# This file is distributed under the same license as the AUR package.
# Translators:
# Angel Velasquez <angvp@archlinux.org>, 2011
# juantascon <juantascon@gmail.com>, 2011
# Lukas Fleischer <transifex@cryptocrack.de>, 2011
# neiko <neikokz+tsfx@gmail.com>, 2011
# Nicolás de la Torre <ndelatorre@gmail.com>, 2012
# Pablo Roberto Francisco Lezaeta Reyes <prflr88@gmail.com>, 2012,2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Arch User Repository (AUR)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=2\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-26 07:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-26 05:50+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukas Fleischer <transifex@cryptocrack.de>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (Latin America) (http://www.transifex.com/lfleischer/aur/language/es_419/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: es_419\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: html/404.php
msgid "Page Not Found"
msgstr "Página no encontrada"

#: html/404.php
msgid "Sorry, the page you've requested does not exist."
msgstr "Disculpe, la página que solicitó no existe."

#: html/503.php
msgid "Service Unavailable"
msgstr "Servicio no disponible"

#: html/503.php
msgid ""
"Don't panic! This site is down due to maintenance. We will be back soon."
msgstr "¡No se asustes! El sitio está desactivado por mantenimiento. Pronto volveremos."

#: html/account.php
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Cuenta"

#: html/account.php template/header.php
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Cuentas"

#: html/account.php html/addvote.php
msgid "You are not allowed to access this area."
msgstr "No está autorizado a acceder a esta área."

#: html/account.php
msgid "Could not retrieve information for the specified user."
msgstr "No se pudo obtener la información del usuario especificado."

#: html/account.php
msgid "You do not have permission to edit this account."
msgstr "No tiene permisos para editar esta cuenta."

#: html/account.php
msgid "Use this form to search existing accounts."
msgstr "Use este formulario para buscar cuentas existentes."

#: html/account.php
msgid "You must log in to view user information."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse para ver la información del usuario."

#: html/addvote.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "Add Proposal"
msgstr "Añadir propuesta"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Invalid token for user action."
msgstr "Elemento inválido para la acción del usuario."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Username does not exist."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario no existe."

#: html/addvote.php
#, php-format
msgid "%s already has proposal running for them."
msgstr "%s ya tiene una propuesta activa."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Invalid type."
msgstr "Tipo no válido."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Proposal cannot be empty."
msgstr "La propuesta no puede estar vacía."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "New proposal submitted."
msgstr "Nueva propuesta enviada."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Submit a proposal to vote on."
msgstr "Envíe una propuesta a la cual votar."

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Applicant/TU"
msgstr "Candidato/Usuario de confianza (TU)"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "(empty if not applicable)"
msgstr "(vacío si no aplica)"

#: html/addvote.php template/account_search_results.php
#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Addition of a TU"
msgstr "Agregar a un nuevo usuario de confianza"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Removal of a TU"
msgstr "Remover a un usuario de confianza"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Removal of a TU (undeclared inactivity)"
msgstr "Remover a un usuario de confianza (no declarado inactivo)"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Amendment of Bylaws"
msgstr "Enmienda a las Bylaws (Reglas de los TU)"

#: html/addvote.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "Proposal"
msgstr "Propuesta"

#: html/addvote.php
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Subir"

#: html/comaintainers.php
msgid "Manage Co-maintainers"
msgstr "Administrar coencargados"

#: html/commentedit.php template/pkg_comments.php
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr ""

#: html/home.php template/header.php
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Inicio"

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %sAUR User Guidelines%s and %sAUR TU "
"Guidelines%s for more information."
msgstr "¡Bienvenido al repositorio de usuarios de Arch! Lea la %sGuía del usuario del AUR%s y la %sGuía del usuario de confianza del AUR%s para mayor información."

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Contributed PKGBUILDs %smust%s conform to the %sArch Packaging Standards%s "
"otherwise they will be deleted!"
msgstr "Los PKGBUILD contribuidos %sdeben%s ser compatibles con el %sEstándar de empaquetado de Arch%s de otra forma serán borrados."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"
msgstr "¡Recuerde votar sus paquetes favoritos!"

#: html/home.php
msgid "Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."
msgstr "Algunos paquetes pueden estar disponibles de forma binaria en [community]."

