quote($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); $result = $dbh->query($q); $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if (!$row) { # Invalid SessionID - hacker alert! # $failed = 1; } else { $last_update = $row[0]; if ($last_update + $timeout <= $row[1]) { $failed = 2; } } if ($failed == 1) { # clear out the hacker's cookie, and send them to a naughty page # why do you have to be so harsh on these people!? # setcookie("AURSID", "", 1, "/", null, !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true); unset($_COOKIE['AURSID']); } elseif ($failed == 2) { # session id timeout was reached and they must login again. # delete_session_id($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); setcookie("AURSID", "", 1, "/", null, !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true); unset($_COOKIE['AURSID']); } else { # still logged in and haven't reached the timeout, go ahead # and update the idle timestamp # Only update the timestamp if it is less than the # current time plus $timeout. # # This keeps 'remembered' sessions from being # overwritten. if ($last_update < time() + $timeout) { $q = "UPDATE Sessions SET LastUpdateTS = " . strval(time()) . " "; $q.= "WHERE SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); $dbh->exec($q); } } } return; } /** * Redirect user to the Terms of Service agreement if there are updated terms. * * @return void */ function check_tos() { if (!isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { return; } $path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; $route = get_route($path); if (!$route || $route == "tos.php") { return; } if (count(fetch_updated_terms(uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]))) > 0) { header('Location: ' . get_uri('/tos')); exit(); } } /** * Verify the supplied CSRF token matches expected token * * @return bool True if the CSRF token is the same as the cookie SID, otherwise false */ function check_token() { if (isset($_POST['token']) && isset($_COOKIE['AURSID'])) { return ($_POST['token'] == $_COOKIE['AURSID']); } else { return false; } } /** * Verify a user supplied e-mail against RFC 3696 and DNS records * * @param string $addy E-mail address being validated in foo@example.com format * * @return bool True if e-mail passes validity checks, otherwise false */ function valid_email($addy) { // check against RFC 3696 if (filter_var($addy, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { return false; } // check dns for mx, a, aaaa records list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $addy); if (!(checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($domain, 'A') || checkdnsrr($domain, 'AAAA'))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Verify that a given URL is valid and uses the HTTP(s) protocol * * @param string $url URL of the home page to be validated * * @return bool True if URL passes validity checks, false otherwise */ function valid_homepage($url) { if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) { return false; } $url_components = parse_url($url); if (!in_array($url_components['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Generate a unique session ID * * @return string MD5 hash of the concatenated user IP, random number, and current time */ function new_sid() { return md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); } /** * Determine the user's username in the database using a user ID * * @param string $id User's ID * * @return string Username if it exists, otherwise null */ function username_from_id($id) { $id = intval($id); $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT Username FROM Users WHERE ID = " . $dbh->quote($id); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return null; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Determine the user's username in the database using a session ID * * @param string $sid User's session ID * * @return string Username of the visitor */ function username_from_sid($sid="") { if (!$sid) { return ""; } $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT Username "; $q.= "FROM Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($sid); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return ""; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Format a user name for inclusion in HTML data * * @param string $username The user name to format * * @return string The generated HTML code for the account link */ function html_format_username($username) { $username_fmt = $username ? htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_QUOTES) : __("None"); if ($username && isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { $link = '' . $username_fmt . ''; return $link; } else { return $username_fmt; } } /** * Format the maintainer and co-maintainers for inclusion in HTML data * * @param string $maintainer The user name of the maintainer * @param array $comaintainers The list of co-maintainer user names * * @return string The generated HTML code for the account links */ function html_format_maintainers($maintainer, $comaintainers) { $code = html_format_username($maintainer); if (count($comaintainers) > 0) { $code .= ' ('; foreach ($comaintainers as $comaintainer) { $code .= html_format_username($comaintainer); if ($comaintainer !== end($comaintainers)) { $code .= ', '; } } $code .= ')'; } return $code; } /** * Format a link in the package actions box * * @param string $uri The link target * @param string $inner The HTML code to use for the link label * * @return string The generated HTML code for the action link */ function html_action_link($uri, $inner) { if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { $code = ''; } else { $code = ''; } $code .= $inner . ''; return $code; } /** * Format a form in the package actions box * * @param string $uri The link target * @param string $action The action name (passed as HTTP POST parameter) * @param string $inner The HTML code to use for the link label * * @return string The generated HTML code for the action link */ function html_action_form($uri, $action, $inner) { if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { $code = '
