<?php include_once("pkgfuncs_po.inc"); include_once("config.inc"); # define variables used during pkgsearch # $pkgsearch_vars = array("O", "L", "C", "K", "SB", "SO", "PP", "do_Orphans", "SeB"); # Make sure this visitor can delete the requested package comment # They can delete if they were the comment submitter, or if they are a TU/Dev # function canDeleteComment($comment_id=0, $atype="", $SID="") { if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") { # A TU/Dev can delete any comment # return TRUE; } $uid = uid_from_sid($SID); $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT COUNT(ID) AS CNT "; $q.= "FROM PackageComments "; $q.= "WHERE ID = " . intval($comment_id); $q.= " AND UsersID = " . $uid; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if ($result != NULL) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row['CNT'] > 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } # see if this Users.ID can manage the package # function canManagePackage($uid=0,$AURMUID=0, $MUID=0, $SUID=0, $managed=0) { if (!$uid) {return 0;} # The uid of the TU/Dev that manages the package # if ($uid == $AURMUID) {return 1;} # If the package isn't maintained by a TU/Dev, is this the user-maintainer? # if ($uid == $MUID && !$managed) {return 1;} # If the package isn't maintained by a TU/Dev, is this the user-submitter? # if ($uid == $SUID && !$managed) {return 1;} # otherwise, no right to manage this package # return 0; } # grab the current list of PackageCategories # function pkgCategories() { $cats = array(); $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT * FROM PackageCategories WHERE ID != 1 "; $q.= "ORDER BY Category ASC"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $cats[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } return $cats; } # grab the current list of PackageLocations # function pkgLocations() { $locs = array(); $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT * FROM PackageLocations WHERE ID != 1 AND ID < 4 "; $q.= "ORDER BY Location ASC"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $locs[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } return $locs; } # check to see if the package name exists # function package_exists($name="") { if (!$name) {return NULL;} $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT ID FROM Packages "; $q.= "WHERE Name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."' "; $q.= "AND DummyPkg = 0"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) {return NULL;} $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } # grab package dependencies # function package_dependencies($pkgid=0) { $deps = array(); if ($pkgid) { $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT DepPkgID, Name, DummyPkg, DepCondition FROM PackageDepends, Packages "; $q.= "WHERE PackageDepends.DepPkgID = Packages.ID "; $q.= "AND PackageDepends.PackageID = ".mysql_real_escape_string($pkgid); $q.= " ORDER BY Name"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) {return array();} while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $deps[] = $row; } } return $deps; } # reverse deps by tardo # function package_required($pkgid=0) { $deps = array(); if ($pkgid) { $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT PackageID, Name, DummyPkg from PackageDepends, Packages "; $q.= "WHERE PackageDepends.PackageID = Packages.ID "; $q.= "AND PackageDepends.DepPkgID = "; $q.= mysql_real_escape_string($pkgid); $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) {return array();} while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $deps[] = $row; } } return $deps; } # create a dummy package and return it's Packages.ID if it already exists, # return the existing ID # function create_dummy($pname="", $sid="") { if ($pname && $sid) { $uid = uid_from_sid($sid); if (!$uid) {return NULL;} $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT ID FROM Packages WHERE Name = '"; $q.= mysql_real_escape_string($pname)."'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { # Insert the dummy # $q = "INSERT INTO Packages (Name, Description, URL, SubmittedTS, "; $q.= "SubmitterUID, DummyPkg) VALUES ('"; $q.= mysql_real_escape_string($pname)."', 'A dummy package', '/#', "; $q.= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ".$uid.", 1)"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) { return NULL; } return mysql_insert_id($dbh); } else { $data = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $data[0]; } } return NULL; } # grab package comments # function package_comments($pkgid=0) { $comments = array(); if ($pkgid) { $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT PackageComments.ID, UserName, UsersID, Comments, CommentTS "; $q.= "FROM PackageComments, Users "; $q.= "WHERE PackageComments.UsersID = Users.ID"; $q.= " AND PackageID = ".mysql_real_escape_string($pkgid); $q.= " AND DelUsersID = 0"; # only display non-deleted comments $q.