include("aur.inc");         # access AUR common functions
include("acctfuncs.inc");   # access Account specific functions
include("account_po.inc");  # use some form of this for i18n support
set_lang();                 # this sets up the visitor's language
check_sid();                # see if they're still logged in
html_header();              # print out the HTML header

# Main page processing here
if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) {
	# visitor is logged in
	$dbh = db_connect();
	$atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);

	if ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "SearchAccounts") {

		# security check
		if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") {
			# the user has entered search criteria, find any matching accounts
			search_results_page($atype, $_REQUEST["O"], $_REQUEST["SB"],
					$_REQUEST["U"], $_REQUEST["T"], $_REQUEST["S"],
					$_REQUEST["E"], $_REQUEST["R"], $_REQUEST["I"]);

		} else {
			# a non-privileged user is trying to access the search page
			print __("You are not allowed to access this area.")."<br />\n";

	} elseif ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "DisplayAccount") {
		# the user has clicked 'edit', display the account details in a form
		$q = "SELECT Users.*, AccountTypes.AccountType ";
		$q.= "FROM Users, AccountTypes ";
		$q.= "WHERE AccountTypes.ID = Users.AccountTypeID ";
		$q.= "AND Users.ID = ".intval($_REQUEST["ID"]);
		$result = db_query($q, $dbh);
		if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
			print __("Could not retrieve information for the specified user.");

		} else {
			$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

			# double check to make sure logged in user can edit this account
			if ($atype == "User" || ($atype == "Trusted User" && $row["AccountType"] == "Developer")) {
				print __("You do not have permission to edit this account.");
			} else {

				display_account_form($atype, "UpdateAccount", $row["Username"],
						$row["AccountType"], $row["Suspended"], $row["Email"],
						"", "", $row["RealName"], $row["LangPreference"],
						$row["IRCNick"], $row["NewPkgNotify"], $row["ID"]);

	} elseif ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "UpdateAccount") {
		# user is submitting their modifications to an existing account
		process_account_form($atype, "edit", "UpdateAccount",
				$_REQUEST["U"], $_REQUEST["T"], $_REQUEST["S"],
				$_REQUEST["E"], $_REQUEST["P"], $_REQUEST["C"],
				$_REQUEST["R"], $_REQUEST["L"], $_REQUEST["I"],
				$_REQUEST["N"], $_REQUEST["ID"]);

	} else {
		if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") {
			# display the search page if they're a TU/dev
			print __("Use this form to search existing accounts.")."<br />\n";

		} else {
			# A normal user, give them the ability to edit
			# their own account
			$q = "SELECT Users.*, AccountTypes.AccountType ";
			$q.= "FROM Users, AccountTypes, Sessions ";
			$q.= "WHERE AccountTypes.ID = Users.AccountTypeID ";
			$q.= "AND Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID ";
			$q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = '";
			$q.= mysql_escape_string($_COOKIE["AURSID"])."'";
			$result = db_query($q, $dbh);
			if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
				print __("Could not retrieve information for the specified user.");

			} else {
				$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
				# don't need to check if they have permissions, this is a
				# normal user editing themselves.
				print __("Use this form to update your account.");
				print "<br />";
				print __("Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password.");
				display_account_form($atype, "UpdateAccount", $row["Username"],
						$row["AccountType"], $row["Suspended"], $row["Email"],
						"", "", $row["RealName"], $row["LangPreference"],
						$row["IRCNick"], $row["NewPkgNotify"], $row["ID"]);

} else {
	# visitor is not logged in
	if ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "NewAccount") {
		# process the form input for creating a new account
		process_account_form("","new", "NewAccount",
				$_REQUEST["U"], 1, 0, $_REQUEST["E"],
				$_REQUEST["P"], $_REQUEST["C"], $_REQUEST["R"],
				$_REQUEST["L"], $_REQUEST["I"], $_REQUEST["N"]);

	} else {
		# display the account request form
		print __("Use this form to create an account.");
		display_account_form("", "NewAccount");

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet ft=php