'; $code .= ''; $code .= ''; } else { $code = ''; $code .= $inner . ''; } return $code; } /** * Determine the user's e-mail address in the database using a session ID * * @param string $sid User's session ID * * @return string User's e-mail address as given during registration */ function email_from_sid($sid="") { if (!$sid) { return ""; } $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT Email "; $q.= "FROM Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($sid); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return ""; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Determine the user's account type in the database using a session ID * * @param string $sid User's session ID * * @return string Account type of user ("User", "Trusted User", or "Developer") */ function account_from_sid($sid="") { if (!$sid) { return ""; } $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT AccountType "; $q.= "FROM Users, AccountTypes, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND AccountTypes.ID = Users.AccountTypeID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($sid); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return ""; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Determine the user's ID in the database using a session ID * * @param string $sid User's session ID * * @return string|int The user's name, 0 on query failure */ function uid_from_sid($sid="") { if (!$sid) { return ""; } $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT Users.ID "; $q.= "FROM Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($sid); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return 0; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Common AUR header displayed on all pages * * @global string $LANG Language selected by the visitor * @global array $SUPPORTED_LANGS Languages that are supported by the AUR * @param string $title Name of the AUR page to be displayed on browser * * @return void */ function html_header($title="", $details=array()) { global $LANG; global $SUPPORTED_LANGS; include('header.php'); return; } /** * Common AUR footer displayed on all pages * * @param string $ver The AUR version * * @return void */ function html_footer($ver="") { include('footer.php'); return; } /** * Determine if a user has permission to submit a package * * @param string $name Name of the package to be submitted * @param string $sid User's session ID * * @return int 0 if the user can't submit, 1 if the user can submit */ function can_submit_pkgbase($name="", $sid="") { if (!$name || !$sid) {return 0;} $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT MaintainerUID "; $q.= "FROM PackageBases WHERE Name = " . $dbh->quote($name); $result = $dbh->query($q); $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if (!$row[0]) { return 1; } $my_uid = uid_from_sid($sid); if ($row[0] === NULL || $row[0] == $my_uid) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Determine if a package can be overwritten by some package base * * @param string $name Name of the package to be submitted * @param int $base_id The ID of the package base * * @return bool True if the package can be overwritten, false if not */ function can_submit_pkg($name, $base_id) { $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Packages WHERE "; $q.= "Name = " . $dbh->quote($name) . " AND "; $q.= "PackageBaseID <> " . intval($base_id); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) return false; return ($result->fetchColumn() == 0); } /** * Recursively delete a directory * * @param string $dirname Name of the directory to be removed * * @return void */ function rm_tree($dirname) { if (empty($dirname) || !is_dir($dirname)) return; foreach (scandir($dirname) as $item) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $path = $dirname . '/' . $item; if (is_file($path) || is_link($path)) { unlink($path); } else { rm_tree($path); } } } rmdir($dirname); return; } /** * Determine the user's ID in the database using a username * * @param string $username The username of an account * * @return string Return user ID if exists for username, otherwise null */ function uid_from_username($username) { $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = " . $dbh->quote($username); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return null; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Determine the user's ID in the database using a username or email address * * @param string $username The username or email address of an account * * @return string Return user ID if exists, otherwise null */ function uid_from_loginname($loginname) { $uid = uid_from_username($loginname); if (!