package App::BorgRestore::Helper; use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use Function::Parameters; use POSIX (); =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME App::BorgRestore::Helper - Helper functions =head1 DESCRIPTION App::BorgRestore::Helper provides some general helper functions used in various packages in the L namespace. =cut fun untaint($data, $regex) { $data =~ m/^($regex)$/ or die "Failed to untaint: $data"; return $1; } fun untaint_archive_name($archive) { return untaint($archive, qr([a-zA-Z0-9-:+\.]+)); } fun format_timestamp($timestamp) { return POSIX::strftime "%a. %F %H:%M:%S %z", localtime $timestamp; } # XXX: this also exists in BorgRestore::_handle_added_archives() fun parse_borg_time($string) { if ($string =~ m/^.{4} (?....)-(?..)-(?..) (?..):(?..):(?..)$/) { my $time = POSIX::mktime($+{second},$+{minute},$+{hour},$+{day},$+{month}-1,$+{year}-1900); return $time; } return; } 1; __END__