aurweb RPC Interface ==================== Package Search -------------- Package searches can be performed by issuing HTTP GET requests of the form +/rpc/?v=5&type=search&by=_field_&arg=_keywords_+ where _keywords_ is the search argument and _field_ is one of the following values: * `name` (search by package name only) * `name-desc` (search by package name and description) * `maintainer` (search by package maintainer) * `depends` (search for packages that depend on _keywords_) * `makedepends` (search for packages that makedepend on _keywords_) * `optdepends` (search for packages that optdepend on _keywords_) * `checkdepends` (search for packages that checkdepend on _keywords_) The _by_ parameter can be skipped and defaults to `name-desc`. If a maintainer search is performed and the search argument is left empty, a list of orphan packages is returned. Package Details --------------- Package information can be obtained by issuing HTTP GET requests of the form +/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg[]=_pkg1_&arg[]=_pkg2_&...+ where _pkg1_, _pkg2_, ... are the names of packages to retrieve package details for. Examples -------- `search`:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=search&arg=foobar` `search` by maintainer:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=search&by=maintainer&arg=john` `search` packages that have _boost_ as `makedepends`:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=search&by=makedepends&arg=boost` `search` with callback:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=search&arg=foobar&callback=jsonp1192244621103` `search` with API Version 6 for packages containing `cookie` AND `milk`:: `/rpc/?v=6&type=search&arg=cookie%20milk` `search` with API Version 6 for packages containing `cookie milk`:: `/rpc/?v=6&type=search&arg="cookie milk"` `info`:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg[]=foobar` `info` with multiple packages:: `/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg[]=foo&arg[]=bar`