$uid) { $uid = uid_from_email($loginname); } return $uid; } /** * Determine the user's ID in the database using an e-mail address * * @param string $email An e-mail address in foo@example.com format * * @return string The user's ID */ function uid_from_email($email) { $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Email = " . $dbh->quote($email); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return null; } $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row) { return $row[0]; } } /** * Generate clean url with edited/added user values * * Makes a clean string of variables for use in URLs based on current $_GET and * list of values to edit/add to that. Any empty variables are discarded. * * @example print "http://example.com/test.php?" . mkurl("foo=bar&bar=baz") * * @param string $append string of variables and values formatted as in URLs * * @return string clean string of variables to append to URL, urlencoded */ function mkurl($append) { $get = $_GET; $append = explode('&', $append); $uservars = array(); $out = ''; foreach ($append as $i) { $ex = explode('=', $i); $uservars[$ex[0]] = $ex[1]; } foreach ($uservars as $k => $v) { $get[$k] = $v; } foreach ($get as $k => $v) { if ($v !== '') { $out .= '&' . urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); } } return substr($out, 5); } /** * Get a package comment * * @param int $comment_id The ID of the comment * * @return array The user ID and comment OR null, null in case of an error */ function comment_by_id($comment_id) { $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT UsersID, Comments FROM PackageComments "; $q.= "WHERE ID = " . intval($comment_id); $result = $dbh->query($q); if (!$result) { return array(null, null); } return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } /** * Process submitted comments so any links can be followed * * @param string $comment Raw user submitted package comment * * @return string User comment with links printed in HTML */ function parse_comment($comment) { $url_pattern = '/(\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\w\/\#~:.?+=&%@!\-;,]+?' . '(?=[.:?\-;,]*(?:[^\w\/\#~:.?+=&%@!\-;,]|$)))/iS'; $matches = preg_split($url_pattern, $comment, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $html = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) { if ($i % 2) { # convert links $html .= '' . htmlspecialchars($matches[$i]) . ''; } else { # convert everything else $html .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($matches[$i])); } } return $html; } /** * Wrapper for beginning a database transaction */ function begin_atomic_commit() { $dbh = DB::connect(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); } /** * Wrapper for committing a database transaction */ function end_atomic_commit() { $dbh = DB::connect(); $dbh->commit(); } /** * Merge pkgbase and package options * * Merges entries of the first and the second array. If any key appears in both * arrays and the corresponding value in the second array is either a non-array * type or a non-empty array, the value from the second array replaces the * value from the first array. If the value from the second array is an array * containing a single empty string, the value in the resulting array becomes * an empty array instead. If the value in the second array is empty, the * resulting array contains the value from the first array. * * @param array $pkgbase_info Options from the pkgbase section * @param array $section_info Options from the package section * * @return array Merged information from both sections */ function array_pkgbuild_merge($pkgbase_info, $section_info) { $pi = $pkgbase_info; foreach ($section_info as $opt_key => $opt_val) { if (is_array($opt_val)) { if ($opt_val == array('')) { $pi[$opt_key] = array(); } elseif (count($opt_val) > 0) { $pi[$opt_key] = $opt_val; } } else { $pi[$opt_key] = $opt_val; } } return $pi; } /** * Bound an integer value between two values * * @param int $n Integer value to bound * @param int $min Lower bound * @param int $max Upper bound * * @return int Bounded integer value */ function bound($n, $min, $max) { return min(max($n, $min), $max); } /** * Return the URL of the AUR root * * @return string The URL of the AUR root */ function aur_location() { $location = config_get('options', 'aur_location'); if (substr($location, -1) != '/') { $location .= '/'; } return $location; } /** * Calculate pagination templates * * @return array The array of pagination templates, per page, and offset values */ function calculate_pagination($total_comment_count) { /* Sanitize paging variables. */ if (isset($_GET["O"])) { $_GET["O"] = max(intval($_GET["O"]), 0); } else { $_GET["O"] = 0; } $offset = $_GET["O"]; if (isset($_GET["PP"])) { $_GET["PP"] = bound(intval($_GET["PP"]), 1, 250); } else { $_GET["PP"] = 10; } $per_page = $_GET["PP"]; // Page offsets start at zero, so page 2 has offset 1, which means that we // need to add 1 to the offset to get the current page. $current_page = ceil($offset / $per_page) + 1; $num_pages = ceil($total_comment_count / $per_page); $pagination_templs = array(); if ($current_page > 1) { $previous_page = $current_page - 1; $previous_offset = ($previous_page - 1) * $per_page; $pagination_templs['« ' . __('First')] = 0; $pagination_templs['‹ ' . __('Previous')] = $previous_offset; } if ($current_page - 5 > 1) { $pagination_templs["..."] = false; } for ($i = max($current_page - 5, 1); $i <= min($num_pages, $current_page + 5); $i++) { $pagination_templs[$i] = ($i - 1) * $per_page; } if ($current_page + 5 < $num_pages) $pagination_templs["... "] = false; if ($current_page < $num_pages) { $pagination_templs[__('Next') . ' ›'] = $current_page * $per_page; $pagination_templs[__('Last') . ' »'] = ($num_pages - 1) * $per_page; } return array($pagination_templs, $per_page, $offset); }