# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ populate_signoffs command Pull the latest commit message from SVN for a given package that is signoff-eligible and does not have an existing comment attached. Usage: ./manage.py populate_signoffs """ from datetime import datetime import logging import subprocess import sys from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.management.base import NoArgsCommand from ...models import SignoffSpecification from ...utils import get_signoff_groups from devel.utils import UserFinder logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(NoArgsCommand): help = "Pull the latest commit message from SVN for a given package that is signoff-eligible and does not have an existing comment attached" def handle_noargs(self, **options): v = int(options.get('verbosity', None)) if v == 0: logger.level = logging.ERROR elif v == 1: logger.level = logging.INFO elif v == 2: logger.level = logging.DEBUG return add_signoff_comments() def svn_log(pkgbase, repo): '''Retrieve the most recent SVN log entry for the given pkgbase and repository. The configured setting SVN_BASE_URL is used along with the svn_root for each repository to form the correct URL.''' path = '%s%s/%s/trunk/' % (settings.SVN_BASE_URL, repo.svn_root, pkgbase) cmd = ['svn', 'log', '--limit=1', '--xml', path] log_data = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # the XML format is very very simple, especially with only one revision xml = XML(log_data) revision = int(xml.find('logentry').get('revision')) date = datetime.strptime(xml.findtext('logentry/date'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') return { 'revision': revision, 'date': date, 'author': xml.findtext('logentry/author'), 'message': xml.findtext('logentry/msg'), } def cached_svn_log(pkgbase, repo): '''Retrieve the cached version of the SVN log if possible, else delegate to svn_log() to do the work and cache the result.''' key = (pkgbase, repo) if key in cached_svn_log.cache: return cached_svn_log.cache[key] log = svn_log(pkgbase, repo) cached_svn_log.cache[key] = log return log cached_svn_log.cache = {} def create_specification(package, log, finder): trimmed_message = log['message'].strip() spec = SignoffSpecification(pkgbase=package.pkgbase, pkgver=package.pkgver, pkgrel=package.pkgrel, epoch=package.epoch, arch=package.arch, repo=package.repo, comments=trimmed_message) spec.user = finder.find_by_username(log['author']) return spec def add_signoff_comments(): logger.info("getting all signoff groups") groups = get_signoff_groups() logger.info("%d signoff groups found", len(groups)) finder = UserFinder() for group in groups: if not group.default_spec: continue logger.debug("getting SVN log for %s (%s)", group.pkgbase, group.repo) log = cached_svn_log(group.pkgbase, group.repo) logger.info("creating spec with SVN message for %s", group.pkgbase) spec = create_specification(group.packages[0], log, finder) spec.save() # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: