= __('Click %shere%s if you want to permanently delete this account.', '', '') ?> = __('Click %shere%s for user details.', '', '') ?>
= __("Username") ?>: (= __("required") ?>)
= __("Account Type") ?>: = __("Normal user") ?> = __("Normal user") ?> = __("Trusted user") ?> = __("Trusted user") ?> " : print ">"; print __("Developer")."\n"; ?> " : print ">"; print __("Trusted User & Developer")."\n"; ?>
= __("Account Suspended") ?>:
= __("Inactive") ?>: />
= __("Email Address") ?>: (= __("required") ?>)
= __("Please ensure you correctly entered your email address, otherwise you will be locked out.") ?>
= __("Hide Email Address") ?>: />
= __("Password") ?>:
= __("Re-type password") ?>:
= __("Real Name") ?>:
= __("Homepage") ?>:
= __("IRC Nick") ?>:
= __("PGP Key Fingerprint") ?>:
= __("Language") ?>: ".$lang.""."\n"; } else { print " ".$lang.""."\n"; } } ?>
= __("SSH Public Key") ?>: = htmlspecialchars($PK) ?>
= __("Notify of new comments") ?>: />
= __("Notify of package updates") ?>: />
= __("Notify of ownership changes") ?>: />
" /> " /> " />