#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import pygit2 import sys import bleach import markdown import aurweb.config import aurweb.db repo_path = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'repo-path') commit_uri = aurweb.config.get('options', 'commit_uri') class LinkifyExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension): """ Turn URLs into links, even without explicit markdown. Do not linkify URLs in code blocks. """ # Captures http(s) and ftp URLs until the first non URL-ish character. # Excludes trailing punctuation. _urlre = (r'(\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\w\/\#~:.?+=&%@!\-;,]+?' r'(?=[.:?\-;,]*(?:[^\w\/\#~:.?+=&%@!\-;,]|$)))') def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): processor = markdown.inlinepatterns.AutolinkInlineProcessor(self._urlre, md) # Register it right after the default <>-link processor (priority 120). md.inlinePatterns.register(processor, 'linkify', 119) class FlysprayLinksInlineProcessor(markdown.inlinepatterns.InlineProcessor): """ Turn Flyspray task references like FS#1234 into links to bugs.archlinux.org. The pattern's capture group 0 is the text of the link and group 1 is the Flyspray task ID. """ def handleMatch(self, m, data): el = markdown.util.etree.Element('a') el.set('href', f'https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/{m.group(1)}') el.text = markdown.util.AtomicString(m.group(0)) return el, m.start(0), m.end(0) class FlysprayLinksExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension): def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): processor = FlysprayLinksInlineProcessor(r'\bFS#(\d+)\b',md) md.inlinePatterns.register(processor, 'flyspray-links', 118) class GitCommitsInlineProcessor(markdown.inlinepatterns.InlineProcessor): """ Turn Git hashes like f7f5152be5ab into links to AUR's cgit. Only commit references that do exist are linkified. Hashes are shortened to shorter non-ambiguous prefixes. Only hashes with at least 7 digits are considered. """ _repo = pygit2.Repository(repo_path) def __init__(self, md, head): self._head = head super().__init__(r'\b([0-9a-f]{7,40})\b', md) def handleMatch(self, m, data): oid = m.group(1) if oid not in self._repo: # Unkwown OID; preserve the orginal text. return None, None, None prefixlen = 12 while prefixlen < 40: if oid[:prefixlen] in self._repo: break prefixlen += 1 el = markdown.util.etree.Element('a') el.set('href', commit_uri % (self._head, oid[:prefixlen])) el.text = markdown.util.AtomicString(oid[:prefixlen]) return el, m.start(0), m.end(0) class GitCommitsExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension): _head = None def __init__(self, head): self._head = head super(markdown.extensions.Extension, self).__init__() def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): processor = GitCommitsInlineProcessor(md, self._head) md.inlinePatterns.register(processor, 'git-commits', 117) class HeadingTreeprocessor(markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor): def run(self, doc): for elem in doc: if elem.tag == 'h1': elem.tag = 'h5' elif elem.tag in ['h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5']: elem.tag = 'h6' class HeadingExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension): def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): # Priority doesn't matter since we don't conflict with other processors. md.treeprocessors.register(HeadingTreeprocessor(md), 'heading', 30) def get_comment(conn, commentid): cur = conn.execute('SELECT PackageComments.Comments, PackageBases.Name ' 'FROM PackageComments INNER JOIN PackageBases ' 'ON PackageBases.ID = PackageComments.PackageBaseID ' 'WHERE PackageComments.ID = ?', [commentid]) return cur.fetchone() def save_rendered_comment(conn, commentid, html): conn.execute('UPDATE PackageComments SET RenderedComment = ? WHERE ID = ?', [html, commentid]) def main(): commentid = int(sys.argv[1]) conn = aurweb.db.Connection() text, pkgbase = get_comment(conn, commentid) html = markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['fenced_code', LinkifyExtension(), FlysprayLinksExtension(), GitCommitsExtension(pkgbase), HeadingExtension()]) allowed_tags = (bleach.sanitizer.ALLOWED_TAGS + ['p', 'pre', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'br', 'hr']) html = bleach.clean(html, tags=allowed_tags) save_rendered_comment(conn, commentid, html) conn.commit() conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()