\n"; echo "


\n"; $action = in_request("Action"); if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { # visitor is logged in # $atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); if ($action == "SearchAccounts") { # security check # if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") { # the user has entered search criteria, find any matching accounts # search_results_page($atype, in_request("O"), in_request("SB"), in_request("U"), in_request("T"), in_request("S"), in_request("E"), in_request("R"), in_request("I"), in_request("K")); } else { # a non-privileged user is trying to access the search page # print __("You are not allowed to access this area.")."
\n"; } } elseif ($action == "DisplayAccount") { # the user has clicked 'edit', display the account details in a form # $row = account_details(in_request("ID"), in_request("U")); if (empty($row)) { print __("Could not retrieve information for the specified user."); } else { /* Verify user has permission to edit the account */ if (can_edit_account($atype, $row, uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]))) { display_account_form($atype, "UpdateAccount", $row["Username"], $row["AccountTypeID"], $row["Suspended"], $row["Email"], "", "", $row["RealName"], $row["LangPreference"], $row["IRCNick"], $row["PGPKey"], $row["ID"]); } else { print __("You do not have permission to edit this account."); } } } elseif ($action == "AccountInfo") { # no editing, just looking up user info # $row = account_details(in_request("ID"), in_request("U")); if (empty($row)) { print __("Could not retrieve information for the specified user."); } else { include("account_details.php"); } } elseif ($action == "UpdateAccount") { $uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']); /* Details for account being updated */ $acctinfo = account_details(in_request('ID'), in_request('U')); /* Verify user permissions and that the request is a valid POST */ if (can_edit_account($atype, $acctinfo, $uid) && check_token()) { /* Update the details for the existing account */ process_account_form($atype, "edit", "UpdateAccount", in_request("U"), in_request("T"), in_request("S"), in_request("E"), in_request("P"), in_request("C"), in_request("R"), in_request("L"), in_request("I"), in_request("K"), in_request("ID")); } } else { if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") { # display the search page if they're a TU/dev # print __("Use this form to search existing accounts.")."
\n"; include('search_accounts_form.php'); } else { print __("You are not allowed to access this area."); } } } else { # visitor is not logged in # if ($action == "AccountInfo") { print __("You must log in to view user information."); } elseif ($action == "NewAccount") { # process the form input for creating a new account # process_account_form("","new", "NewAccount", in_request("U"), 1, 0, in_request("E"), '', '', in_request("R"), in_request("L"), in_request("I"), in_request("K")); } else { # display the account request form # print __("Use this form to create an account."); display_account_form("", "NewAccount"); } } echo ""; html_footer(AUR_VERSION); ?>