#: html/home.php

#: html/home.php template/footer.php
msgid ""
"AUR packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at "
"your own risk."
msgstr ""

#: html/home.php
msgid "Learn more..."
msgstr "Aprenda más..."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Soporte"

#: html/home.php
msgid "Package Requests"
msgstr "Peticiones para los paquetes"

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There are three types of requests that can be filed in the %sPackage "
"Actions%s box on the package details page:"
msgstr "Existen tres tipos de peticiones que pueden presentarse en el recuadro %sAcciones del paquete%s en la página de detalles del paquete:"

#: html/home.php
msgid "Orphan Request"
msgstr "Petición de Orfandad"

#: html/home.php
msgid ""
"Request a package to be disowned, e.g. when the maintainer is inactive and "
"the package has been flagged out-of-date for a long time."
msgstr "Pedir la orfandad de un paquete, por ejemplo, cuando el encargado está inactivo y el paquete fue marcado como desactualizado un largo tiempo."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Deletion Request"
msgstr "Petición de Borrado"

#: html/home.php
msgid ""
"Request a package to be removed from the Arch User Repository. Please do not"
" use this if a package is broken and can be fixed easily. Instead, contact "
"the package maintainer and file orphan request if necessary."
msgstr "Pedir que un paquete sea borrado del Repositorio Usuarios de Arch. Por favor, no use esta opción si un paquete está roto y se puede arreglar fácilmente. En cambio, contacte con el encargado del paquete y presentar solicitud orfandad si es necesario."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Merge Request"
msgstr "Petición de Fusión"

#: html/home.php
msgid ""
"Request a package to be merged into another one. Can be used when a package "
"needs to be renamed or replaced by a split package."
msgstr "Pedir que se fusione un paquete en otro. Puede usarla cuando un paquete tiene que ser cambiado de nombre o sustituido por un paquete dividido."

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you want to discuss a request, you can use the %saur-requests%s mailing "
"list. However, please do not use that list to file requests."
msgstr "Si quiere discutir una petición, puede usar la lista de correo %saur-peticiones%s. Sin embargo, por favor no utilice esa lista para presentar solicitudes."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Submitting Packages"
msgstr "Subir paquetes"

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Git over SSH is now used to submit packages to the AUR. See the %sSubmitting"
" packages%s section of the Arch User Repository ArchWiki page for more "
msgstr "Ahora se usa Git sobre SSH para subir paquetes al AUR. Véase la sección %sSubir paquetes%s de la wiki del Repositorio de Usuarios de Arch para más información."

#: html/home.php
msgid "The following SSH fingerprints are used for the AUR:"
msgstr "Las siguientes huellas SSH están en uso para AUR."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Debate"

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"General discussion regarding the Arch User Repository (AUR) and Trusted User"
" structure takes place on %saur-general%s. For discussion relating to the "
"development of the AUR web interface, use the %saur-dev%s mailing list."
msgstr "La discusión general acerca del Repositorio de Usuarios de Arch (AUR) y la estructura de Usuarios de Confianza se realiza en la lista de correos %saur-general%s. Para discusiones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la interfaz web del AUR, utilice la lista de correo %saur-dev%s."

#: html/home.php
msgid "Bug Reporting"
msgstr "Informe de errores"

#: html/home.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you find a bug in the AUR web interface, please fill out a bug report on "
"our %sbug tracker%s. Use the tracker to report bugs in the AUR web interface"
" %sonly%s. To report packaging bugs contact the package maintainer or leave "
"a comment on the appropriate package page."
msgstr ""

#: html/home.php
msgid "Package Search"
msgstr "Buscar paquetes"

#: html/index.php
msgid "Adopt"
msgstr "Adoptar"

#: html/index.php
msgid "Vote"
msgstr "Votar"

#: html/index.php
msgid "UnVote"
msgstr "Retirar voto"

#: html/index.php template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Notify"
msgstr "Notificar"

#: html/index.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "UnNotify"
msgstr "Quitar notificación"

#: html/index.php
msgid "UnFlag"
msgstr "Desmarcar"

#: html/login.php template/header.php
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Autentificarse"

#: html/login.php
#, php-format
msgid "Logged-in as: %s"
msgstr "Autentificado como: %s"

#: html/login.php template/header.php
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Salir"

#: html/login.php
msgid "Enter login credentials"
msgstr "Introduce las credenciales de autentificación"

#: html/login.php
msgid "User name or email address"
msgstr ""

#: html/login.php template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"

#: html/login.php
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Recordarme"

#: html/login.php
msgid "Forgot Password"
msgstr "Olvidó su cotraseña"

#: html/login.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"HTTP login is disabled. Please %sswitch to HTTPs%s if you want to login."
msgstr "La autentificación por HTTP está deshabilitada. %scambie a HTTPS%s si desea autentificarse"

#: html/packages.php template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Search Criteria"
msgstr "Criterio de búsqueda"

#: html/packages.php template/header.php template/pkgbase_details.php
#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php template/stats/user_table.php
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Paquetes"

#: html/packages.php
msgid "Error trying to retrieve package details."
msgstr "No se pudieron recuperar los detalles del paquete."

