#!/bin/bash set -e main() { if (($#<2)); then printf "usage: %s \n" "${0##*/}" exit 1 fi local webroot=$1; shift; local -a domains=("$@") local cert="/etc/letsencrypt/live/${domains[0]}/cert.pem" # renew if expires within 8 weeks if ! openssl x509 -noout -checkend $((8*7*86400)) -in "${cert}"; then letsencrypt certonly --email bluewind@xinu.at --agree-tos --renew-by-default --webroot -w "$webroot" "${domains[@]/#/-d }" return 0 fi # exit 1 so that scripts using this can check we the cert has been updated # (certrenew .. && systemctl reload ..) return 1 } main "$@"