= " ORDER BY CommentTS DESC"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) {return array();} while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $comments[] = $row; } } return $comments; } # grab package sources # function package_sources($pkgid=0) { $sources = array(); if ($pkgid) { $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT Source FROM PackageSources "; $q.= "WHERE PackageID = ".mysql_real_escape_string($pkgid); $q.= " ORDER BY Source"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$result) {return array();} while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $sources[] = $row[0]; } } return $sources; } # grab array of Package.IDs that I've voted for: $pkgs[1234] = 1, ... # function pkgvotes_from_sid($sid="") { $pkgs = array(); if (!$sid) {return $pkgs;} $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT PackageID "; $q.= "FROM PackageVotes, Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Users.ID = PackageVotes.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = '".mysql_real_escape_string($sid)."'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $pkgs[$row[0]] = 1; } } return $pkgs; } # array of package ids that you're being notified for # *yoink* # function pkgnotify_from_sid($sid="") { $pkgs = array(); if (!$sid) {return $pkgs;} $dbh = db_connect(); $q = "SELECT PkgID "; $q.= "FROM CommentNotify, Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Users.ID = CommentNotify.UserID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = '".mysql_real_escape_string($sid)."'"; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $pkgs[$row[0]] = 1; } } return $pkgs; } # get name of package based on pkgid # function pkgname_from_id($id="") { if (!empty($id)) { $dbh = db_connect(); $id = intval($id); $q = "SELECT Name FROM Packages WHERE ID = " . mysql_real_escape_string($id); $result = db_query($q, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $id = mysql_result($result, 0); } else { $id = ""; } } return $id; } # display package details # function package_details($id=0, $SID="") { global $_REQUEST; global $pkgsearch_vars; $q = "SELECT Packages.*,Location,Category "; $q.= "FROM Packages,PackageLocations,PackageCategories "; $q.= "WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID "; $q.= "AND Packages.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID "; $q.= "AND Packages.ID = ".intval($_REQUEST["ID"]); $dbh = db_connect(); $results = db_query($q, $dbh); if (!$results) { print __("Error retrieving package details.")."<br />\n"; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results); if (empty($row)) { print __("Package details could not be found.")."<br />\n"; } else { # print out package details # echo "<div class=\"pgbox\">\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxtitle\"><span class=\"f3\">".__("Package Details")."</span></div>\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxbody\">\n"; echo " <table>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f2'>"; echo $row["Name"] . " " . $row["Version"]."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>"; echo "<a href='".$row["URL"]."'>".$row["URL"]."</a></span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>".$row["Description"]; echo "</a></span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><img src='/images/pad.gif' height='30'></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>"; if ($row["Location"] == "unsupported" and ( uid_from_sid($SID) == $row["MaintainerUID"] or (account_from_sid($SID) == "Developer" or account_from_sid($SID) == "Trusted User"))) { $edit_cat = "<a href='/pkgedit.php?change_Category=1&ID="; $edit_cat .= intval($_REQUEST["ID"])."'>".$row["Category"]."</a>"; $edit_cat .= " <span class='fix'>("; $edit_cat .= __("change category").")</span>"; } else { $edit_cat = $row["Category"]; } echo $row["Location"]." :: ".$edit_cat."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>".__("Maintainer").": "; if ($row["MaintainerUID"]) { $maintainer = username_from_id($row["MaintainerUID"]); if ($SID) { echo "<a href='/account.php?Action=AccountInfo&ID="; echo $row["MaintainerUID"] . "'>"; echo $maintainer . "</a></span></td>"; } else { echo $maintainer . "</span></td>"; } } else { $maintainer = "None"; echo $maintainer . "</span></td>"; } echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>".__("Votes").": "; echo $row["NumVotes"] . "</span></td></tr>\n"; # In case of wanting to put a custom message $msg = __("unknown"); $license = $row["License"] == "" ? $msg : $row["License"]; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><br><span class='f3'>".__("License").": ".$license; echo "</a></span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><img src='/images/pad.gif' height='15'></td></tr>\n"; # Print the timestamps for last updates $updated_time = ($row["ModifiedTS"] == 0) ? "(unknown)" : gmdate("r", intval($row["ModifiedTS"])); $submitted_time = ($row["SubmittedTS"] == 0) ? "(unknown)" : gmdate("r", intval($row["SubmittedTS"])); echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>"; echo __("Last Updated").": ".$updated_time."<br>"; echo __("First Submitted").": ".$submitted_time."