<?php include_once('aur.inc'); # APC configuration variables $apc_prefix = 'aur:'; $apc_ttl = 600; # Check if APC extension is loaded if (!defined('EXTENSION_LOADED_APC')) define('EXTENSION_LOADED_APC', extension_loaded('apc')); # run a simple db query, retrieving and/or caching the value if APC # is available for use # function db_cache_value($dbq, $dbh, $key) { global $apc_ttl; $bool = false; if(EXTENSION_LOADED_APC) { $ret = apc_fetch($key, $bool); } if(!$bool) { $result = db_query($dbq, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $ret = $row[0]; if (EXTENSION_LOADED_APC) { apc_store($key, $ret, $apc_ttl); } } return $ret; } function updates_table($dbh) { global $apc_prefix, $apc_ttl; $key = $apc_prefix . 'recent_updates'; if(!(EXTENSION_LOADED_APC && ($newest_packages = apc_fetch($key)))) { $q = 'SELECT * FROM Packages ORDER BY ModifiedTS DESC LIMIT 10'; $result = db_query($q, $dbh); $newest_packages = new ArrayObject(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $newest_packages->append($row); } if (EXTENSION_LOADED_APC) { apc_store($key, $newest_packages, $apc_ttl); } } include('stats/updates_table.php'); } function user_table($user, $dbh) { global $apc_prefix; $escuser = mysql_real_escape_string($user); $base_q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,Users WHERE Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID AND Users.Username='" . $escuser . "'"; $maintainer_unsupported_count = db_cache_value($base_q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'user_unsupported_count:' . $escuser); $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,Users WHERE Packages.OutOfDateTS IS NOT NULL AND Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID AND Users.Username='" . $escuser . "'"; $flagged_outdated = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'user_flagged_outdated:' . $escuser); # If the user is a TU calculate the number of the packages $atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); include('stats/user_table.php'); } function general_stats_table($dbh) { global $apc_prefix; # AUR statistics $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages"; $unsupported_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'unsupported_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages WHERE MaintainerUID IS NULL"; $orphan_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'orphan_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Users"; $user_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'user_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Users,AccountTypes WHERE Users.AccountTypeID = AccountTypes.ID AND AccountTypes.AccountType = 'Trusted User'"; $tu_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'tu_count'); $targstamp = intval(strtotime("-7 days")); $yearstamp = intval(strtotime("-1 year")); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Packages WHERE Packages.ModifiedTS >= $targstamp AND Packages.ModifiedTS = Packages.SubmittedTS"; $add_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'add_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Packages WHERE Packages.ModifiedTS >= $targstamp AND Packages.ModifiedTS != Packages.SubmittedTS"; $update_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'update_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Packages WHERE Packages.ModifiedTS >= $yearstamp AND Packages.ModifiedTS != Packages.SubmittedTS"; $update_year_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'update_year_count'); $q = "SELECT count(*) from Packages WHERE Packages.ModifiedTS = Packages.SubmittedTS"; $never_update_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'never_update_count'); include('stats/general_stats_table.php'); }