{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load cache %} {% load package_extras %} {% block title %}Arch Linux - Developer Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Developer Dashboard

My Flagged Packages

{% for pkg in flagged %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Name Version Testing Version Repo Arch Flagged Last Updated
{% pkg_details_link pkg %} {{ pkg.full_version }} {% with pkg.in_testing as tp %}{% if tp %} {{ tp.full_version }} {% endif %}{% endwith %} {{ pkg.repo.name }} {{ pkg.arch.name }} {{ pkg.flag_date|date }} {{ pkg.last_update|date }}
No flagged packages to display

My Incomplete Todo List Packages

{% for todopkg in todopkgs %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Todo List Name Repo Arch Maintainer(s)
{{ todopkg.list.name }} {% pkg_details_link todopkg.pkg %} {{ todopkg.pkg.repo.name }} {{ todopkg.pkg.arch.name }} {{ todopkg.pkg.maintainers|join:', ' }}
No incomplete todo list packages to display

Package Todo Lists

{% for todo in todos %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Name Creation Date Creator Description Package Count Incomplete Count
{{ todo.name }} {{ todo.date_added|date }} {{ todo.creator.get_full_name }} {{ todo.description|urlize }} {{ todo.pkg_count }} {{ todo.incomplete_count }}
No package todo lists to display

Signoff Status

{% for group in signoffs %} {% if group.specification.known_bad %} {% else %} {% if not group.specification.enabled %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Name Version Arch Target Repo Last Updated Approved Signoffs
{% pkg_details_link group.package %} {{ group.version }} {{ group.arch.name }} {{ group.target_repo }} {{ group.last_update|date }}BadDisabled{{ group.approved|yesno|capfirst }}
    {% for signoff in group.signoffs %}
  • {{ signoff.user }}{% if signoff.revoked %} (revoked){% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
No packages you maintain or have packaged need signoffs

Developer Reports

{% cache 60 dev-dash-by-arch %}

Stats by Architecture

{% for arch in arches %} {% endfor %}
Arch # Packages # Flagged
{{ arch.name }} {{ arch.total_ct }} packages {{ arch.flagged_ct }} packages
{# #dash-by-arch #} {% endcache %} {% cache 60 dev-dash-by-repo %}

Stats by Repository

{% for repo in repos %} {% endfor %}
Repository # Packages # Flagged # Maintainers
{{ repo.name }} {{ repo.total_ct }} packages {{ repo.flagged_ct }} packages {{ repo.maintainer_ct }} maintainers
{# dash-by-arch #} {% endcache %} {% cache 60 dev-dash-by-developer %}

Stats by Developer

{% if perms.main.change_package %}

Look for stale relations

{% endif %} {% for maint in maintainers %} {% endfor %}
Maintainer # Maintained # Flagged # Last Packager
Orphan/Unknown {{ orphan.package_count }} packages {{ orphan.flagged_count }} packages {{ orphan.updated_count }} packages
{{ maint.get_full_name }} {{ maint.package_count }} packages {{ maint.flagged_count }} packages {{ maint.updated_count }} packages
{# #dash-by-developer #} {% endcache %} {% load cdn %}{% jquery %}{% jquery_tablesorter %} {% endblock %}