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><img src='/images/pad.gif' height='15'></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><span class='f3'>"; if ($row["LocationID"] == 2) { $urlpath = URL_DIR.$row["Name"]."/".$row["Name"]; print "<a href='$urlpath.tar.gz'>".__("Tarball")."</a> :: <a href='$urlpath'>".__("Files")."</a> :: <a href='$urlpath/PKGBUILD'>PKGBUILD</a></span></td>"; } elseif ($row["LocationID"] == 3) { echo "<a href='http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/community/" . $row["Category"] . "/" . $row["Name"] . "/?root=community&pathrev=CURRENT'>CVS</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; if ($row["OutOfDate"] == 1) { echo "\n<tr><td colspan='2'>"; echo "<span class='f6'>".__("This package has been flagged out of date.")."</span></td></tr>"; } echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft' colspan='2'><img src='/images/pad.gif' height='30'></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td valign='top' style='padding-right: 10'>\n"; echo " <table class='boxSoft' style='width: 200px'>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>"; echo __("Dependencies")."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft'>"; $deps = package_dependencies($row["ID"]); # $deps[0] = array('id','name', 'dummy'); if (count($deps) == 0) { print "None\n"; } else { while (list($k, $darr) = each($deps)) { $url = "<a href='/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=".$darr[0]; while(list($k, $var) = each($pkgsearch_vars)) { if (($var == "do_Orphans") && $_REQUEST[$var]) { $url .= "&".$var."=1"; } else { $url .= "&".$var."=".rawurlencode(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$var])); } } reset($pkgsearch_vars); // $darr[3] is the DepCondition if ($darr[2] == 0) echo $url."'>".$darr[1].$darr[3]."</a><br />\n"; else echo "<a href='http://archlinux.org/packages/search/?q=".$darr[1]."'>".$darr[1].$darr[3]."</a><br />\n"; } } echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table></td>"; # reverse-deps by tardo - could use some beautification echo " <td valign='top'>"; echo "<table class='boxSoft' style='width: 200px'>"; echo "<tr><td class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>"; echo __("Required by")."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='boxSoft'>"; $deps = package_required($row["ID"]); if (count($deps) == 0) { print "None\n"; } else { while (list($k, $darr) = each($deps)) { $url = "<a href='/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=".$darr[0]; while(list($k, $var) = each($pkgsearch_vars)) { if (($var == "do_Orphans") && $_REQUEST[$var]) { $url .= "&".$var."=1"; } else { $url .= "&".$var."=".rawurlencode(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$var])); } } reset($pkgsearch_vars); // $darr[3] is the DepCondition if ($darr[2] == 0) print $url."'>".$darr[1].$darr[3]."</a><br />\n"; else print "<a href='http://archlinux.org/packages/search/?q=".$darr[1]."'>".$darr[1].$darr[3]."</a><br />\n"; } } echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " <td valign='top'>\n"; echo " <table class='boxSoft' style='width: 200px'>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>"; echo __("Sources")."</span></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='boxSoft'>"; $sources = package_sources($row["ID"]); # $sources[0] = 'src'; if (count($sources) == 0) { print "None\n"; } else { while (list($k, $src) = each($sources)) { $parsed_url = parse_url($src); if ($parsed_url['scheme']) { //It is an external source echo "<a href='".$src."'>".$src."</a><br />\n"; } else { //It is presumably an internal source if ($row["LocationID"] == 2) { echo "<a href='".dirname($row['URLPath'])."/".$row['Name']; echo "/".$src."'>".$src."</a><br />\n"; } elseif ($row["LocationID"] == 3) { echo "<a href='http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/community/" . $row["Category"] . "/" . $row["Name"] . "/?root=community&pathrev=CURRENT'>"; echo $src."</a><br />\n"; } } } } echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; echo "</div>\n\n"; echo "<br />\n\n"; # Actions Bar # if ($SID) { echo "<div class=\"pgbox\">\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxtitle\"><span class=\"f3\">".__("Actions")."</span></div>\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxbody\">\n"; echo " <form action='/packages.php' method='post'>\n"; echo " <input type='hidden' name='IDs[".$row["ID"]."]' value='1'>\n"; echo " <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='".$row["ID"]."'>\n"; # Voting Button # $q = "SELECT * FROM PackageVotes WHERE UsersID = ".uid_from_sid($SID); $q.= " AND PackageID = ".$row["ID"]; if (!mysql_num_rows(db_query($q, $dbh))) { echo " <input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Vote'"; echo " value='".__("Vote")."'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_UnVote'"; echo " value='".__("Un-Vote")."'>"; } # Comment Nofify Button # $q = "SELECT * FROM CommentNotify WHERE UserID = ".uid_from_sid($SID); $q.= " AND PkgID = ".$row["ID"]; if (!mysql_num_rows(db_query($q, $dbh))) { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Notify'"; echo " value='".