#!/usr/bin/python -O # # Description: # ------------ # This is the server-side portion of the Trusted User package # manager. This program will receive uploads from its client-side # couterpart, tupkg. Once a package is received and verified, it # is placed in a specified temporary incoming directory where # a separate script will handle migrating it to the AUR. For # more information, see the ../README.txt file. # # Python Indentation: # ------------------- # For a vim: line to be effective, it must be at the end of the # file. See the end of the file for more information. import sys import socket import threading import select import struct import cgi import urllib import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.connections import ConfigParser import getopt import os.path import os import time from hashlib import md5 CONFIGFILE = '/etc/tupkgs.conf' config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() class ClientFile: def __init__(self, filename, actual_size, actual_md5): self.pathname = os.path.join(confdict['incomingdir'], filename) self.filename = filename self.fd = open(self.pathname, "a+b") self.actual_size = actual_size self.actual_md5 = actual_md5 self.getSize() self.orig_size = self.size def getSize(self): cur = self.fd.tell() self.fd.seek(0,2) self.size = self.fd.tell() self.fd.seek(cur) def makeMd5(self): m = md5(); cur = self.fd.tell() self.getSize() self.fd.seek(0) while self.fd.tell() != self.size: m.update(self.fd.read(1024)) self.fd.seek(cur) self.md5 = m.hexdigest() def finishDownload(self): self.fd.close() newpathname = os.path.join(confdict['cachedir'], self.filename) os.rename(self.pathname, newpathname) self.pathname = newpathname self.fd = open(self.pathname, "a+b") def delete(self): self.fd.close() os.remove(self.pathname) class ClientSocket(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sock, **other): threading.Thread.__init__(self, *other) self.socket = sock self.running = 1 self.files = [] def close(self): self.running = 0 def reliableRead(self, size): totalread = "" while len(totalread) < size: read = self.socket.recv(size-len(totalread)) if len(read) == 0: raise RuntimeError, "socket connection broken" totalread += read return totalread def sendMsg(self, msg): if type(msg) == dict: msg = urllib.urlencode(msg,1) length = struct.pack("H", socket.htons(len(msg))) self.socket.sendall(length) self.socket.sendall(msg) def readMsg(self, format=0): initsize = self.reliableRead(2) (length,) = struct.unpack("H", initsize) length = socket.ntohs(length) data = self.reliableRead(length) if format == 1: qs = cgi.parse_qs(data) return qs else: return data def auth(self): authdata = self.readMsg(1) if (authdata.has_key('username')): print "Trying connection for user %s" % authdata['username'] if (not authdata.has_key('username')) or (not authdata.has_key('password')): self.sendMsg("result=FAIL") return 0 print "Connecting to MySQL database" dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host=config.get('mysql', 'host'), user=config.get('mysql', 'username'), passwd=config.get('mysql', 'password'), db=config.get('mysql', 'db')) q = dbconn.cursor() m = md5(); m.update(authdata['password'][0]) encpw = m.hexdigest() try: q.execute("SELECT ID, Suspended, AccountTypeID FROM Users WHERE Username = '"+ MySQLdb.escape_string(authdata['username'][0])+ "' AND Passwd = '"+ MySQLdb.escape_string(encpw)+ "'") dbconn.close() except : self.sendMsg("result=SQLERR") return 0 if q.rowcount == 0: self.sendMsg("result=FAIL") return 0 row = q.fetchone() if row[1] != 0: self.sendMsg("result=FAIL") return 0 if row[2] not in (2, 3): self.sendMsg("result=FAIL") return 0 self.sendMsg("result=PASS") return 1 def readFileMeta(self): files = self.readMsg(1) print files # Actually do file checking, et al for i in range(int(files['numpkgs'][0])): self.files.append(ClientFile(files['name'+str(i)][0], int(files['size'+str(i)][0]), files['md5sum'+str(i)][0])) new_files = files.copy() for i in files: if i[:4] == 'size': clientfile = self.files[int(i[4:])] new_files[i] = str(clientfile.orig_size) if i[:6] == 'md5sum': del new_files[i] self.sendMsg(new_files) def readFiles(self): for i in self.files: count = i.orig_size while count != i.actual_size: if count + 1024 > i.actual_size: i.fd.write(self.reliableRead(i.actual_size - count)) count += i.actual_size - count else: i.fd.write(self.reliableRead(1024)) count += 1024 i.fd.flush() reply = {'numpkgs': len(self.files)} for i, v in enumerate(self.files): v.makeMd5() if v.actual_md5 == v.md5: reply['md5sum'+str(i)] = "PASS" v.finishDownload() else: reply['md5sum'+str(i)] = "FAIL" v.delete() self.sendMsg(reply) print self.readMsg() def run(self): try: if not self.auth(): print "Error authenticating." self.close() return self.readFileMeta() self.readFiles() except RuntimeError, err: if err.__str__() == "socket connection broken": print "Client disconnected, cleaning up" self.close() return class ServerSocket(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, port, maxqueue, **other): threading.Thread.__init__(self, *other) self.running = 1 self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.bind(('', port)) self.socket.listen(maxqueue) self.clients = [] def _clean(self, client): if not client.isAlive(): return 0 return 1 def close(self): self.socket.close() self.running = 0 def run(self): while self.running: sread, swrite, serror = select.select([self.socket],[self.socket],[self.socket],1) if sread: (clientsocket, address) = self.socket.accept() print time.asctime(time.gmtime()) print "New connection from " + str(address) ct = ClientSocket(clientsocket) ct.start() self.clients.append(ct) self.clients = filter(self._clean, self.clients) self.socket.close() [x.close() for x in self.clients] [x.join() for x in self.clients] def usage(name): print "usage: " + name + " [options]" print "options:" print " -c, --config Specify an alternate config file (default " + CONFIGFILE + ")" def getDefaultConfig(): confdict = {} confdict['port'] = 1034 confdict['cachedir'] = '/var/cache/tupkgs/' confdict['incomingdir'] = '/var/cache/tupkgs/incomplete/' confdict['maxqueue'] = 5 return confdict confdict = getDefaultConfig() def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "c:", ["config="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) return 1 conffile = CONFIGFILE for i, k in optlist: if i in ('-c', '--config'): conffile = k if not os.path.isfile(conffile): print "Error: cannot access config file ("+conffile+")" usage(argv[0]) return 1 config.read(conffile) running = 1 print "Parsing config file" if config.has_section('tupkgs'): if config.has_option('tupkgs', 'port'): confdict['port'] = config.getint('tupkgs', 'port') if config.has_option('tupkgs', 'maxqueue'): confdict['maxqueue'] = config.getint('tupkgs', 'maxqueue') if config.has_option('tupkgs', 'cachedir'): confdict['cachedir'] = config.get('tupkgs', 'cachedir') if config.has_option('tupkgs', 'incomingdir'): confdict['incomingdir'] = config.get('tupkgs', 'incomingdir') print "Verifying "+confdict['cachedir']+" and "+confdict['incomingdir']+" exist" if not os.path.isdir(confdict['cachedir']): print "Creating "+confdict['cachedir'] os.mkdir(confdict['cachedir'], 0755) if not os.path.isdir(confdict['incomingdir']): print "Creating "+confdict['incomingdir'] os.mkdir(confdict['incomingdir'], 0755) print "Starting ServerSocket" servsock = ServerSocket(confdict['port'], confdict['maxqueue']) servsock.start() try: while running: # Maybe do stuff here? time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: running = 0 print "Waiting for threads to die" servsock.close() servsock.join() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # Python Indentation: # ------------------- # Use tabs not spaces. If you use vim, the following comment will # configure it to use tabs. # # vim:noet:ts=2 sw=2 ft=python