# NAME App::ImapNotify - It's new $module # SYNOPSIS use App::ImapNotify; # DESCRIPTION App::ImapNotify is a simple notification script using IMAP NOTIFY. Note that it is very simple and implements a custom IMAP client with very limited features. Mostly a proof of concept and personal script. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Florian Pritz. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Florian Pritz ### loop\_reconnect $app->loop_reconnect(); Same as loop(), but automatcally calls loop() again if the connection is lost. ### loop $app->loop(); Open a connection and wait for NOTIFY notifications. When a NOTIFY notification arrives, show a notification to the user. This method throws an exception when the connection to the server is lost. If you want to continue waiting for new notifications, you may call this method again. Also look at loop\_reconnect().