#: html/passreset.php lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Missing a required field."
msgstr "Falta un campo obligatorio."

#: html/passreset.php lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Password fields do not match."
msgstr "Los campos de la contraseña no coinciden."

#: html/passreset.php lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "Your password must be at least %s characters."
msgstr "Su contraseña debe tener como mínimo %s letras."

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Invalid e-mail."
msgstr "Dirección de correo no válida."

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Reiniciar la contraseña"

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Check your e-mail for the confirmation link."
msgstr "Compruebe su correo para ver el enlace de confirmación."

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Your password has been reset successfully."
msgstr "Su contraseña ha sido reiniciada con éxito."

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Confirm your e-mail address:"
msgstr "Confirme su dirección de correo:"

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Enter your new password:"
msgstr "Ingrese su nueva contraseña:"

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Confirm your new password:"
msgstr "Confirme su nueva contraseña:"

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: html/passreset.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you have forgotten the e-mail address you used to register, please send a"
" message to the %saur-general%s mailing list."
msgstr "Si olvidó la dirección de correo que usó para registrarse, envíe un mensaje a la %slista de correo aur-general%s."

#: html/passreset.php
msgid "Enter your e-mail address:"
msgstr "Introduzca su dirección de correo:"

#: html/pkgbase.php
msgid "The selected packages have not been flagged, please enter a comment."
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgbase.php
msgid ""
"The selected packages have not been disowned, check the confirmation "
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados no fueron abandonados, marque la casilla de confirmación."

#: html/pkgbase.php lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Cannot find package to merge votes and comments into."
msgstr "No se puede encontrar el paquete para fusionar sus votos y  comentarios."

#: html/pkgbase.php lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Cannot merge a package base with itself."
msgstr "No se puede fusionar un paquete base consigo mismo."

#: html/pkgbase.php
msgid ""
"The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation "
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados no se borraron, compruebe la casilla de confirmación."

#: html/pkgdel.php
msgid "Package Deletion"
msgstr "Eliminación de paquetes"

#: html/pkgdel.php
#, php-format
msgid "Delete Package: %s"
msgstr "Borrar paquete: %s"

#: html/pkgdel.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this form to delete the package base %s%s%s and the following packages "
"from the AUR: "
msgstr "Use este formulario para borrar el paquete base %s%s%s y los siguientes paquetes en el AUR:"

#: html/pkgdel.php
msgid "Deletion of a package is permanent. "
msgstr "El borrado de un paquete es permanente."

#: html/pkgdel.php html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Select the checkbox to confirm action."
msgstr "Selecciona la casilla para confirmar la acción."

#: html/pkgdel.php
msgid "Confirm package deletion"
msgstr "Confirme el borrado del paquete"

#: html/pkgdel.php template/account_delete.php
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: html/pkgdel.php
msgid "Only Trusted Users and Developers can delete packages."
msgstr "Solo Usuarios de Confianza y Desarrolladores pueden borrar paquetes."

#: html/pkgdisown.php template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Disown Package"
msgstr "Abandonar paquete"

#: html/pkgdisown.php
#, php-format
msgid "Disown Package: %s"
msgstr "Abandonar paquete: %s"

#: html/pkgdisown.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this form to disown the package base %s%s%s which includes the following"
" packages: "
msgstr "Use este formulario para abandonar el paquete base %s %s %s que incluye los siguientes paquetes:"

#: html/pkgdisown.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"By selecting the checkbox, you confirm that you want to disown the package "
"and transfer ownership to %s%s%s."
msgstr "Al seleccionar la casilla de verificación, confirma que desea abandonar el paquete y transferir su propiedad a %s %s %s."

#: html/pkgdisown.php
msgid ""
"By selecting the checkbox, you confirm that you want to disown the package."
msgstr "Al seleccionar la casilla de verificación, confirma que desea abandonar el paquete."

#: html/pkgdisown.php
msgid "Confirm to disown the package"
msgstr "Confirme para abandonar el paquete"

#: html/pkgdisown.php
msgid "Disown"
msgstr "Abandonar"

#: html/pkgdisown.php
msgid "Only Trusted Users and Developers can disown packages."
msgstr "Solo Usuarios de Confianza y Desarrolladores pueden forzar el abandono de paquetes."

#: html/pkgflag.php
msgid "Flag Package Out-Of-Date"
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgflag.php
#, php-format
msgid "Flag Package Out-Of-Date: %s"
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgflag.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this form to flag the package base %s%s%s and the following packages "
"out-of-date: "
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgflag.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Please do %snot%s use this form to report bugs. Use the package comments "
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgflag.php
msgid ""
"Enter details on why the package is out-of-date below, preferably including "
"links to the release announcement or the new release tarball."
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgflag.php template/pkgreq_close_form.php template/pkgreq_form.php
#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentario"

#: html/pkgflag.php
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Marcar"

#: html/pkgflag.php
msgid "Only registered users can flag packages out-of-date."
msgstr ""

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Package Merging"
msgstr "Fusión de paquetes"

#: html/pkgmerge.php
#, php-format
msgid "Merge Package: %s"
msgstr "Fusionar paquete: %s"

#: html/pkgmerge.php
#, php-format
msgid "Use this form to merge the package base %s%s%s into another package. "
msgstr "Este formulario es para fusionar el paquete base %s%s%s en otro paquete."

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "The following packages will be deleted: "
msgstr "Los siguientes paquetes serán borrados:"

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Once the package has been merged it cannot be reversed. "
msgstr "Una vez fusionado el paquete este no se puede separar."

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Enter the package name you wish to merge the package into. "
msgstr "Introduzca el nombre del paquete que desea fusionar."

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Merge into:"
msgstr "Fusionar dentro:"

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Confirm package merge"
msgstr "Confirmar fusión de paquetes"

#: html/pkgmerge.php template/pkgreq_form.php
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Fusión"

#: html/pkgmerge.php
msgid "Only Trusted Users and Developers can merge packages."
msgstr "Solo Usuarios de Confianza y Desarrolladores pueden fusionar paquetes."

#: html/pkgreq.php template/pkgbase_actions.php template/pkgreq_form.php
msgid "File Request"
msgstr "Petición para el paquete"

#: html/pkgreq.php template/pkgreq_close_form.php
msgid "Close Request"
msgstr "Cerrar Petición"

#: html/pkgreq.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
msgid "First"
msgstr "Primero"

#: html/pkgreq.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Anterior"

#: html/pkgreq.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Siguiente"

#: html/pkgreq.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Last"
msgstr "Último"

#: html/pkgreq.php template/header.php
msgid "Requests"
msgstr "Petición"

#: html/register.php template/header.php
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registro"

#: html/register.php
msgid "Use this form to create an account."
msgstr "Use este formulario para crear una cuenta."

#: html/tu.php template/account_details.php template/header.php
msgid "Trusted User"
msgstr "Usuario de Confianza"

#: html/tu.php
msgid "Could not retrieve proposal details."
msgstr "No se han podido recuperar los detalles de la propuesta."

#: html/tu.php
msgid "Voting is closed for this proposal."
msgstr "Las votaciones para esta propuesta están cerradas."

#: html/tu.php
msgid "Only Trusted Users are allowed to vote."
msgstr "Solo Usuarios de Confianza pueden votar."

#: html/tu.php
msgid "You cannot vote in an proposal about you."
msgstr "No puede votar en una propuesta sobre usted."

#: html/tu.php
msgid "You've already voted for this proposal."
msgstr "Ya ha votado en esta propuesta."

#: html/tu.php
msgid "Vote ID not valid."
msgstr "El identificador del voto no es válido."

#: html/tu.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "Current Votes"
msgstr "Votos actuales"

#: html/tu.php
msgid "Past Votes"
msgstr "Últimos votos"

#: html/voters.php template/tu_details.php
msgid "Voters"
msgstr "Votantes"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid ""
"Account registration has been disabled for your IP address, probably due to "
"sustained spam attacks. Sorry for the inconvenience."
msgstr "El registro de nuevas cuentas está desabilitado para su dirección IP, probablemente debido a numerosos ataque de correo basura. Perdone los inconvenientes"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Missing User ID"
msgstr "Falta el identificador de usuario"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "The username is invalid."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario no es válido."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "It must be between %s and %s characters long"
msgstr "Debe tener entre %s y %s letras"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Start and end with a letter or number"
msgstr "Comenzar y acabar con una letra o número"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."
msgstr "Solo puede contener un punto, guion bajo o guion."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "The email address is invalid."
msgstr "La dirección de correo no es válida."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "The PGP key fingerprint is invalid."
msgstr "La huella digital PGP no es válida."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "The SSH public key is invalid."
msgstr "La clave pública SSH no es válida."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Cannot increase account permissions."
msgstr "No se puede incrementar los permisos de la cuenta."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Language is not currently supported."
msgstr "El idioma no está soportado actualmente."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "The username, %s%s%s, is already in use."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario, %s%s%s, ya está en uso."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "The address, %s%s%s, is already in use."
msgstr "La dirección, %s%s%s, ya está en uso."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "The SSH public key, %s%s%s, is already in use."
msgstr "La clave pública SSH %s%s%s ya está en uso."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "Error trying to create account, %s%s%s."
msgstr "Error tratando de crear la cuenta, %s%s%s"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "The account, %s%s%s, has been successfully created."
msgstr "La cuenta, %s%s%s, fue creada satisfactoriamente."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "A password reset key has been sent to your e-mail address."
msgstr "Una llave para reiniciar su contraseña a sido enviada a su correo."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Click on the Login link above to use your account."
msgstr "Haz clic en el enlace de autentificación para usar su cuenta."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "No changes were made to the account, %s%s%s."
msgstr "No se realizaron cambios a la cuenta, %s%s%s."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "The account, %s%s%s, has been successfully modified."
msgstr "La cuenta, %s%s%s, fue modificada satisfactoriamente"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid ""
"The login form is currently disabled for your IP address, probably due to "
"sustained spam attacks. Sorry for the inconvenience."
msgstr "El formulario de registro ha sido deshabilitado para su dirección IP, probablemente debido a numerosos ataque de correo basura. Perdone los inconvenientes"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Account suspended"
msgstr "Cuenta suspendida"

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your password has been reset. If you just created a new account, please use "
"the link from the confirmation email to set an initial password. Otherwise, "
"please request a reset key on the %sPassword Reset%s page."
msgstr "Su contraseña ha sido reiniciada, si creó una nueva cuenta, use el enlace inferior para confirmar el correo y así crear su contraseña inicial. En caso contrario, pida un reinicio de contraseña en la página para %sreiniciar las contraseñas%s."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Bad username or password."
msgstr "Contraseña o nombre de usuario erróneos."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "An error occurred trying to generate a user session."
msgstr "Un error ocurrió intentando generar la sesión."

#: lib/acctfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Invalid e-mail and reset key combination."
msgstr "Combinación de dirección de correo y clave no válida."

#: lib/aur.inc.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nada"

#: lib/aur.inc.php template/pkgreq_results.php template/pkg_search_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "View account information for %s"
msgstr "Ver información de la cuenta para %s"

#: lib/aurjson.class.php
msgid "Package base ID or package base name missing."
msgstr ""

#: lib/aurjson.class.php lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this comment."
msgstr ""

#: lib/aurjson.class.php
msgid "Comment does not exist."
msgstr ""

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Comment cannot be empty."
msgstr ""

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Comment has been added."
msgstr "Se ha añadido el comentario."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Error retrieving package details."
msgstr "Error al recuperar los detalles del paquete."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Package details could not be found."
msgstr "Los detalles del paquete no se pudieron encontrar."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can flag packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder marcar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to flag."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para marcar."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido marcados como desactualizados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder desmarcar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to unflag."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para desmarcar."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The selected packages have been unflagged."
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido desmarcados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You do not have permission to delete packages."
msgstr "No posee los permisos para borrar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to delete."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para borrar."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The selected packages have been deleted."
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados se han borrado."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder adoptar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can disown packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder abandonar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to adopt."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para adoptar."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to disown."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para ser abandonado."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The selected packages have been adopted."
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido adoptados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The selected packages have been disowned."
msgstr "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido abandonados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder votar paquetes."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de poder quitar votos a los paquetes"

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You did not select any packages to vote for."
msgstr "No seleccionó ningún paquete para votarlo."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."
msgstr "Sus votos han sido eliminados de los paquetes seleccionados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."
msgstr "Sus votos se añadieron a los paquetes seleccionados."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Couldn't add to notification list."
msgstr "No se pudo añadir a la lista de notificaciones."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."
msgstr "Ha sido añadido a la lista de notificaciones de comentarios de %s."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."
msgstr "Ha sido eliminado de la lista de notificaciones de comentarios de %s."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in before you can edit package information."
msgstr "Debe autentificarse antes de editar la información del paquete."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Missing comment ID."
msgstr "Falta el identificador del comentario."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Comment has been deleted."
msgstr "Comentario borrado."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this comment."
msgstr "No está autorizado a borrar este comentario."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "Comment has been edited."
msgstr ""

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You are not allowed to edit the keywords of this package base."
msgstr "No está autorizado para editar las palabras clave de este paquete base."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The package base keywords have been updated."
msgstr "Las palabras clave del paquete base actualizaron ."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "You are not allowed to manage co-maintainers of this package base."
msgstr "No tiene permitido administrar los coencargados de este paquete base."

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid user name: %s"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario no válido: %s"

#: lib/pkgbasefuncs.inc.php
msgid "The package base co-maintainers have been updated."
msgstr "Los coencargados del paquete base fueron actualizados."

#: lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php template/pkgbase_details.php
msgid "View packages details for"
msgstr "Ver detalles del paquete para"

#: lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
#, php-format
msgid "requires %s"
msgstr ""

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "You must be logged in to file package requests."
msgstr "Debe estar identificado para realizar peticiones para el paquete."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."
msgstr "Nombre no válido: solo se permiten letras minúsculas."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "The comment field must not be empty."
msgstr "El campo de comentarios no debe estar vacío."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Invalid request type."
msgstr "Tipo de petición no válida."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Added request successfully."
msgstr "Petición agregada con éxito."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Invalid reason."
msgstr "Razón no válida."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Only TUs and developers can close requests."
msgstr "Solo Usuarios de Confianza y Desarrolladores pueden cerrar una petición."

#: lib/pkgreqfuncs.inc.php
msgid "Request closed successfully."
msgstr "Petición cerrada exitosamente"

#: template/account_delete.php
#, php-format
msgid "You can use this form to permanently delete the AUR account %s."
msgstr "Puede usar este formulario para borrar la cuenta de %s en AUR permanentemente."

#: template/account_delete.php
#, php-format
msgid "%sWARNING%s: This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "%sADVERTENCIA%s: Esta acción no puede deshacerse."

#: template/account_delete.php
msgid "Confirm deletion"
msgstr "Confirmar borrado"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/account_search_results.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Account Type"
msgstr "Tipo de cuenta"

#: template/account_details.php template/tu_details.php
#: template/tu_last_votes_list.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "User"
msgstr "Usuario"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Desarrollador"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Trusted User & Developer"
msgstr "Usuarios de Confianza y desarrolladores"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "hidden"
msgstr ""

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/account_search_results.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Real Name"
msgstr "Nombre real"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/account_search_results.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "IRC Nick"
msgstr "Alias de IRC"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_edit_form.php
#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "PGP Key Fingerprint"
msgstr "Huella digital PGP"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_search_results.php
#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "Inactive since"
msgstr "Inactivo desde"

#: template/account_details.php template/account_search_results.php
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activo"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "Last Login"
msgstr "Última autentificación"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nunca"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "View this user's packages"
msgstr "Ver los paquetes de este usuario"

#: template/account_details.php
msgid "Edit this user's account"
msgstr "Editar la cuenta de este usuario"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
#, php-format
msgid "Click %shere%s if you want to permanently delete this account."
msgstr "Haga clic %saquí%s si desea borrar permanentemente esa cuenta."

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "required"
msgstr "obligatorio"

#: template/account_edit_form.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Normal user"
msgstr "Usuario normal"

#: template/account_edit_form.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Trusted user"
msgstr "Usuario de Confianza"

#: template/account_edit_form.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Account Suspended"
msgstr "Cuenta suspendida"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Inactivo"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid ""
"Please ensure you correctly entered your email address, otherwise you will "
"be locked out."
msgstr ""

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Hide Email Address"
msgstr ""

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Re-type password"
msgstr "Reescriba la contraseña"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Idioma"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid ""
"The following information is only required if you want to submit packages to"
" the Arch User Repository."
msgstr "La siguiente información es necesaria únicamente si quiere subir paquetes al Repositorio de Usuarios de Arch."

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "SSH Public Key"
msgstr "Clave pública SSH"

#: template/account_edit_form.php template/pkgbase_details.php
#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: template/account_edit_form.php
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"

#: template/account_edit_form.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Limpiar"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "No results matched your search criteria."
msgstr "No se encontraron resultados que coincidan con su criterio de búsqueda."

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "Edit Account"
msgstr "Editar cuenta"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "Suspendido"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Menos"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "More"
msgstr "Más"

#: template/account_search_results.php
msgid "No more results to display."
msgstr "No hay más resultados que mostrar."

