#!/bin/dash # # usage: bashrun [geometry] (default: 40x1) # # NOTE: commands entered will have an '&' appended before being run, # so don't append it yourself, it will fail silently. # # rcfile: $HOME/.bashrunrc # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOM=${1:-40x1} # create .bashrunrc unless present BASHRUNRC=$HOME/.bashrunrc if [ ! -f $BASHRUNRC ]; then ( cat <<'EOF' # which X terminal to use: # (xterm|rxvt|urxvt|mrxvt|aterm|mlterm) XTERM=urxvtc # history file and options: HISTFILE=$HOME/.bashrun_history HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups # bind to menu-complete. Makes cycle through completions on # the current line instead of paging all possible completions bind '"\t": menu-complete' # bind to send ^D # ( is the default quit-chain-key in emacs, ratpoison, etc) bind '"\C-g"':"\"\x04\"" # set a simple prompt PS1=">" # ***DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS LINE*** # # bind ENTER to add ' &' to command bind '"\x0d"':"\" &\n\"" EOF ) > $BASHRUNRC fi . $BASHRUNRC error() { if [ `which zenity` ]; then zenity --title bashrun --error --text "$@" elif [ `which kdialog` ]; then kdialog --title bashrun --error "$@" elif [ `which xmessage` ]; then xmessage "$@" fi echo -en "\007" echo $@ } # run bash terminal if [ "$XTERM" = "xterm" ]; then $XTERM -name 'bashrun' \ -title 'bashrun' \ -geometry $GEOM \ -e "/bin/bash --rcfile $BASHRUNRC -i -t" elif [[ "$XTERM" = "aterm" || "$XTERM" = "mlterm" ]]; then $XTERM -name 'bashrun' \ -title 'bashrun' \ -geometry $GEOM +sb \ -e /bin/bash --rcfile $BASHRUNRC -i -t elif [[ "$XTERM" = "urxvt" || "$XTERM" = "rxvt" ]] || [ "$XTERM" = "urxvtc" ]; then $XTERM -name 'bashrun' \ -title 'bashrun' \ -geometry $GEOM \ -e sh -c "/bin/bash --rcfile $HOME/.bashrunrc -i -t" elif [ "$XTERM" = "mrxvt" ]; then $XTERM -name 'bashrun' \ -title 'bashrun' \ -geometry $GEOM +sb -ht \ -e sh -c "/bin/bash --rcfile $BASHRUNRC -i -t" else error "$XTERM is not supported. Please check $BASHRUNRC" exit 1 fi # history cleanup... # remove trailing whitespace and '&' from the last history line tac $HISTFILE | sed "1s/\&//;s/ *$//" | tac > $HISTFILE # HISTCONTROL won't work on its own because bash applies the # 'ignoredups' and 'erasedups' rules to 'command &'. # apply 'ignoredups' if set if [[ "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "ignoredups" || "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "ignoreboth" ]]; then uniq $HISTFILE $HISTFILE.tmp mv $HISTFILE.tmp $HISTFILE fi # apply 'erasedups' if set if [[ "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "erasedups" ]]; then tac $HISTFILE | gawk '!x[$0]++' - | tac > $HISTFILE fi