""" Provide an automatic way of spawing an HTTP test server running aurweb. It can be called from the command-line or from another Python module. This module uses a global state, since you can’t open two servers with the same configuration anyway. """ import argparse import atexit import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import urllib import aurweb.config import aurweb.schema children = [] temporary_dir = None verbosity = 0 class ProcessExceptions(Exception): """ Compound exception used by stop() to list all the errors that happened when terminating child processes. """ def __init__(self, message, exceptions): self.message = message self.exceptions = exceptions messages = [message] + [str(e) for e in exceptions] super().__init__("\n- ".join(messages)) def generate_nginx_config(): """ Generate an nginx configuration based on aurweb's configuration. The file is generated under `temporary_dir`. Returns the path to the created configuration file. """ aur_location = aurweb.config.get("options", "aur_location") aur_location_parts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(aur_location) config_path = os.path.join(temporary_dir, "nginx.conf") config = open(config_path, "w") # We double nginx's braces because they conflict with Python's f-strings. config.write(f""" events {{}} daemon off; error_log /dev/stderr info; pid {os.path.join(temporary_dir, "nginx.pid")}; http {{ access_log /dev/stdout; server {{ listen {aur_location_parts.netloc}; location / {{ proxy_pass http://{aurweb.config.get("php", "bind_address")}; }} location /sso {{ proxy_pass http://{aurweb.config.get("fastapi", "bind_address")}; }} }} }} """) return config_path def spawn_child(args): """Open a subprocess and add it to the global state.""" if verbosity >= 1: print(f":: Spawning {args}", file=sys.stderr) children.append(subprocess.Popen(args)) def start(): """ Spawn the test server. If it is already running, do nothing. The server can be stopped with stop(), or is automatically stopped when the Python process ends using atexit. """ if children: return atexit.register(stop) print("{ruler}\n" "Spawing PHP and FastAPI, then nginx as a reverse proxy.\n" "Check out {aur_location}\n" "Hit ^C to terminate everything.\n" "{ruler}" .format(ruler=("-" * os.get_terminal_size().columns), aur_location=aurweb.config.get('options', 'aur_location'))) # PHP php_address = aurweb.config.get("php", "bind_address") htmldir = aurweb.config.get("php", "htmldir") spawn_child(["php", "-S", php_address, "-t", htmldir]) # FastAPI host, port = aurweb.config.get("fastapi", "bind_address").rsplit(":", 1) spawn_child(["python", "-m", "uvicorn", "--host", host, "--port", port, "aurweb.asgi:app"]) # nginx spawn_child(["nginx", "-p", temporary_dir, "-c", generate_nginx_config()]) def stop(): """ Stop all the child processes. If an exception occurs during the process, the process continues anyway because we don’t want to leave runaway processes around, and all the exceptions are finally raised as a single ProcessExceptions. """ global children atexit.unregister(stop) exceptions = [] for p in children: try: p.terminate() if verbosity >= 1: print(f":: Sent SIGTERM to {p.args}", file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: exceptions.append(e) for p in children: try: rc = p.wait() if rc != 0 and rc != -15: # rc = -15 indicates the process was terminated with SIGTERM, # which is to be expected since we called terminate on them. raise Exception(f"Process {p.args} exited with {rc}") except Exception as e: exceptions.append(e) children = [] if exceptions: raise ProcessExceptions("Errors terminating the child processes:", exceptions) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='python -m aurweb.spawn', description='Start aurweb\'s test server.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='increase verbosity') args = parser.parse_args() verbosity = args.verbose with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="aurweb-") as tmpdirname: temporary_dir = tmpdirname start() try: while True: time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: stop()