{% extends "base.html" %} {% load cache %} {% load cdn %} {% block title %}Arch Linux - Donate{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% cache 600 donations secure %}

Donate to Arch Linux

Arch Linux survives because of the tireless efforts of many people in the community and the core development circle. None of us are paid for our work, and we don't have the personal funds to sustain server costs ourselves.

There are many ways to help support Arch Linux. If technical development, documentation, or support aren't your strong points, you could certainly help us by dropping a few bucks our way.

Many thanks!

Monetary donations

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Financial contributions are accepted via PayPal. Funds are used for server hardware upgrades, conventions, schwag giveaways and more.

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At the moment, we are currently not taking monetary donations, but we may accept them again in the future.

Commercial sponsors and contributions

We'd like to thank Velocity Network for contributing space in a server rack, bandwidth, and electricity for our main server.

We also wish to extend a special Thank You to SevenL Networks for their generous and ongoing contribution of a dedicated Arch Linux server. You too can have a dedicated Arch Linux server hosted by SevenL... head over to their website for more details.

More thanks go to AirVM.com for contributing a VMWare-based Virtual Machine.

Past donors

A huge thanks to you all for your contributions!

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