","major",""); # # deprecated usage: # print __("%s has %s apples.", array("Bill", "5")); include_once('config.inc'); global $_t; function include_lang($trans) { global $LANG; if ($LANG != DEFAULT_LANG) { return include_once("$LANG/$trans"); } else return true; } function __() { global $_t; global $LANG; # Create the translation. $args = func_get_args(); # First argument is always string to be translated $tag = $args[0]; if (empty($LANG) || $LANG == DEFAULT_LANG){ $translated = $tag; } # If there is no translation, just print the given string. if (empty($_t[$tag])) { $translated = $tag; } else { $translated = $_t[$tag]; } $translated = htmlspecialchars($translated, ENT_QUOTES); # This condition is to reorganise the arguments in case of # deprecated usage. __("string", array("string","string")) if (!empty($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) { array_unshift($args[1], $tag); $args = $args[1]; } $num_args = sizeof($args); # Subsequent arguments are strings to be formatted if ( $num_args > 1 ) { for ($i = 1; $i < $num_args; $i++) { $translated = preg_replace("/\%[sh]/", $args[$i], $translated, 1); } } return $translated; }