package App::ImapNotify; use v5.24; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = "0.01"; use App::ImapNotify::ImapClient; use App::ImapNotify::Notifier; use Carp; use Encode qw(encode decode); use Function::Parameters; use Log::Any qw($log); use Syntax::Keyword::Try; =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME App::ImapNotify - It's new $module =head1 SYNOPSIS use App::ImapNotify; =head1 DESCRIPTION App::ImapNotify is a simple notification script using IMAP NOTIFY. Note that it is very simple and implements a custom IMAP client with very limited features. Mostly a proof of concept and personal script. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) Florian Pritz. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Florian Pritz Ebluewind@xinu.atE =cut method new($class: $config, $deps = {}) { $deps->{imap_client} //= App::ImapNotify::ImapClient->new({$config->%{qw(host port log_id username password keepalive_timeout)}}); $deps->{notifier} //= App::ImapNotify::Notifier->new(); return $class->new_no_defaults($config, $deps); } method new_no_defaults($class: $config, $deps = {}) { my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->{config} = $config; $self->{deps} = $deps; return $self; } =head3 loop_reconnect $app->loop_reconnect(); Same as loop(), but automatcally calls loop() again if the connection is lost. =cut method loop_reconnect() { my $holdoff_time = 10; my $holdoff_repeat = 0; my $holdoff_limit = 300; while (1) { my $last_time = time; try { $self->loop(); } catch { sub { return if $@ =~ m/^Lost connection while .*/; # dovecot crashes somtimes during fetching and sends an incomplete fetch response return if $@ =~ m/^First line doesn't match FETCH pattern./; die $@; }->(); } $holdoff_repeat = 0 if (time - $last_time) > $holdoff_limit; sleep($holdoff_time * $holdoff_repeat++); } } =head3 loop $app->loop(); Open a connection and wait for NOTIFY notifications. When a NOTIFY notification arrives, show a notification to the user. This method either returns when the server closes the connection or throws an exception when the connection to the server is lost. If you want to continue waiting for new notifications, you may call this method again. Also look at loop_reconnect(). =cut method loop() { my $imap = $self->{deps}->{imap_client}; $imap->reconnect(); $imap->select($self->{config}->{mailboxes}->@[0]); $imap->send_command("notify set (selected (MessageExpunge MessageNew (uid body.peek[header.fields (from to subject)]))) (mailboxes (".join(' ', $self->{config}->{mailboxes}->@*).") (MessageNew MessageExpunge MailboxName))"); $log->info("Waiting for notify events"); while (my $line = $imap->readline_timeout()) { $log->tracef("Got line: '%s'", $line =~ s/\r\n$//r); if ($line =~ m/^\* .* FETCH /) { my $message = $imap->handle_fetch($line); $self->_notify($message); next; } if ($line =~ m/^\* STATUS (?[^ ]+) \(MESSAGES \d+ UIDNEXT (?\d+) UNSEEN \d+\)/) { my $mailbox = $+{mailbox}; my $uid = $+{uidnext} - 1; $log->debugf("Got status change: '%s'", $line =~ s/\r\n$//r); $imap->select($mailbox); my $message = $imap->send_command("uid fetch $uid (body.peek[header.fields (from to subject)])"); pop @{$message}; $self->_notify($message); next; } next if $line =~ /\* \d+ RECENT/; next if $line =~ /\* \d+ EXISTS/; next if $line =~ /\* \d+ EXPUNGE/; next if $line =~ /\* \d+ FLAGS /; last if $line =~ /\* BYE /; confess(sprintf("Got unexpected line: '%s'", $line)); } } method _notify($message) { $log->debugf("Got data for notification: %s", $message); my $fields = {}; my $current_field; return if $message->@* == 0; for my $line ($message->@*) { if ($line =~ m/^(?