search results.
\n"; return; } # get login privileges # if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { # Only logged in users can do stuff # $atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); } else { $atype = ""; } # grab the list of Package IDs to be operated on # isset($_REQUEST["IDs"]) ? $ids = $_REQUEST["IDs"] : $ids = array(); # determine what button the visitor clicked # if (isset($_REQUEST["do_Flag"])) { if (!$atype) { print __("You must be logged in before you can flag packages."); print "
\n"; } else { # Flag the packages in $ids array, and unflag any other # packages listed in $_REQUEST["All_IDs"] # print "flagging
\n"; pkgsearch_results_link(); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Disown"])) { if (!$atype) { print __("You must be logged in before you can disown packages."); print "
\n"; } else { # Disown the packages in $ids array # print "disowning
\n"; pkgsearch_results_link(); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Adopt"])) { if (!$atype) { print __("You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."); print "
\n"; } else { # Adopt the packages in $ids array # print "adopting
\n"; pkgsearch_results_link(); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Vote"])) { if (!$atype) { print __("You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."); print "
\n"; } else { # vote on the packages in $ids array. 'unvote' for any packages # listed in the $_REQUEST["All_IDs"] array. # print "voting
\n"; pkgsearch_results_link(); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["do_Details"])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST["ID"]) || !intval($_REQUEST["ID"])) { print __("Error trying to retrieve package details.")."
\n"; } else { package_details($_REQUEST["ID"]); } print "
\n"; pkgsearch_results_link(); print "\n"; print "
\n"; } else { # do_More/do_Less/do_Search/do_MyPackages - just do a search # pkg_search_page($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); } html_footer("\$Id$"); ?>