__("Notify")."' title='".__("New Comment Notification")."'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Notify'"; echo " value='".__("UnNotify")."' title='".__("No New Comment Notification")."'>"; } if ($row["OutOfDate"] == 0) { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Flag'"; echo " value='".__("Flag Out-of-date")."'>\n"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_UnFlag'"; echo " value='".__("Unflag Out-of-date")."'>\n"; } if ($row["MaintainerUID"] == 0) { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Adopt'"; echo " value='".__("Adopt Packages")."'>\n"; } if ($row["MaintainerUID"] == uid_from_sid($SID) || account_from_sid($SID) == "Trusted User" || account_from_sid($SID) == "Developer") { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Disown'"; echo " value='".__("Disown Packages")."'>\n"; } if (account_from_sid($SID) == "Trusted User" || account_from_sid($SID) == "Developer") { echo "<input type='submit' class='button' name='do_Delete'"; echo " value='".__("Delete Packages")."'>\n"; } echo " </form>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "\n<br />\n\n"; } # Comments # echo "<div class=\"pgbox\">\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxtitle\"><span class=\"f3\">".__("Comments")."</span></div>\n"; echo " <div class=\"pgboxbody-comment\">\n"; echo " <table width='100%'>\n"; if (isset($_COOKIE['AURSID'])) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo " <form action='/pkgedit.php' method='post'>\n"; echo " <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='".$row["ID"]."'>\n"; echo " <input type='submit' class='button' name='add_Comment' value=\""; echo __("Add Comment")."\">\n"; echo " </form>\n"; echo "</tr></td>"; //echo "<br />\n"; } $comments = package_comments($row["ID"]); if (!empty($comments)) { while (list($indx, $carr) = each($comments)) { echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td valign='top' style='padding-right: 10' colspan='2'>\n"; echo " <table class='boxSoft' width='100%'>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>"; if (canDeleteComment($carr["ID"], account_from_sid($SID), $SID)) { $durl = "<a href='/pkgedit.php?del_Comment=1"; $durl.= "&comment_id=".$carr["ID"]."&ID=".$row["ID"]; $durl.= "'><img src='/images/x.png' border='0'"; $durl.= " alt=\"".__("Delete comment")."\"></a>"; echo $durl . " "; } if ($SID) { echo __("Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h", array("<a href='/account.php?Action=AccountInfo&ID=".$carr["UsersID"]."'><b>",$carr["UserName"],"</b></a>", "<i>",gmdate("Ymd [H:i:s]",$carr["CommentTS"]),"</i>")); } else { echo __("Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h", array("<b>",$carr["UserName"],"</b>", "<i>",gmdate("Ymd [H:i:s]",$carr["CommentTS"]),"</i>")); } echo "</span></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td class='boxSoft'>"; echo "<code>\n"; echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($carr["Comments"])); echo "</code></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; echo " </td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; } } else { print "<tr><td>None</td></tr>\n"; } echo " </table>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } } return; } /* pkg_search_page(SID) * outputs the body of search/search results page * * parameters: * SID - current Session ID * preconditions: * package search page has been accessed * request variables have not been sanitized * * request vars: * O - starting result number * PP - number of search hits per page * L - package location ID number * C - package category ID number * K - package search string * SO - search hit sort order: * values: a - ascending * d - descending * SB - sort search hits by: * values: l - package location * c - package category * n - package name * v - number of votes * m - maintainer username * SeB- property that search string (K) represents * values: nd - package name&description * m - package maintainer's username * s - package submitter's username * do_Orphans - boolean. whether to search packages * without a maintainer * * * These two are actually handled in packages.php. * * IDs- integer array of ticked packages' IDs * action - action to be taken on ticked packages * values: do_Flag - Flag out-of-date * do_UnFlag - Remove out-of-date flag * do_Adopt - Adopt * do_Disown - Disown * do_Delete - Delete * do_Notify - Toggle notification */ function pkg_search_page($SID="") { // establish a db connection $dbh = db_connect(); // get commonly used variables... // TODO: REDUCE DB HITS. // grab info for user if they're logged in if ($SID) $myuid = uid_from_sid($SID); // get a list of package locations $locs = pkgLocations(); // get a list of package categories $cats = pkgCategories(); //meow // sanitize paging variables // if (isset($_REQUEST['O'])) { $O = intval($_REQUEST['O']); if ($O < 0) $O = 0; } else { $O = 0; } if (isset($_REQUEST["PP"])) { $PP = intval($_REQUEST["PP"]); if ($PP < 25) $PP = 25; else if ($PP > 100) $PP = 100; } else { $PP = 25; } include('../template/pkg_search_form.php'); // FIXME: pull out DB-related code. all of it. // this one's worth a choco-chip cookie, // one of those nice big soft ones // build the package search query // $q = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS "; if ($SID) { $q .