This is the list of things we need to get done by 2/15 in order to make a 3/1 launch happen. Feel free to add items to it as they come up, and put "DONE" next to things as you finish them. TIER 1 (critical) * a package should be made of tupkg client tool TIER 2 (pretty important) * tupkg and tupkgs should not output unhashed passwords * config file capability for tupkg client in user's homedir * email notification of errors in tupkgupdate - Paul * add foreign key constraints with on delete cascade to make sure entries are not orphaned in PackageSources and PackageDepends * migrate to InnoDB tables? TIER 3 (noncritical) * tupkgupdate should use updatesync instead of gensync - Paul * error message when a non TU tries to adopt packages * add method from the web for setting/changing package category