aurweb Maintenance ================== Components ---------- aurweb has three user-facing components. The Git/SSH interface can be used to update package repositories and for basic package maintenance from the command-line. More details can be found in `doc/git-interface.txt`. The web interface can be used to browse packages, view package details, manage aurweb accounts, add comments, vote for packages, flag packages, and submit requests. Trusted Users can update package maintainers and delete/merge packages. The web interface also includes an area for Trusted Users to post AUR-related proposals and vote on them. The RPC interface can be used to query package information via HTTP. Installation ------------ The web backend requires a web server with PHP and an SQL database. The Git/SSH interface requires Python, several Python modules and an up-to-date version of Git. APCu or memcached can be used to reduce load on the database server. All dependencies and the full installation process are described in `INSTALL`. Updates ------- The `enable-maintenance` option (in the configuration file, usually located at `/etc/aurweb/config`) can be used to switch aurweb into maintenance mode. This disables both the Git/SSH interface and the web interface. The `maintenance-exceptions` variable can be used to reactivate access for certain IP addresses. Since changes to the database schema might temporarily break parts of the backend, it is recommended to always enable maintenance mode before performing an upgrade. To simplify the upgrade process, changes in the database schema (and other changes that require manual interaction) are documented in `upgrading/`. An exception are additions to the configuration file. It is recommended to always compare `/etc/aurweb/config` to `conf/config.defaults` when upgrading to a new release. Moreover, the aurweb Python modules and translations need to be reinstalled with every upgrade. To this end, run `python3 install` from the aurweb source tree and run `make install` in the `po/` subdirectory. Don't forget to always test all basic features first, then disable maintenance mode after performing an upgrade. Maintenance Scripts ------------------- aurweb includes scheduled maintenance routines to perform expensive computations and clean up the database: * aurweb-aurblup parses binary repositories and updates the `OfficialProviders` table. This table is used to identify AUR packages that depend on packages in the official repositories. It is also used to prevent users from uploading packages that are in the official repositories already. * aurweb-tuvotereminder sends out reminders to TUs if the voting period for a TU proposal ends soon. * aurweb-popupdate is used to recompute the popularity score of packages. * aurweb-pkgmaint automatically removes empty repositories that were created within the last 24 hours but never populated. * aurweb-mkpkglists generates the package list files. * aurweb-usermaint removes the last login IP address of all users that did not login within the past seven days. These scripts can be installed by running `python3 install` and are usually scheduled using Cron. The current setup is: ---- */5 * * * * aurweb-mkpkglists 1 */2 * * * aurweb-popupdate 2 */2 * * * aurweb-aurblup 3 */2 * * * aurweb-pkgmaint 4 */2 * * * aurweb-usermaint 5 */12 * * * aurweb-tuvotereminder ---- Advanced Administrative Features -------------------------------- Trusted Users can set the AUR_OVERWRITE environment variable to enable non-fast-forward pushes to the Git repositories. This feature is documented in `doc/git-interface.txt`. Rate limiting is used to prevent users from hammering the RPC interface. The `request_limit` and `window_length` options in the `ratelimit` section of the configuration file can be used to configure this feature. Recent accesses are stored in the `ApiRateLimit` table in the database. See commit 27654af (Add rate limit support to API, 2018-02-01) for details. The database contains a `PackageBlacklist` table. Package names added to this table will be rejected by the SSH/Git interface. This table can only be edited by a database administrator. The `Bans` table can be used to ban certain IP addresses from both the web and Git/SSH interface. This table can only be accessed by a database administrator.