$MAX_FILESIZE_UNCOMPRESSED) { $error = __("Error - uncompressed file size too large."); } } # Close file handle before extracting stuff if (isset($fh) && is_resource($fh)) { fclose($fh); } if (!$error) { $tar = new Archive_Tar($_FILES['pfile']['tmp_name']); # Extract PKGBUILD and .AURINFO into a string $pkgbuild_raw = $srcinfo_raw = ''; $dircount = 0; foreach ($tar->listContent() as $tar_file) { if ($tar_file['typeflag'] == 0) { if (strchr($tar_file['filename'], '/') === false) { $error = __("Error - source tarball may not contain files outside a directory."); break; } elseif (substr($tar_file['filename'], -9) == '/PKGBUILD') { $pkgbuild_raw = $tar->extractInString($tar_file['filename']); } elseif (substr($tar_file['filename'], -9) == '/.AURINFO') { $srcinfo_raw = $tar->extractInString($tar_file['filename']); } } elseif ($tar_file['typeflag'] == 5) { if (substr_count($tar_file['filename'], "/") > 1) { $error = __("Error - source tarball may not contain nested subdirectories."); break; } elseif (++$dircount > 1) { $error = __("Error - source tarball may not contain more than one directory."); break; } } } if (!$error && $dircount !== 1) { $error = __("Error - source tarball may not contain files outside a directory."); } if (!$error && empty($pkgbuild_raw)) { $error = __("Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."); } } # if no error, get list of directory contents and process PKGBUILD # TODO: This needs to be completely rewritten to support stuff like arrays # and variable substitution among other things. if (!$error) { # process PKGBUILD - remove line concatenation # $pkgbuild = array(); $line_no = 0; $lines = array(); $continuation_line = 0; $current_line = ""; $paren_depth = 0; foreach (explode("\n", $pkgbuild_raw) as $line) { $line = trim($line); # Remove comments $line = preg_replace('/\s*#.*/', '', $line); $char_counts = count_chars($line, 0); $paren_depth += $char_counts[ord('(')] - $char_counts[ord(')')]; if (substr($line, strlen($line)-1) == "\\") { # continue appending onto existing line_no # $current_line .= substr($line, 0, strlen($line)-1); $continuation_line = 1; } elseif ($paren_depth > 0) { # assumed continuation # continue appending onto existing line_no # $current_line .= $line . " "; $continuation_line = 1; } else { # maybe the last line in a continuation, or a standalone line? # if ($continuation_line) { # append onto existing line_no # $current_line .= $line; $lines[$line_no] = $current_line; $current_line = ""; } else { # it's own line_no # $lines[$line_no] = $line; } $continuation_line = 0; $line_no++; } } # Now process the lines and put any var=val lines into the # 'pkgbuild' array. while (list($k, $line) = each($lines)) { # Neutralize parameter substitution $line = preg_replace('/\${(\w+)#(\w*)}?/', '$1$2', $line); $lparts = Array(); # Match variable assignment only. if (preg_match('/^\s*[_\w]+=[^=].*/', $line, $matches)) { $lparts = explode("=", $matches[0], 2); } if (!empty($lparts)) { # this is a variable/value pair, strip out # array parens and any quoting, except in pkgdesc # for pkgdesc, only remove start/end pairs of " or ' if ($lparts[0]=="pkgdesc") { if ($lparts[1]{0} == '"' && $lparts[1]{strlen($lparts[1])-1} == '"') { $pkgbuild[$lparts[0]] = substr($lparts[1], 1, -1); } elseif ($lparts[1]{0} == "'" && $lparts[1]{strlen($lparts[1])-1} == "'") { $pkgbuild[$lparts[0]] = substr($lparts[1], 1, -1); } else { $pkgbuild[$lparts[0]] = $lparts[1]; } } else { $pkgbuild[$lparts[0]] = str_replace(array("(",")","\"","'"), "", $lparts[1]); } } } # some error checking on PKGBUILD contents - just make sure each # variable has a value. This does not do any validity checking # on the values, or attempts to fix line continuation/wrapping. $req_vars = array("url", "pkgdesc", "license", "pkgrel", "pkgver", "arch", "pkgname"); foreach ($req_vars as $var) { if (!array_key_exists($var, $pkgbuild)) { $error = __('Missing %s variable in PKGBUILD.', $var); break; } } } # Now, run through the pkgbuild array, and do "eval" and simple substituions. if (!