<? set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lang'); include("index_po.inc"); include("pkgfuncs_po.inc"); # Add to handle the i18n of My Packages include("aur.inc"); set_lang(); check_sid(); # Need to do the authentication prior to sending any HTML (including header) # $login_error = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["user"]) || isset($_REQUEST["pass"])) { # Attempting to log in # if (!isset($_REQUEST['user'])) { $login_error = __("You must supply a username."); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['pass'])) { $login_error = __("You must supply a password."); } if (!$login_error) { # Try and authenticate the user # #md5 hash it $_REQUEST["pass"] = md5($_REQUEST["pass"]); $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT ID, Suspended FROM Users "; $q.= "WHERE Username = '" . mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST["user"]) . "' "; $q.= "AND Passwd = '" . mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST["pass"]) . "'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) { $login_error = __("Error looking up username, %s.", array($_REQUEST["user"])); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if (empty($row)) { $login_error = __("Incorrect password for username, %s.", array($_REQUEST["user"])); } elseif ($row[1]) { $login_error = __("Your account has been suspended."); } } if (!$login_error) { # Account looks good. Generate a SID and store it. # $logged_in = 0; $num_tries = 0; while (!$logged_in && $num_tries < 5) { $new_sid = new_sid(); $q = "INSERT INTO Sessions (UsersID, SessionID, LastUpdateTS) "; $q.="VALUES (". $row[0]. ", '" . $new_sid . "', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); # Query will fail if $new_sid is not unique # if ($result) { $logged_in = 1; break; } $num_tries++; } if ($logged_in) { # set our SID cookie # setcookie("AURSID", $new_sid, 0, "/"); header("Location: /index.php"); } else { $login_error = __("Error trying to generate session id."); } } } } # Any cookies have been sent, can now display HTML # html_header(); # Big Top Level Table (Table 1) print "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='3' width='90%'>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; # MAIN: Top Left print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>"; print "<p>".__("Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information.", array('<a href="http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/New_AUR_user_guidelines">', '</a>', '<a href="http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/New_AUR_TU_guidelines">', '</a>'))."<br>"; print __("Contributed PKGBUILDs <b>must</b> conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!", array('<a href="http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards">', '</a>'))."</p>"; #print "<p>".__("If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h.", array('<a href="http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?tasks=all&project=2">', '</a>'))."<br>"; #print __("Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s.", array('<a href="http://www.archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/tur-users">', '</a>'))."</p>"; print "<p>".__("Remember to vote for your favourite packages!")."<br>"; print __("The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community].")."</p>"; #print "<p>".__("Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience.", array('<a href="http://wiki2.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial%20Repositories">', '</a>'))."</p>"; # MAIN: Top Right print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>"; # Now present the user login stuff if (!isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { # the user is not logged in, give them login widgets # if ($login_error) { print "<span class='error'>" . $login_error . "</span><br />\n"; } print "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n"; print "<form action='/index.php' method='post'>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print "<td>".__("Username:")."</td>"; print "<td><input type='text' name='user' size='30' maxlength='64'></td>"; print "</tr>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print "<td>".__("Password:")."</td>"; print "<td><input type='password' name='pass' size='30' maxlength='32'></td>"; print "</tr>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print "<td colspan='2' align='right'> <br />"; print "<input type='submit' class='button'"; print " value='".__("Login")."'></td>"; print "</tr>\n"; print "</form>\n"; print "</table>\n"; } else { print __("Logged-in as: %h%s%h", array("<b>", username_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]), "</b>")); } # MAIN: Bottom Left print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>"; #Hey, how about listing the newest pacakges? :D $q = "SELECT * FROM Packages "; $q.= "WHERE DummyPkg != 1 "; $q.= "ORDER BY GREATEST(SubmittedTS,ModifiedTS) DESC "; $q.= "LIMIT 0 , 10"; $result = db_query($q,$dbh); # Table 2 print '<table class="boxSoft">'; print '<tr>'; print '<th colspan="2" class="boxSoftTitle" style="text-align: right">'; print ' <a href="/rss2.php"><img src="/images/rss.gif"></a> <span class="f3">'.__("Recent Updates").' <span class="f5"></span></span>'; print '</th>'; print '</tr>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { print '<tr>'; print '<td class="boxSoft">'; print '<span class="f4"><span class="blue"><a href="/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID='.intval($row["ID"]).'">'; print $row["Name"]." ".$row["Version"]."</a></span></span>"; print '</td>'; print '<td class="boxSoft" style="text-align: right">'; # figure out the mod string $mod_int = intval($row["ModifiedTS"]); $sub_int = intval($row["SubmittedTS"]); if ($mod_int != 0) { $modstring = gmdate("r", $mod_int); } elseif ($sub_int != 0) { $modstring = '<img src="/images/new.gif"/> '.gmdate("r", $sub_int); } else { $mod_string = "(unknown)"; } print '<span class="f4">'.$modstring.'</span>'; print '</td>'; print '</tr>'."\n"; } print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; # End Table 2 #print " <td> </td>"; #print " <td align='left' valign='top' nowrap>\n"; # MAIN: Bottom Right print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>"; # AUR STATISTICS $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = 'unsupported'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $unsupported_count = $row[0]; $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = 'community'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $community_count = $row[0]; $q = "SELECT count(*) from Users"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $user_count = $row[0]; $q = "SELECT count(*) from Users,AccountTypes WHERE Users.AccountTypeID = AccountTypes.ID AND AccountTypes.AccountType = 'Trusted User'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $tu_count = $row[0]; $targstamp = intval(strtotime("-7 days")); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Packages WHERE (Packages.SubmittedTS >= $targstamp OR Packages.ModifiedTS >= $targstamp)"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $update_count = $row[0]; $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = 'unsupported' AND Packages.Safe = 1"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $safe_count = $row[0]; print "<table class='boxSoft'>"; print "<tr>"; print "<th colspan='2' class='boxSoftTitle' style='text-align: right'>"; print "<span class='f3'>".__("Statistics")."</span>"; print "</th>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in unsupported")."</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$unsupported_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe")."</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$safe_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in [community]")."</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$community_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages added or updated in the past 7 days")."</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$update_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='blue'><span class='f4'>".__("Registered Users")."</span></span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$user_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'>"; print "<span class='f4'>".__("Trusted Users")."</span>"; print "</td>"; print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$tu_count</span></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; # Close out the right column print " </td>"; print "</tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; # End Table 1 html_footer("<b>Version 1.2.10</b> \$Id$"); # vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet ft=php ?>