versions', sub { eq_or_diff($_[1], [qw(Test::FOO Bar foobar-blub Diff::Maint)], 'get_perl_distribution_versions called with expected arguments'); return { 'Test::FOO' => '1.2.0', 'Bar' => '0.5', 'foobar-blub' => '0.9', 'Diff::Maint' => '1.0', }; }); $pacman->mock('get_perl_pkgname', sub { return 'perl-test-foo' if $_[1] eq 'Test::FOO'; return 'perl-bar' if $_[1] eq 'Bar'; return 'perl-foobar-blub' if $_[1] eq 'foobar-blub'; return 'perl-diff-maint' if $_[1] eq 'Diff::Maint'; fail('Unexpected distribution name'); }); my $archweb = Test::MockObject->new(); $archweb->mock('get_maintainers', sub { return [{name => 'test-maintainer'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-test-foo'; return [{name => 'test-maintainer'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-bar-foo'; return [{name => 'somebody'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-foobar-blub'; return [{name => 'somebody'}, {name => 'joe'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-diff-maint'; fail('Unexpected distribution name'); }); my $app = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools->new_no_defaults($context, {cpan => $cpan, pacman => $pacman, archweb => $archweb, config => $config}); # Actual testing here eq_or_diff($app->get_filtered_updateable_packages(), [ { cpan_version => '1.2.3', dist_name => 'Test::FOO', maintainers => [ { name => 'test-maintainer', }, ], pkgname => 'perl-test-foo', repo_version => '1.2.0' }, { cpan_version => '3.0', dist_name => 'Diff::Maint', maintainers => [ { name => 'somebody', }, { name => 'joe', }, ], pkgname => 'perl-diff-maint', repo_version => '1.0' }, ], 'Filtered list of updateable packages should include Test::FOO, but NOT foobar-blub'); done_testing;