$error) { while (list($k, $v) = each($pkgbuild)) { if (strpos($k,'eval ') !== false) { $k = preg_replace('/^eval[\s]*/', "", $k); ##"eval" replacements $pattern_eval = '/{\$({?)([\w]+)(}?)}/'; while (preg_match($pattern_eval,$v,$regs)) { $pieces = explode(",",$pkgbuild["$regs[2]"]); ## nongreedy matching! - preserving the order of "eval" $pattern = '/([\S]*?){\$'.$regs[1].$regs[2].$regs[3].'}([\S]*)/'; while (preg_match($pattern,$v,$regs_replace)) { $replacement = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($pieces); $i++) { $replacement .= $regs_replace[1].$pieces[$i].$regs_replace[2]." "; } $v=preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $v, 1); } } } # Simple variable replacement $pattern_var = '/\$({?)([_\w]+)(}?)/'; $offset = 0; while (preg_match($pattern_var, $v, $regs, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) { $var = $regs[2][0]; $pos = $regs[0][1]; $len = strlen($regs[0][0]); if (isset($new_pkgbuild[$var])) { $replacement = substr($new_pkgbuild[$var], strpos($new_pkgbuild[$var], " ")); } else { $replacement = ''; } $v = substr_replace($v, $replacement, $pos, $len); $offset = $pos + strlen($replacement); } $new_pkgbuild[$k] = $v; } } # Parse .AURINFO and overwrite PKGBUILD fields accordingly unset($pkg_version); $depends = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $srcinfo_raw) as $line) { if (empty($line) || $line[0] == '#') { continue; } list($key, $value) = explode(' = ', $line, 2); switch ($key) { case 'pkgname': case 'pkgdesc': case 'url': case 'license': $new_pkgbuild[$key] = $value; break; case 'pkgver': $pkg_version = $value; break; case 'depend': $depends[] = $value; break; } } # Validate package name if (!$error) { $pkg_name = $new_pkgbuild['pkgname']; if ($pkg_name[0] == '(') { $error = __("Error - The AUR does not support split packages!"); } if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.+_-]*$/", $pkg_name)) { $error = __("Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."); } } # Determine the full package version with epoch if (!$error && !isset($pkg_version)) { if (isset($new_pkgbuild['epoch']) && (int)$new_pkgbuild['epoch'] > 0) { $pkg_version = sprintf('%d:%s-%s', $new_pkgbuild['epoch'], $new_pkgbuild['pkgver'], $new_pkgbuild['pkgrel']); } else { $pkg_version = sprintf('%s-%s', $new_pkgbuild['pkgver'], $new_pkgbuild['pkgrel']); } } # Check for http:// or other protocol in url if (!$error) { $parsed_url = parse_url($new_pkgbuild['url']); if (!$parsed_url['scheme']) { $error = __("Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"); } } # TODO: This is where other additional error checking can be # performed. Examples: #md5sums == #sources?, md5sums of any # included files match?, install scriptlet file exists? # The DB schema imposes limitations on number of allowed characters # Print error message when these limitations are exceeded if (!$error) { if (strlen($pkg_name) > 64) { $error = __("Error - Package name cannot be greater than %d characters", 64); } if (strlen($new_pkgbuild['url']) > 255) { $error = __("Error - Package URL cannot be greater than %d characters", 255); } if (strlen($new_pkgbuild['pkgdesc']) > 255) { $error = __("Error - Package description cannot be greater than %d characters", 255); } if (strlen($new_pkgbuild['license']) > 40) { $error = __("Error - Package license cannot be greater than %d characters", 40); } if (strlen($pkg_version) > 32) { $error = __("Error - Package version cannot be greater than %d characters", 32); } } if (isset($pkg_name)) { $incoming_pkgdir = INCOMING_DIR . substr($pkg_name, 0, 2) . "/" . $pkg_name; } if (!