path: root/web/README.txt
diff options
authorLoui Chang <>2008-09-28 23:19:11 +0200
committerCallan Barrett <>2008-09-29 09:25:15 +0200
commita0e75dbbfcde794657a344f6b92888b713b950a7 (patch)
treeb20bee4e7077cf66a29af5569a73e82011495139 /web/README.txt
parentc7bfd9528473da0886afd328f0fa68e26c97ca3d (diff)
Update documentation.
Signed-off-by: Loui Chang <> Signed-off-by: Callan Barrett <>
Diffstat (limited to 'web/README.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/web/README.txt b/web/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 249f6052..00000000
--- a/web/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-Setup on Arch Linux:
-1) Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and git
- # pacman -Sy apache mysql php git
-2) Set a local 'hostname' of 'aur'
- - Edit /etc/hosts and append 'aur' to loopback address
- localhost aur
-3) Configure Apache
- - Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and make sure that PHP
- support is enabled by uncommenting the LoadModule line
- that specifies the PHP module.
- - Also append the following snippet to enable the aur
- Virtual Host (Replace MYUSER with your username).
- <VirtualHost aur:80>
- Servername aur
- DocumentRoot /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html
- ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/aur-error.log
- CustomLog /var/log/httpd/aur-access.log combined
- <Directory /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html>
- Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride All
- </Directory>
- </VirtualHost>
-4) Clone the AUR project (using the MYUSER from above)
- $ cd
- $ git clone
-5) Configure PHP
- Make sure you have mysql and json enabled in PHP.
- - Edit php.ini and uncomment/add these lines:
- AUR requires PEAR and the File_Find module.
- Installing PEAR will vary depending on the system and may already
- be included with PHP. You can also find it in the PHP source distribution.
- PHP sources:
- File_Find PEAR module:
- - Install the File_Find PEAR package:
- # pear install File_Find
- - Put PEAR in your php include_path in web/html/.htaccess:
- php value include_path = ".:../lib:../lang:/usr/share/pear"
- PEAR's path may vary depending on your set up.
-6) Configure MySQL
- - Connect to the mysql client
- # mysql -uroot
- - Issue the following commands to the mysql client
- mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON AUR.* to aur@localhost
- > identified by 'aur';
- mysql> quit
- - Load the schema file
- # mysql -uaur -p AUR < ~/aur/support/schema/aur-schema.sql
- (give password 'aur' at the prompt)
- - Optionally load some test data for development purposes.
- # bzcat ~/aur/support/schema/dummy-data.sql.bz2 | mysql -uaur -p AUR
- (give password 'aur' at the prompt)
-7) Copy the file to Modify as needed.
- cd ~/aur/web/lib/
- cp
-8) Point your browser to http://aur
-Web Interface:
-Directory Layout:
-./html - DocumentRoot for AUR, where the PHP scripts live.
-./html/css - CSS stylesheets
-./html/images - Any AUR images live here.
-./lib - Supporting PHP include files. Access denied to Apache.
-./template - Where most of the html markup resides and minimal
- amount of PHP scripting.
- There is also a template to model the site's top pages in
- template.phps
-- lib/
- This is where we can stick functions that can be shared
- between the various scripts. Also a good place to put the
- MySQL authentication variables since it should live outside
- the DocumentRoot.
-- html/login.php (probably index.php)
- PHP script to handle logging users into the AUR web site. It
- authenticates using the email address and a password against
- the Users table. Once authenticated, a session id is generated
- and stored in the Sessions table and sent as a cookie to the
- user's browser.
-- html/logout.php
- PHP script to logout. It clears the session id from the
- Sessions table and unsets the cookie.
-- html/account.php
- PHP script to handle registering for a new account. It prompts
- the visitor for account information: Email, password, real name,
- irc nick. The info is recorded in the Users table. Perhaps later,
- we can add a preferences field that allows the user to request to
- be notified when new packages are submitted so that they can cast
- votes for them?
- If a TU is logged into the system, they can edit accounts and set
- the account type (regular user or TU). If a Dev is logged in, they
- can also set the account type to Dev. TUs and Devs are able to
- delete accounts. If an account is deleted, all "Unsupported"
- packages are orphaned (the MaintainerUID field in the Packages
- table is set to Null).
-- html/packages.php
- PHP script to search the package database. It should support
- searching by location ("unsupported", "community", "extra"), name,
- category, maintainer, popularity, etc. It should resemble the
- packages.php script on A checkbox should be
- included next to each package to allow users to flag a package
- out of date, adopt it, and vote for it (and reverse operations).
-- html/pkgsubmit.php
- This is the PHP script that allows users to upload a new package.
- The package format will be a tgz containing the PKGBUILD,
- scriptlets, and patches necessary to build the package from
- source. Initially, the user submitting the package can select
- its category (network, devel, etc) but that can be modified
- later by the adopting TU. The script makes appropriate entries
- into the database (and perhaps notifies interested users of the
- new package).
-Terms and Definitions:
-AUR - Arch Linux User-Community Repository
- Includes:
- - the AUR web site,
- - the [unsupported] 'repository'
- - the [community] repository managed by the TUs
-TU - Trusted User
- A user that can add binary packages to the [community]
- repository and administer AUR.
- The collection of package build files hosted via the AUR web site.