= "CommentNotify.UserID AS Notify, PackageVotes.UsersID AS Voted, "; } $q .= "Users.Username AS Maintainer, PackageCategories.Category, PackageLocations.Location, Packages.Name, Packages.Version, Packages.Description, Packages.NumVotes, Packages.ID, Packages.OutOfDate FROM PackageCategories, PackageLocations, Packages LEFT JOIN Users ON (Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID) "; if ($SID) { $q .= "LEFT JOIN PackageVotes ON (Packages.ID = PackageVotes.PackageID AND PackageVotes.UsersID = ".$myuid.") LEFT JOIN CommentNotify ON (Packages.ID = CommentNotify.PkgID AND CommentNotify.UserID = ".$myuid.") "; } $q .= "WHERE Packages.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID AND Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND Packages.DummyPkg = 0 "; // TODO: possibly do string matching on category and // location to make request variable values more sensible if (intval($_REQUEST["L"])) { $q .= "AND Packages.LocationID = ".intval($_REQUEST["L"])." "; } if (intval($_REQUEST["C"])) { $q.= "AND Packages.CategoryID = ".intval($_REQUEST["C"])." "; } if ($_REQUEST['K']) { $K = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_REQUEST['K'])); //search by maintainer if ($_REQUEST["SeB"] == "m"){ $q.= "AND Users.Username = '".$K."' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["SeB"] == "s") { // FIXME: this shouldn't be making 2 queries // kill the call to uid_from_username $q.= "AND SubmitterUID = ".uid_from_username($_REQUEST['K'])." "; // the default behavior, query the name/description } else { $q.= "AND (Name LIKE '%".$K."%' OR "; $q.= "Description LIKE '%".$K."%') "; } } if ($_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]) { $q.= "AND MaintainerUID = 0 "; } $order = $_REQUEST["SO"] == 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; switch ($_REQUEST["SB"]) { case 'c': $q.= "ORDER BY CategoryID ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC "; $SB = 'c'; break; case 'l': $q.= "ORDER BY LocationID ".$order.", Name ASC, CategoryID DESC "; $SB = 'l'; break; case 'v': $q.= "ORDER BY NumVotes ".$order.", Name ASC, CategoryID DESC "; $SB = 'v'; break; case 'm': $q.= "ORDER BY Maintainer ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC "; $SB = 'm'; break; case 'a': $q.= "ORDER BY GREATEST(SubmittedTS,ModifiedTS) ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC "; $SB = 'a'; break; default: $q.= "ORDER BY Name ".$order.", LocationID ASC, CategoryID DESC "; break; } $q.= "LIMIT ".$O.", ".$PP; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $total = mysql_result(db_query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS Total', $dbh), 0); print "<form action='/packages.php' method='post'>\n"; print "<center>\n"; print "<table cellspacing='3' class='boxSoft'>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print " <td class='boxSoftTitle' align='right'>\n"; print " <span class='f3'>".__("Package Listing")."</span>\n"; print " </td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print " <td class='boxSoft'>\n"; print "<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\n"; if (!$result) { print "<div class='pgboxbody'>"; print __("Error retrieving package list."); print "</div>"; } elseif ($total == 0) { print "<div class='pgboxbody'>"; print __("No packages matched your search criteria."); print "</div>"; } else { // print out package search results // // SO_next used to change sort order on header click if ($_REQUEST["SO"] == "d"){ $SO_next="a"; $SO = 'd'; } else { $SO_next="d"; $SO = 'a'; } print "<tr>\n"; if ($SID) { print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'> </th>\n"; } print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>"; print "<a href='?O=$O&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=l&SO=$SO_next&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>".__("Location")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>"; print "<a href='?O=$O&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=c&SO=$SO_next&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>".__("Category")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>"; print "<a href='?O=$O&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=n&SO=$SO_next&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>".__("Name")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>"; print "<a href='?O=$O&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=v&SO=$SO_next&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>".__("Votes")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; if ($SID) { print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>".__("Voted")."</span></th>\n"; } if ($SID) { print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>".__("Notify")."</span></th>\n"; } print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>".