# configuration for openbox-shutdown # # buttons are shown in the order they are listed in this file # # each section contains the following values: # command - command to execute when button is pressed # can be used several times to execute more commands # commands are executed in the order they are listed in this # file # image - location of the image for the button # absolute path is recommended # set to None if no image should be shown # info_text - small text to show in the footer # set to None if not requested # label - label for the button # uses mnemics # set to None to disable [reboot] command = openbox --exit command = sudo shutdown -r now image = /usr/share/icons/hydroxygen/72x72/apps/gnome-session-reboot.png info_text = Reboot #label = _Neu starten label = None [shutdown] command = openbox --exit command = sudo shutdown -h now image = /usr/share/icons/hydroxygen/72x72/apps/gnome-session-halt.png info_text = Halt #label = _Herunterfahren label = None [suspend] command = sudo pm-suspend image = /usr/share/icons/hydroxygen/72x72/apps/gnome-session-suspend.png info_text = Suspend2Ram #label = _Suspend label = None