include("aur.inc");         # access AUR common functions
include("pkgfuncs.inc");    # package specific functions
include("search_po.inc");   # use some form of this for i18n support
set_lang();                 # this sets up the visitor's language
check_sid();                # see if they're still logged in
html_header();              # print out the HTML header

# enable debugging
$DBUG = 0;
if ($DBUG) {
	print "<pre>\n";
	print "</pre>\n";

# get login privileges
if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) {
	# Only logged in users can do stuff
	$atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
} else {
	$atype = "";

# grab the list of Package IDs to be operated on
isset($_REQUEST["IDs"]) ? $ids = $_REQUEST["IDs"] : $ids = array();
#isset($_REQUEST["All_IDs"]) ?
#		$all_ids = explode(":", $_REQUEST["All_IDs"]) :
#		$all_ids = array();

# determine what button the visitor clicked
if (isset($_REQUEST["do_Flag"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can flag packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {

		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();

			# Flag the packages in $ids array
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if ($first) {
					$first = 0;
					$flag = $pid;
				} else {
					$flag .= ", ".$pid;
			$q = "UPDATE Packages SET OutOfDate = 1 ";
			$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . $flag . ")";
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date.");
			print "</p>\n";
		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to flag.");
			print "</p>\n";


} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_UnFlag"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can unflag packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {

		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();

			# Un-Flag the packages in $ids array
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if ($first) {
					$first = 0;
					$unflag = $pid;
				} else {
					$unflag .= ", ".$pid;
			$q = "UPDATE Packages SET OutOfDate = 0 ";
			$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . $unflag . ")";
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("The selected packages have been unflagged.");
			print "</p>\n";
		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to unflag.");
			print "</p>\n";


} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Disown"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can disown packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {
		# Disown the packages in $ids array
		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();

			# Disown the packages in $ids array
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if ($first) {
					$first = 0;
					$disown = $pid;
				} else {
					$disown .= ", ".$pid;
			$atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") {
				$field = "AURMaintainerUID";
			} elseif ($atype == "User") {
				$field = "MaintainerUID";
			} else {
				$field = "";

			if ($field) {
				$q = "UPDATE Packages ";
				$q.= "SET ".$field." = 0 ";
				$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . $disown . ") ";
				$q.= "AND ".$field." = ".uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
				db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("The selected packages have been disowned.");
			print "</p>\n";
		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to disowned.");
			print "</p>\n";



} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Adopt"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can adopt packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {
		# Adopt the packages in $ids array
		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();

			# Adopt the packages in $ids array
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if ($first) {
					$first = 0;
					$adopt = $pid;
				} else {
					$adopt .= ", ".$pid;
			$atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") {
				$field = "AURMaintainerUID";
			} elseif ($atype == "User") {
				$field = "MaintainerUID";
			} else {
				$field = "";

			if ($field) {
				$q = "UPDATE Packages ";
				$q.= "SET ".$field." = ".uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"])." ";
				$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . $adopt . ") ";
				$q.= "AND ".$field." = 0";
				db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("The selected packages have been adopted.");
			print "</p>\n";
		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to adopt.");
			print "</p>\n";



} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Vote"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can vote for packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {
		# vote on the packages in $ids array.
		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();
			$my_votes = pkgvotes_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			# $vote_ids will contain the string of Package.IDs that
			# the visitor hasn't voted for already
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if (!isset($my_votes[$pid])) {
					# cast a vote for this package
					if ($first) {
						$first = 0;
						$vote_ids = $pid;
						$vote_clauses = "(".$uid.", ".$pid.")";
					} else {
						$vote_ids .= ", ".$pid;
						$vote_clauses .= ", (".$uid.", ".$pid.")";
			# only vote for packages the user hasn't already voted for
			$q = "UPDATE Packages SET NumVotes = NumVotes + 1 ";
			$q.= "WHERE ID IN (".$vote_ids.")";
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			$q = "INSERT INTO PackageVotes (UsersID, PackageID) VALUES ";
			$q.= $vote_clauses;
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.");
			print "</p>\n";

		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to vote for.");
			print "</p>\n";



} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_UnVote"])) {
	if (!$atype) {
		print __("You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages.");
		print "<br />\n";

	} else {
		# un-vote on the packages in $ids array.
		if (!empty($ids)) {
			$dbh = db_connect();
			$my_votes = pkgvotes_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
			# $unvote_ids will contain the string of Package.IDs that
			# the visitor has voted for and wants to unvote.
			$first = 1;
			while (list($pid, $v) = each($ids)) {
				if (isset($my_votes[$pid])) {
					# cast a un-vote for this package
					if ($first) {
						$first = 0;
						$unvote_ids = $pid;
					} else {
						$unvote_ids .= ", ".$pid;
			# only un-vote for packages the user has already voted for
			$q = "UPDATE Packages SET NumVotes = NumVotes - 1 ";
			$q.= "WHERE ID IN (".$unvote_ids.")";
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			$q = "DELETE FROM PackageVotes WHERE UsersID = ".$uid." ";
			$q.= "AND PackageID IN (".$unvote_ids.")";
			db_query($q, $dbh);

			print "<p>\n";
			print __("Your votes have been removed from the selected packages.");
			print "</p>\n";

		} else {
			print "<p>\n";
			print __("You did not select any packages to un-vote for.");
			print "</p>\n";



} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Details"])) {

	if (!isset($_REQUEST["ID"]) || !intval($_REQUEST["ID"])) {
		print __("Error trying to retrieve package details.")."<br />\n";
	} else {

	print "<br />\n";

} else {
	# do_More/do_Less/do_Search/do_MyPackages - just do a search


# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et ft=php