try: import mysql.connector except ImportError: pass try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: pass import aurweb.config engine = None # See get_engine def get_sqlalchemy_url(): """ Build an SQLAlchemy for use with create_engine based on the aurweb configuration. """ import sqlalchemy aur_db_backend = aurweb.config.get('database', 'backend') if aur_db_backend == 'mysql': return sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL( 'mysql+mysqlconnector', username=aurweb.config.get('database', 'user'), password=aurweb.config.get('database', 'password'), host=aurweb.config.get('database', 'host'), database=aurweb.config.get('database', 'name'), query={ 'unix_socket': aurweb.config.get('database', 'socket'), 'buffered': True, }, ) elif aur_db_backend == 'sqlite': return sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL( 'sqlite', database=aurweb.config.get('database', 'name'), ) else: raise ValueError('unsupported database backend') def get_engine(): """ Return the global SQLAlchemy engine. The engine is created on the first call to get_engine and then stored in the `engine` global variable for the next calls. """ from sqlalchemy import create_engine global engine if engine is None: engine = create_engine(get_sqlalchemy_url(), # check_same_thread is for a SQLite technicality # connect_args={"check_same_thread": False}) return engine def connect(): """ Return an SQLAlchemy connection. Connections are usually pooled. See . Since SQLAlchemy connections are context managers too, you should use it with Python’s `with` operator, or with FastAPI’s dependency injection. """ return get_engine().connect() class Connection: _conn = None _paramstyle = None def __init__(self): aur_db_backend = aurweb.config.get('database', 'backend') if aur_db_backend == 'mysql': aur_db_host = aurweb.config.get('database', 'host') aur_db_name = aurweb.config.get('database', 'name') aur_db_user = aurweb.config.get('database', 'user') aur_db_pass = aurweb.config.get('database', 'password') aur_db_socket = aurweb.config.get('database', 'socket') self._conn = mysql.connector.connect(host=aur_db_host, user=aur_db_user, passwd=aur_db_pass, db=aur_db_name, unix_socket=aur_db_socket, buffered=True) self._paramstyle = mysql.connector.paramstyle elif aur_db_backend == 'sqlite': aur_db_name = aurweb.config.get('database', 'name') self._conn = sqlite3.connect(aur_db_name) self._paramstyle = sqlite3.paramstyle else: raise ValueError('unsupported database backend') def execute(self, query, params=()): if self._paramstyle in ('format', 'pyformat'): query = query.replace('%', '%%').replace('?', '%s') elif self._paramstyle == 'qmark': pass else: raise ValueError('unsupported paramstyle') cur = self._conn.cursor() cur.execute(query, params) return cur def commit(self): self._conn.commit() def close(self): self._conn.close()