from datetime import timedelta from django.db.models import Avg, Count, Max, Min, StdDev from django.utils.timezone import now from django_countries.fields import Country from main.utils import cache_function, database_vendor from .models import MirrorLog, MirrorProtocol, MirrorUrl DEFAULT_CUTOFF = timedelta(hours=24) def annotate_url(url, delays): '''Given a MirrorURL object, add a few more attributes to it regarding status, including completion_pct, delay, and score.''' url.completion_pct = float(url.success_count) / url.check_count if in delays: url_delays = delays[] url.delay = sum(url_delays, timedelta()) / len(url_delays) hours = url.delay.days * 24.0 + url.delay.seconds / 3600.0 if url.completion_pct > 0: divisor = url.completion_pct else: # arbitrary small value divisor = 0.005 url.score = (hours + url.duration_avg + url.duration_stddev) / divisor else: url.delay = None url.score = None @cache_function(123) def get_mirror_statuses(cutoff=DEFAULT_CUTOFF): cutoff_time = now() - cutoff # I swear, this actually has decent performance... urls = MirrorUrl.objects.select_related('mirror', 'protocol').filter( mirror__active=True, mirror__public=True, logs__check_time__gte=cutoff_time).annotate( check_count=Count('logs'), success_count=Count('logs__duration'), last_sync=Max('logs__last_sync'), last_check=Max('logs__check_time'), duration_avg=Avg('logs__duration')) vendor = database_vendor(MirrorUrl) if vendor != 'sqlite': urls = urls.annotate(duration_stddev=StdDev('logs__duration')) # The Django ORM makes it really hard to get actual average delay in the # above query, so run a seperate query for it and we will process the # results here. times = MirrorLog.objects.values_list( 'url_id', 'check_time', 'last_sync').filter( is_success=True, last_sync__isnull=False, check_time__gte=cutoff_time) delays = {} for url_id, check_time, last_sync in times: delay = check_time - last_sync delays.setdefault(url_id, []).append(delay) if urls: last_check = max([u.last_check for u in urls]) num_checks = max([u.check_count for u in urls]) check_info = MirrorLog.objects.filter( check_time__gte=cutoff_time).aggregate( mn=Min('check_time'), mx=Max('check_time')) if num_checks > 1: check_frequency = (check_info['mx'] - check_info['mn']) \ / (num_checks - 1) else: check_frequency = None else: last_check = None num_checks = 0 check_frequency = None for url in urls: # fake the standard deviation for local testing setups if vendor == 'sqlite': setattr(url, 'duration_stddev', 0.0) annotate_url(url, delays) return { 'cutoff': cutoff, 'last_check': last_check, 'num_checks': num_checks, 'check_frequency': check_frequency, 'urls': urls, } @cache_function(117) def get_mirror_errors(cutoff=DEFAULT_CUTOFF): cutoff_time = now() - cutoff errors = MirrorLog.objects.filter( is_success=False, check_time__gte=cutoff_time, url__mirror__active=True, url__mirror__public=True).values( 'url__url', 'url__country', 'url__protocol__protocol', 'url__mirror__country', 'url__mirror__tier', 'error').annotate( error_count=Count('error'), last_occurred=Max('check_time') ).order_by('-last_occurred', '-error_count') errors = list(errors) for err in errors: ctry_code = err['url__country'] or err['url__mirror__country'] err['country'] = Country(ctry_code) return errors @cache_function(295) def get_mirror_url_for_download(cutoff=DEFAULT_CUTOFF): '''Find a good mirror URL to use for package downloads. If we have mirror status data available, it is used to determine a good choice by looking at the last batch of status rows.''' cutoff_time = now() - cutoff status_data = MirrorLog.objects.filter( check_time__gte=cutoff_time).aggregate( Max('check_time'), Max('last_sync')) if status_data['check_time__max'] is not None: min_check_time = status_data['check_time__max'] - timedelta(minutes=5) min_sync_time = status_data['last_sync__max'] - timedelta(minutes=20) best_logs = MirrorLog.objects.filter(is_success=True, check_time__gte=min_check_time, last_sync__gte=min_sync_time, url__mirror__public=True, url__mirror__active=True, url__protocol__default=True).order_by( 'duration')[:1] if best_logs: return MirrorUrl.objects.get(id=best_logs[0].url_id) mirror_urls = MirrorUrl.objects.filter( mirror__public=True, mirror__active=True, protocol__default=True) # look first for a country-agnostic URL, then fall back to any HTTP URL filtered_urls = mirror_urls.filter(mirror__country='')[:1] if not filtered_urls: filtered_urls = mirror_urls[:1] if not filtered_urls: return None return filtered_urls[0] # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: