#!/usr/bin/python3 import configparser import email.mime.text import mysql.connector import os import smtplib import subprocess import sys import textwrap config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.read(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../conf/config') aur_db_host = config.get('database', 'host') aur_db_name = config.get('database', 'name') aur_db_user = config.get('database', 'user') aur_db_pass = config.get('database', 'password') aur_db_socket = config.get('database', 'socket') aur_location = config.get('options', 'aur_location') aur_request_ml = config.get('options', 'aur_request_ml') sendmail = config.get('notifications', 'sendmail') sender = config.get('notifications', 'sender') reply_to = config.get('notifications', 'reply-to') def send_notification(to, subject, body, cc=None, reference=None): body = str.join('\n', [textwrap.fill(line) for line in body.splitlines()]) for recipient in to: msg = email.mime.text.MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = sender msg['Reply-to'] = reply_to msg['To'] = recipient if cc: msg['Cc'] = str.join(', ', cc) if reference: msg['In-Reply-To'] = reference msg['References'] = reference p = subprocess.Popen([sendmail, '-t', '-oi'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate(msg.as_bytes()) def username_from_id(cur, uid): cur.execute('SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE ID = %s', [uid]) return cur.fetchone()[0] def pkgbase_from_id(cur, pkgbase_id): cur.execute('SELECT Name FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = %s', [pkgbase_id]) return cur.fetchone()[0] def pkgbase_from_pkgreq(cur, reqid): cur.execute('SELECT PackageBaseID FROM PackageRequests WHERE ID = %s', [reqid]) return cur.fetchone()[0] def get_maintainer_email(cur, pkgbase_id): cur.execute('SELECT Users.Email FROM Users ' + 'INNER JOIN PackageBases ' + 'ON PackageBases.MaintainerUID = Users.ID WHERE ' + 'PackageBases.ID = %s', [pkgbase_id]) return cur.fetchone()[0] def get_recipients(cur, pkgbase_id, uid): cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT Users.Email FROM Users ' + 'INNER JOIN CommentNotify ' + 'ON CommentNotify.UserID = Users.ID WHERE ' + 'CommentNotify.UserID != %s AND ' + 'CommentNotify.PackageBaseID = %s', [uid, pkgbase_id]) return [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] def get_request_recipients(cur, pkgbase_id, uid): cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT Users.Email FROM Users ' + 'INNER JOIN PackageBases ' + 'ON PackageBases.MaintainerUID = Users.ID WHERE ' + 'Users.ID = %s OR PackageBases.ID = %s', [uid, pkgbase_id]) return [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] def send_resetkey(cur, uid): cur.execute('SELECT UserName, Email, ResetKey FROM Users WHERE ID = %s', [uid]) username, to, resetkey = cur.fetchone() subject = 'AUR Password Reset' body = 'A password reset request was submitted for the account %s ' \ 'associated with your email address. If you wish to reset your ' \ 'password follow the link [1] below, otherwise ignore this ' \ 'message and nothing will happen.' % (username) body += '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + aur_location + '/passreset/?resetkey=' + resetkey send_notification([to], subject, body) def welcome(cur, uid): cur.execute('SELECT UserName, Email, ResetKey FROM Users WHERE ID = %s', [uid]) username, to, resetkey = cur.fetchone() subject = 'Welcome to the Arch User Repository' body = 'Welcome to the Arch User Repository! In order to set an initial ' \ 'password for your new account, please click the link [1] below. ' \ 'If the link does not work, try copying and pasting it into your ' \ 'browser.' body += '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + aur_location + '/passreset/?resetkey=' + resetkey send_notification([to], subject, body) def comment(cur, uid, pkgbase_id): user = username_from_id(cur, uid) pkgbase = pkgbase_from_id(cur, pkgbase_id) to = get_recipients(cur, pkgbase_id, uid) text = sys.stdin.read() uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + pkgbase + '/' user_uri = aur_location + '/account/' + user + '/' pkgbase_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + pkgbase + '/' subject = 'AUR Comment for %s' % (pkgbase) body = '%s [1] added the following comment to %s [2]:' % (user, pkgbase) body += '\n\n' + text + '\n\n' body += 'If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this ' \ 'package, please go to the package page [2] and select "%s".' % \ ('Disable notifications') body += '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + pkgbase_uri thread_id = '' send_notification(to, subject, body, reference=thread_id) def flag(cur, uid, pkgbase_id): user = username_from_id(cur, uid) pkgbase = pkgbase_from_id(cur, pkgbase_id) to = [get_maintainer_email(cur, pkgbase_id)] text = sys.stdin.read() user_uri = aur_location + '/account/' + user + '/' pkgbase_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + pkgbase + '/' subject = 'AUR Out-of-date Notification for %s' % (pkgbase) body = 'Your package %s [1] has been flagged out-of-date by %s [2]:' % \ (pkgbase, user) body += '\n\n' + text + '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + pkgbase_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + user_uri send_notification(to, subject, body) def delete(cur, uid, old_pkgbase_id, new_pkgbase_id=None): user = username_from_id(cur, uid) old_pkgbase = pkgbase_from_id(cur, old_pkgbase_id) if new_pkgbase_id: new_pkgbase = pkgbase_from_id(cur, new_pkgbase_id) to = get_recipients(cur, old_pkgbase_id, uid) user_uri = aur_location + '/account/' + user + '/' pkgbase_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + pkgbase + '/' subject = 'AUR Package deleted: %s' % (old_pkgbase) if new_pkgbase_id: new_pkgbase_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + new_pkgbase + '/' body = '%s [1] merged %s [2] into %s [3].\n\n' \ 'You will no longer receive notifications about this ' \ 'package, please go to [3] and click "%s" if you wish to ' \ 'receive them again.' % \ (user, old_pkgbase, new_pkgbase, 'Notify of new comments') body += '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + pkgbase_uri + '\n' body += '[3] ' + new_pkgbase_uri else: body = '%s [1] deleted %s [2].\n\n' \ 'You will no longer receive notifications about this ' \ 'package.' % (user, old_pkgbase) body += '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + pkgbase_uri send_notification(to, subject, body) def request_open(cur, uid, reqid, reqtype, pkgbase_id, merge_into=None): user = username_from_id(cur, uid) pkgbase = pkgbase_from_id(cur, pkgbase_id) to = [aur_request_ml] cc = get_request_recipients(cur, pkgbase_id, uid) text = sys.stdin.read() user_uri = aur_location + '/account/' + user + '/' pkgbase_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + pkgbase + '/' subject = '[PRQ#%d] %s Request for %s' % \ (int(reqid), reqtype.title(), pkgbase) if merge_into: merge_into_uri = aur_location + '/pkgbase/' + merge_into + '/' body = '%s [1] filed a request to merge %s [2] into %s [3]:' % \ (user, pkgbase, merge_into) body += '\n\n' + text + '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + pkgbase_uri + '\n' body += '[3] ' + merge_into_uri else: body = '%s [1] filed a %s request for %s [2]:' % \ (user, reqtype, pkgbase) body += '\n\n' + text + '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri + '\n' body += '[2] ' + pkgbase_uri + '\n' thread_id = '' send_notification(to, subject, body, cc, thread_id) def request_close(cur, uid, reqid, reason): user = username_from_id(cur, uid) pkgbase_id = pkgbase_from_pkgreq(cur, reqid) to = [aur_request_ml] cc = get_request_recipients(cur, pkgbase_id, uid) text = sys.stdin.read() user_uri = aur_location + '/account/' + user + '/' subject = '[PRQ#%d] Request %s' % (int(reqid), reason.title()) body = 'Request #%d has been %s by %s [1]' % (int(reqid), reason, user) if text.strip() == '': body += '.\n\n' else: body += ':\n\n' + text + '\n\n' body += '[1] ' + user_uri thread_id = '' send_notification(to, subject, body, cc, thread_id) if __name__ == '__main__': action = sys.argv[1] action_map = { 'send-resetkey': send_resetkey, 'welcome': welcome, 'comment': comment, 'flag': flag, 'delete': delete, 'request-open': request_open, 'request-close': request_close, } db = mysql.connector.connect(host=aur_db_host, user=aur_db_user, passwd=aur_db_pass, db=aur_db_name, unix_socket=aur_db_socket, buffered=True) cur = db.cursor() action_map[action](cur, *sys.argv[2:]) db.commit() db.close()