{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load package_extras %} {% block title %}Arch Linux - Package Signoffs{% endblock %} {% block navbarclass %}anb-packages{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Package Signoffs

{{ signoff_groups|length }} total signoff group{{ signoff_groups|pluralize }} found. A "signoff group" consists of packages grouped by pkgbase, architecture, and repository.

Filter Displayed Signoffs

Select filter criteria {% for arch in arches %}
{% endfor %} {% for repo_name in repo_names %}
{% endfor %}
{{ signoff_groups|length }} signoff groups displayed.
{% for group in signoff_groups %} {% spaceless %} {% if group.specification.known_bad %} {% else %} {% if not group.specification.enabled %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endspaceless %} {% endfor %}
Package Base/Version Arch Target Repo Packager # of Packages Last Updated Approved Signoffs Notes
{% pkg_details_link group.package %} {{ group.version }} {{ group.arch.name }} {{ group.target_repo }} {{ group.packager|default:"Unknown" }} {{ group.packages|length }} {{ group.last_update|date }}BadDisabled{{ group.approved|yesno|capfirst }}{% include "packages/signoff_cell.html" %} {% if not group.default_spec %}{% with group.specification as spec %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if spec.required != 2 %}Required signoffs: {{ spec.required }}
{% endif %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if not spec.enabled %}Signoffs are not currently enabled
{% endif %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if spec.known_bad %}Package is known to be bad
{% endif %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{{ spec.comments|default:""|linebreaksbr }} {% endwith %}{% endif %}
{% load cdn %}{% jquery %} {% endblock %}