package App::BorgRestore::DB; use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; use App::BorgRestore::Helper; use DBI; use Function::Parameters; use Log::Any qw($log); =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME App::BorgRestore::DB - Database layer =head1 DESCRIPTION App::BorgRestore::DB abstracts the database storage used internally by L. =cut method new($class: $db_path, $cache_size) { my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; if (! -f $db_path) { my $db = $self->_open_db($db_path, $cache_size); $self->initialize_db(); } else { $self->_open_db($db_path, $cache_size); } return $self; } method _open_db($dbfile, $cache_size) { $log->debugf("Opening database at %s", $dbfile); $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile","","", {RaiseError => 1, Taint => 1}); $self->{dbh}->do("PRAGMA cache_size=-".$cache_size); $self->{dbh}->do("PRAGMA strict=ON"); } method initialize_db() { $log->debug("Creating initial database"); $self->{dbh}->do('create table `files` (`path` text, primary key (`path`)) without rowid;'); $self->{dbh}->do('create table `archives` (`archive_name` text unique);'); } method get_archive_names() { my @ret; my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare("select `archive_name` from `archives`;"); $st->execute(); while (my $result = $st->fetchrow_hashref) { push @ret, $result->{archive_name}; } return \@ret; } method get_archive_row_count() { my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare("select count(*) count from `files`;"); $st->execute(); my $result = $st->fetchrow_hashref; return $result->{count}; } method add_archive_name($archive) { $archive = App::BorgRestore::Helper::untaint_archive_name($archive); my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare('insert into `archives` (`archive_name`) values (?);'); $st->execute($archive); $self->_add_column_to_table("files", $archive); } method _add_column_to_table($table, $column) { my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare('alter table `'.$table.'` add column `'._prefix_archive_id($column).'` integer;'); $st->execute(); } method remove_archive($archive) { $archive = App::BorgRestore::Helper::untaint_archive_name($archive); my $archive_id = $self->get_archive_id($archive); my @keep_archives = grep {$_ ne $archive;} @{$self->get_archive_names()}; $self->{dbh}->do('create table `files_new` (`path` text, primary key (`path`)) without rowid;'); for my $archive (@keep_archives) { $self->_add_column_to_table("files_new", $archive); } my @columns_to_copy = map {'`'._prefix_archive_id($_).'`'} @keep_archives; @columns_to_copy = ('`path`', @columns_to_copy); $self->{dbh}->do('insert into `files_new` select '.join(',', @columns_to_copy).' from files'); $self->{dbh}->do('drop table `files`'); $self->{dbh}->do('alter table `files_new` rename to `files`'); my $sql = 'delete from `files` where '; $sql .= join(' is null and ', grep {$_ ne '`path`' } @columns_to_copy); $sql .= " is null"; my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare($sql); my $rows = $st->execute(); $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare('delete from `archives` where `archive_name` = ?;'); $st->execute($archive); } fun _prefix_archive_id($archive) { $archive = App::BorgRestore::Helper::untaint_archive_name($archive); return 'timestamp-'.$archive; } method get_archive_id($archive) { return _prefix_archive_id($archive); } method get_archives_for_path($path) { my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare('select * from `files` where `path` = ?;'); $st->execute(App::BorgRestore::Helper::untaint($path, qr(.*))); my @ret; my $result = $st->fetchrow_hashref; my $archives = $self->get_archive_names(); for my $archive (@$archives) { my $archive_id = $self->get_archive_id($archive); my $timestamp = $result->{$archive_id}; push @ret, { modification_time => $timestamp, archive => $archive, }; } return \@ret; } method add_path($archive_id, $path, $time) { my $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached('insert or ignore into `files` (`path`, `'.$archive_id.'`) values(?, ?)'); $st->execute($path, $time); $st = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached('update files set `'.$archive_id.'` = ? where `path` = ?'); $st->execute($time, $path); } method begin_work() { $self->{dbh}->begin_work(); } method commit() { $self->{dbh}->commit(); } method vacuum() { $self->{dbh}->do("vacuum"); } 1; __END__