1. Translation files are now gettext compatible and need to be compiled after
each AUR upgrade by running `make install` in the "po/" directory.

2. Remove the "NewPkgNotify" column from the "Users" table:


3. Fix up issues with depends performance on large dataset.

ALTER TABLE PackageDepends ADD INDEX (DepName);

4. Rename "web/lib/config.inc" to "web/lib/config.inc.php".

5. Merge "web/lib/config.inc.php.proto" with "web/lib/config.inc.php".

6. Run the upload directory transform script ("scripts/uploadbuckets.sh") and
rotate the converted directory structure into place.

7. In order to to provide backward compatible package URLs, enable mod_rewrite
and add the following to your Apache configuration (inside the "VirtualHost"
container or optionally create a ".htaccess" file in the upload directory):

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/packages/([^/]{1,2})([^/]*/(PKGBUILD|[^/]*\.tar\.gz|))$ /packages/$1/$1$2

The following equivalent rule can be used for lighttpd setups:

url.rewrite-once = ( "^/packages/([^/]{1,2})([^/]*/(PKGBUILD|[^/]*\.tar\.gz|))$" => "/packages/$1/$1$2" )

If you use a non-standard URL_DIR, slight modifications might be necessary.

8. Merge "scripts/aurblup/config.h.proto" with "scripts/aurblup/config.h".