Summary ======= Philesight is a tool to browse your filesystem and see where the diskspace is being used at a glance. Philesight is implemented as a simple command line program that generates PNG files; a wrapper CGI script is supplied to allow navigating through the filesystem. Philesight is actually a clone of the filelight program. Wheres filelight is ment as an interactive, user friendly application for the X-windows desktop, philesight is designed to run on a remote server without graphical user interface. Dependencies ============ Philesight is written in ruby1.8, and requires the berkely-db4 and cairo ruby-libraries. Changelog ========= 2008-05-29 Added option (use_gradients) to enable/disable gradients in circular graph. Added option to set graph size. 2008-04-16 Added optional table with file list to cgi, some bugfixes, increased default graph size to 800. (Thanks to Guillaume Sachot) 2008-03-17 Fixed bug where no image was shown with CGI's running on apache-mpm-worker. 2007-03-12 Fixed crash when indexing file named 'rest' 2006-12-09 Workaround for segmentaion fault with ruby 1.8.5 Usage ===== Philesight can be run in different modes: first, the filesystem is indexed and the results are stored in a database. When the database is generated, the tool can used to generate PNG files with the graphs. The database should be updated every once in a while of course. * Index bulding: ./philesight --db {db} --index {path} {db} is the name of the database file that will be generated. It is a good idea to throw away existing database files before indexing to avoid removed files showing in your graph. {path} is the top-level directory to start indexing. Usually, '/' is a good choice. This process might take some time, since it traverses the whole tree from path-to-index downward and stores the data into the db. Make sure to remove previous database files before indexing. * PNG generating: In this mode, philesight generates a graph of the filesystem from path and 4 levels downward. i ./philesight --db {db} --path {path} --draw {png} {db} is the filename of the index file that was generated earlier, {path} is the directory which should be drawn, and {png} is the filename of the to-be-generated PNG image file * CGI: Philesight comes with a CGI module that can be run from within a web server. Edit the configurable parameters in the top of this file to point to the database. Make sure the datbase file is readable by the webserver! Available options: * db: Path to database file. * default_path: default path to show when CGI first loads. * size: graph size. 800 pixels is often a good choice. * show_list: render list of directories and their sizes blow graph. * use_gradients: use gradient colors in graph (set to 'false' to generate smaller PNG files) Bugs ==== * Philesight is a ruby program, and thus is not particulary fast. * Indexing takes longer than necassery. * Proper error handling is mostly missing. * Not very well tested. * It might eat your disks.