$error) { # First, see if this package already exists, and if it can be overwritten $pkg_id = pkgid_from_name($pkg_name); if (can_submit_pkg($pkg_name, $_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { if (file_exists($incoming_pkgdir)) { # Blow away the existing file/dir and contents rm_tree($incoming_pkgdir); } # The mode is masked by the current umask, so not as scary as it looks if (!mkdir($incoming_pkgdir, 0777, true)) { $error = __( "Could not create directory %s.", $incoming_pkgdir); } } else { $error = __( "You are not allowed to overwrite the %s%s%s package.", "", $pkg_name, ""); } if (!$error) { # Check if package name is blacklisted. if (!$pkg_id && pkgname_is_blacklisted($pkg_name)) { if (!canSubmitBlacklisted(account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]))) { $error = __( "%s is on the package blacklist, please check if it's available in the official repos.", $pkg_name); } } } } if (!$error) { if (!chdir($incoming_pkgdir)) { $error = __("Could not change directory to %s.", $incoming_pkgdir); } file_put_contents('PKGBUILD', $pkgbuild_raw); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pfile']['tmp_name'], $pkg_name . '.tar.gz'); } # Update the backend database if (!$error) { begin_atomic_commit(); $pdata = pkgdetails_by_pkgname($new_pkgbuild['pkgname']); # Check the category to use, "1" meaning "none" (or "keep category" for # existing packages). if (isset($_POST['category'])) { $category_id = intval($_POST['category']); if ($category_id <= 0) { $category_id = 1; } } else { $category_id = 1; } if ($pdata) { # This is an overwrite of an existing package, the database ID # needs to be preserved so that any votes are retained. However, # PackageDepends and PackageSources can be purged. $packageID = $pdata["ID"]; # Flush out old data that will be replaced with new data remove_pkg_deps($packageID); remove_pkg_sources($packageID); # If a new category was chosen, change it to that if ($category_id > 1) { update_pkg_category($packageID, $category_id); } # Update package data update_pkgdetails($new_pkgbuild['pkgname'], $new_pkgbuild['license'], $pkg_version, $new_pkgbuild['pkgdesc'], $new_pkgbuild['url'], $uid, $packageID); } else { # This is a brand new package new_pkgdetails($new_pkgbuild['pkgname'], $new_pkgbuild['license'], $pkg_version, $category_id, $new_pkgbuild['pkgdesc'], $new_pkgbuild['url'], $uid); $packageID = last_insert_id(); } # Update package depends if (empty($depends) && !empty($new_pkgbuild['depends'])) { $depends = explode(" ", $new_pkgbuild['depends']); } if (!empty($depends)) { foreach ($depends as $dep) { $deppkgname = preg_replace("/(<|<=|=|>=|>).*/", "", $dep); $depcondition = str_replace($deppkgname, "", $dep); if ($deppkgname == "") { continue; } else if ($deppkgname == "#") { break; } add_pkg_dep($packageID, $deppkgname, $depcondition); } } # Insert sources if (!empty($new_pkgbuild['source'])) { $sources = explode(" ", $new_pkgbuild['source']); foreach ($sources as $src) { add_pkg_src($packageID, $src); } } # If we just created this package, or it was an orphan and we # auto-adopted, add submitting user to the notification list. if (!$pdata || $pdata["MaintainerUID"] === NULL) { pkg_notify(account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]), array($packageID), true); } # Entire package creation process is atomic end_atomic_commit(); header('Location: ' . get_pkg_uri($pkg_name)); } chdir($cwd); } # Logic over, let's do some output html_header("Submit"); ?>
= $error ?>
= __("Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg --source`.") ?>