#: template/comaintainers_form.php
#, php-format
msgid "Manage Co-maintainers: %s"
msgstr "Administrar coencargados: %s"

#: template/comaintainers_form.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this form to add co-maintainers for %s%s%s (one user name per line):"
msgstr "Use este formulario para agregar coencargados para %s%s%s (un nombre de usuario por línea):"

#: template/comaintainers_form.php
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Usuarios"

#: template/comaintainers_form.php template/pkg_comment_form.php
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"

#: template/header.php
msgid "My Packages"
msgstr "Mis paquetes"

#: template/header.php
msgid " My Account"
msgstr "Mi cuenta"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Package Actions"
msgstr "Acciones del paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "View PKGBUILD"
msgstr "Ver PKGBUILD"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "View Changes"
msgstr "Ver cambios"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Download snapshot"
msgstr "Descargar instantánea"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Search wiki"
msgstr "Buscar en la wiki"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Flagged out-of-date"
msgstr "Marcado como desactualizado"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Flag package out-of-date"
msgstr "Marcar paquete como desactualizado"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Unflag package"
msgstr "Desmarcar paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Remove vote"
msgstr "Eliminar voto"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Vote for this package"
msgstr "Votar por este paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Disable notifications"
msgstr "Deshabilitar notificaciones"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Notify of new comments"
msgstr "Notificación de nuevos comentarios"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Manage Co-Maintainers"
msgstr "Administrar coencargados"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
#, php-format
msgid "%d pending request"
msgid_plural "%d pending requests"
msgstr[0] "Hay %d petición pendiente"
msgstr[1] "Hay %d peticiones pendientes"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Delete Package"
msgstr "Borrar paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Merge Package"
msgstr "Fusionar paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_actions.php
msgid "Adopt Package"
msgstr "Adoptar paquete"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkgreq_results.php template/tu_details.php
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "desconocido"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php
msgid "Package Base Details"
msgstr "Detalles del paquete base"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Git Clone URL"
msgstr "URL de clonado con Git"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "read-only"
msgstr "Solo lectura"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Palabras claves"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Submitter"
msgstr "Primer encargado"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Encargado"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Last Packager"
msgstr "Último encargado"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Votes"
msgstr "Votos"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Popularity"
msgstr "Popularidad"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "First Submitted"
msgstr "Fecha de creación"

#: template/pkgbase_details.php template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Última actualización"

#: template/pkg_comment_box.php
#, php-format
msgid "Edit comment for: %s"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_comment_box.php template/pkg_comment_form.php
msgid "Add Comment"
msgstr "Agregar comentario"

#: template/pkg_comments.php
msgid "View all comments"
msgstr "Ver todos los comentarios"

#: template/pkg_comments.php
msgid "Latest Comments"
msgstr "Últimos comentarios"

#: template/pkg_comments.php
#, php-format
msgid "%s commented on %s"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_comments.php
#, php-format
msgid "Anonymous comment on %s"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_comments.php
#, php-format
msgid "deleted on %s by %s"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_comments.php
#, php-format
msgid "last edited on %s by %s"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_comments.php
msgid "Delete comment"
msgstr "Borrar comentario"

#: template/pkg_comments.php
msgid "All comments"
msgstr "Todos los comentarios"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Package Details"
msgstr "Detalles del paquete"

#: template/pkg_details.php template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Package Base"
msgstr "Paquete base"

#: template/pkg_details.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Upstream URL"
msgstr "Desarrollador principal"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Visit the website for"
msgstr "Visita el sitio web de"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licencias"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupos"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Conflicts"
msgstr "Conflictos"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Provides"
msgstr "Proveen"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Replaces"
msgstr "Remplazan"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Dependencias"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Required by"
msgstr "Requerido por"

#: template/pkg_details.php
msgid "Sources"
msgstr "Fuentes"

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php
#, php-format
msgid "Close Request: %s"
msgstr "Cerrar petición: %s"

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php
#, php-format
msgid "Use this form to close the request for package base %s%s%s."
msgstr "Use este formulario para cerrar la petición para el paquete base %s%s%s."

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php
msgid ""
"The comments field can be left empty. However, it is highly recommended to "
"add a comment when rejecting a request."
msgstr "El campo de comentarios se puede dejar vacío. Sin embargo, se recomienda encarecidamente añadir un comentario al rechazar una petición."

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Razón"

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php template/pkgreq_results.php
#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Accepted"
msgstr "Aceptado"

#: template/pkgreq_close_form.php template/pkgreq_results.php
#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Rechazado"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php
#, php-format
msgid "File Request: %s"
msgstr "Petición para el paquete: %s"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this form to file a request against package base %s%s%s which includes "
"the following packages:"
msgstr "Use este formulario para presentar una petición para el paquete base %s%s%s el cual incluye los siguientes paquetes:"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php
msgid "Request type"
msgstr "Tipo de petición"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php
msgid "Deletion"
msgstr "Borrado"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php
msgid "Orphan"
msgstr "Orfandad"

#: template/pkgreq_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Merge into"
msgstr "Fusionar en"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "%d package request found."
msgid_plural "%d package requests found."
msgstr[0] "Se encontró %d solicitud para el paquete."
msgstr[1] "Se encontraron %d solicitudes para el paquete."