__("Description")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; print " <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align:"; print " bottom'><span class='f2'>"; print "<a href='?O=$O&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=m&SO=$SO_next&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>".__("Maintainer")."</a>"; print "</span></th>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; for ($i=0; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++) { (($i % 2) == 0) ? $c = "data1" : $c = "data2"; print "<tr>\n"; if ($SID) { if ($row["OutOfDate"]) { $c = "outofdate"; } print " <td class='".$c."'>"; print "<input type='checkbox' name='IDs[".$row["ID"]."]' value='1'>"; if ($row["OutOfDate"]) { print "</span>"; } print "</td>\n"; } print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; print $row["Location"]."</span></span></td>\n"; print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; print $row["Category"]."</span></span></td>\n"; print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f4'>"; $url = "<a href='/packages.php?"; $url .= "ID="; $url .= $row["ID"]; $url.= "'>"; $url.="<span class='black'>"; $url.=$row["Name"]; $url.= " ".$row["Version"]."</span></a>"; print $url."</span></td>\n"; print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; print " ".$row["NumVotes"]."</span></span></td>\n"; if ($SID) { print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; if (isset($row["Voted"])) { print " ".__("Yes")."</span></td>\n"; } else { print " </span></td>\n"; } print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; if (isset($row["Notify"])) { print " ".__("Yes")."</span></td>\n"; } else { print " </span></td>\n"; } } print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f4'><span class='blue'>"; print $row["Description"]."</span></span></td>\n"; print " <td class='".$c."'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'>"; if (isset($row["Maintainer"])) { print "<a href='packages.php?K=".$row['Maintainer']."&SeB=m'>".$row['Maintainer']."</a>"; } else { print "<span style='color: blue; font-style: italic;'>"; print __("orphan"); print "</span>"; } print "</span></span></td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; print " </td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; if ($SID) { // The 'Actions' box // print "<div style='text-align: right; padding: 5px 5% 5px 0'>"; print "<select name='action'>"; print "<option>" . __("Actions") . "</option>"; print "<option value='do_Flag'>".__("Flag Out-of-date")."</option>\n"; print "<option value='do_UnFlag'>".__("Unflag Out-of-date")."</option>\n"; print "<option value='do_Adopt'>".__("Adopt Packages")."</option>\n"; print "<option value='do_Disown'>".__("Disown Packages")."</option>\n"; if (account_from_sid($SID) == "Trusted User" || account_from_sid($SID) == "Developer") { print "<option value='do_Delete'>".__("Delete Packages")."</option>\n"; } print "<option value='do_Notify'>".__("Toggle Notify")."</option>\n"; print "</select>"; print "<input type='submit' class='button' style='width: 80px' value='" . __("Go") . "' />"; print "</div>"; } print "<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print " <td>\n"; print " <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; // figure out the results to use $first = $O + 1; if (($PP+$O) > $total) { $last = $total; } else { $last = $PP + $O; } // print number of results // ok this styling sucks // patches welcome! print "<tr><td align='center' colspan='0'><span class='f4'><span class='blue'>"; print __("Showing results %s - %s of %s", array($first, $last, $total)); print "</span></span></td></tr>"; // first print the legend print " <td colspan='2' align='center'>"; print " <span class='f5'>\n"; if ($SID) { print ' <span class="outofdate">'.__("Out of Date").' </span>'." "; } print " </span></td>\n"; print " </tr>"; // now print the forward and back buttons on the bottom // LEFT print " <tr>"; print " <td align='left'>"; if (($O-$PP) >= 0) { print "<a href='/packages.php?O=" . ($O - $PP) . "&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=$SB&SO=$SO&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]. "'>" . __("Less") . "</a>"; } else if ($O<$PP && $O>0) { print "<a href='/packages.php?O=0&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"])."&K=$K&SB=$SB&SO=$SO&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"]."&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]. "'>" . __("Less") . "</a>"; } print " </td>"; // RIGHT print " <td align='right'>"; if ($total - $PP - $O > 0) { print "<a href='/packages.php?O=" . ($O + $PP) . "&L=".intval($_REQUEST["L"])."&C=".intval($_REQUEST["C"]) . "&K=$K&SB=$SB&SO=$SO&PP=$PP&SeB=".$_REQUEST["SeB"] . "&do_Orphans=".$_REQUEST["do_Orphans"]."'>" . __("More") . "</a>"; } print " </td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " </table>\n"; print " </td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; print "</center>\n"; print "</form>\n"; return; } # vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=php ?>