#: template/pkgreq_results.php template/pkg_search_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "Page %d of %d."
msgstr "Página %d de %d."

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Paquete"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Filed by"
msgstr "Solicitado por"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "~%d days left"
msgstr "Aprox. %d días restantes"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "~%d hour left"
msgid_plural "~%d hours left"
msgstr[0] "Aprox. %d hora restante"
msgstr[1] "Aprox. %d horas restantes"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "<1 hour left"
msgstr "< 1 hora restante"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Aceptar"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueada"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"

#: template/pkgreq_results.php
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Cerrada"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Name, Description"
msgstr "Nombre, descripción"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Name Only"
msgstr "Solo nombre"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Exact Name"
msgstr "Nombre exacto"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Exact Package Base"
msgstr "Paquete base exacto"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "All"
msgstr "Todos"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Flagged"
msgstr "Marcados"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Not Flagged"
msgstr "No marcados"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
#: template/tu_details.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "Voted"
msgstr "Votado"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Last modified"
msgstr ""

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Ascendente"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Descendente"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Enter search criteria"
msgstr "Introduzca el criterio de búsqueda"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Search by"
msgstr "Buscar por"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/stats/user_table.php
msgid "Out of Date"
msgstr "Desactualizado"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Ordenar por"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Sort order"
msgstr "Orden"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Per page"
msgstr "Por página"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Ir"

#: template/pkg_search_form.php
msgid "Orphans"
msgstr "Huérfanos"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Error retrieving package list."
msgstr "Error al recuperar la lista de paquetes."

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "No packages matched your search criteria."
msgstr "Ningún paquete coincide con su criterio de búsqueda."

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
#, php-format
msgid "%d package found."
msgid_plural "%d packages found."
msgstr[0] "%d paquete fue encontrado."
msgstr[1] "%d paquetes fueron encontrados."

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versión"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid ""
"Popularity is calculated as the sum of all votes with each vote being "
"weighted with a factor of 0.98 per day since its creation."
msgstr "La Popularidad es calculada como la suma de todos los votos ponderados con un factor de 0,98 por día desde la creación del paquete."

#: template/pkg_search_results.php template/tu_details.php
#: template/tu_list.php
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "orphan"
msgstr "huérfano"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Acciones"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Flag Out-of-date"
msgstr "Marcar como desactualizado"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Unflag Out-of-date"
msgstr "Marcar como actualizado"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Adopt Packages"
msgstr "Adoptar paquetes"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Disown Packages"
msgstr "Abandonar paquetes"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Delete Packages"
msgstr "Borrar paquetes"

#: template/pkg_search_results.php
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmar"

#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Any type"
msgstr "Cualquier tipo"

#: template/search_accounts_form.php
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estadísticas"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Orphan Packages"
msgstr "Paquetes huérfanos"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Packages added in the past 7 days"
msgstr "Paquetes nuevos en los últimos 7 días"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Packages updated in the past 7 days"
msgstr "Paquetes actualizados en los últimos 7 días"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Packages updated in the past year"
msgstr "Paquetes actualizados el último año"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Packages never updated"
msgstr "Paquetes que nunca se han actualizado"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Registered Users"
msgstr "Usuarios registrados"

#: template/stats/general_stats_table.php
msgid "Trusted Users"
msgstr "Usuarios de Confianza"

#: template/stats/updates_table.php
msgid "Recent Updates"
msgstr "Actualizaciones recientes"

#: template/stats/user_table.php
msgid "My Statistics"
msgstr "Mis estadísticas"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Proposal Details"
msgstr "Detalles de la propuesta"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "This vote is still running."
msgstr "Aún se puede votar."

#: template/tu_details.php
#, php-format
msgid "Submitted: %s by %s"
msgstr "Subido: %s por %s"

#: template/tu_details.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "End"
msgstr "Fin"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Resultado"

#: template/tu_details.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Abstain"
msgstr "Abstenerse"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

#: template/tu_details.php
msgid "Participation"
msgstr "Participación"

#: template/tu_last_votes_list.php
msgid "Last Votes by TU"
msgstr "Último voto del usuario de confianza"

#: template/tu_last_votes_list.php
msgid "Last vote"
msgstr "Último voto"

#: template/tu_last_votes_list.php template/tu_list.php
msgid "No results found."
msgstr "No se han encontrado resultados."

#: template/tu_list.php
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Inicio"

#: template/tu_list.php
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Atrás"