path: root/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse
diff options
authorDylan William Hardison <>2016-04-26 18:59:52 +0200
committerDylan William Hardison <>2016-05-10 15:59:10 +0200
commitaf3c716b7dbe9e44719766593f6c51cf30a054e7 (patch)
tree08cacbfed0fd57fba9868fa11379df65e404b290 /.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse
parent516ac2aed77eb1a6f8f06320ecf502a4dd6a44ed (diff)
Bug 1251100 - no longer tells admins which modules are installed and which version is installed
Diffstat (limited to '.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse/CPAN/ b/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse/CPAN/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77a076477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/Parse/CPAN/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+use 5.008001;
+use strict;
+package Parse::CPAN::Meta;
+# ABSTRACT: Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
+our $VERSION = '1.4417';
+use Exporter;
+use Carp 'croak';
+our @ISA = qw/Exporter/;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw/Load LoadFile/;
+sub load_file {
+ my ($class, $filename) = @_;
+ my $meta = _slurp($filename);
+ if ($filename =~ /\.ya?ml$/) {
+ return $class->load_yaml_string($meta);
+ }
+ elsif ($filename =~ /\.json$/) {
+ return $class->load_json_string($meta);
+ }
+ else {
+ $class->load_string($meta); # try to detect yaml/json
+ }
+sub load_string {
+ my ($class, $string) = @_;
+ if ( $string =~ /^---/ ) { # looks like YAML
+ return $class->load_yaml_string($string);
+ }
+ elsif ( $string =~ /^\s*\{/ ) { # looks like JSON
+ return $class->load_json_string($string);
+ }
+ else { # maybe doc-marker-free YAML
+ return $class->load_yaml_string($string);
+ }
+sub load_yaml_string {
+ my ($class, $string) = @_;
+ my $backend = $class->yaml_backend();
+ my $data = eval { no strict 'refs'; &{"$backend\::Load"}($string) };
+ croak $@ if $@;
+ return $data || {}; # in case document was valid but empty
+sub load_json_string {
+ my ($class, $string) = @_;
+ my $data = eval { $class->json_backend()->new->decode($string) };
+ croak $@ if $@;
+ return $data || {};
+sub yaml_backend {
+ if (! defined $ENV{PERL_YAML_BACKEND} ) {
+ _can_load( 'CPAN::Meta::YAML', 0.011 )
+ or croak "CPAN::Meta::YAML 0.011 is not available\n";
+ return "CPAN::Meta::YAML";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $backend = $ENV{PERL_YAML_BACKEND};
+ _can_load( $backend )
+ or croak "Could not load PERL_YAML_BACKEND '$backend'\n";
+ $backend->can("Load")
+ or croak "PERL_YAML_BACKEND '$backend' does not implement Load()\n";
+ return $backend;
+ }
+sub json_backend {
+ _can_load( 'JSON::PP' => 2.27103 )
+ or croak "JSON::PP 2.27103 is not available\n";
+ return 'JSON::PP';
+ }
+ else {
+ _can_load( 'JSON' => 2.5 )
+ or croak "JSON 2.5 is required for " .
+ return "JSON";
+ }
+sub _slurp {
+ require Encode;
+ open my $fh, "<:raw", "$_[0]" ## no critic
+ or die "can't open $_[0] for reading: $!";
+ my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ $content = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $content, Encode::PERLQQ());
+ return $content;
+sub _can_load {
+ my ($module, $version) = @_;
+ (my $file = $module) =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ $file .= ".pm";
+ return 1 if $INC{$file};
+ return 0 if exists $INC{$file}; # prior load failed
+ eval { require $file; 1 }
+ or return 0;
+ if ( defined $version ) {
+ eval { $module->VERSION($version); 1 }
+ or return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Kept for backwards compatibility only
+# Create an object from a file
+sub LoadFile ($) { ## no critic
+ return Load(_slurp(shift));
+# Parse a document from a string.
+sub Load ($) { ## no critic
+ require CPAN::Meta::YAML;
+ my $object = eval { CPAN::Meta::YAML::Load(shift) };
+ croak $@ if $@;
+ return $object;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::CPAN::Meta - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.4417
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ #############################################
+ # In your file
+ ---
+ name: My-Distribution
+ version: 1.23
+ resources:
+ homepage: ""
+ #############################################
+ # In your program
+ use Parse::CPAN::Meta;
+ my $distmeta = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_file('META.yml');
+ # Reading properties
+ my $name = $distmeta->{name};
+ my $version = $distmeta->{version};
+ my $homepage = $distmeta->{resources}{homepage};
+B<Parse::CPAN::Meta> is a parser for F<META.json> and F<META.yml> files, using
+L<JSON::PP> and/or L<CPAN::Meta::YAML>.
+B<Parse::CPAN::Meta> provides three methods: C<load_file>, C<load_json_string>,
+and C<load_yaml_string>. These will read and deserialize CPAN metafiles, and
+are described below in detail.
+B<Parse::CPAN::Meta> provides a legacy API of only two functions,
+based on the YAML functions of the same name. Wherever possible,
+identical calling semantics are used. These may only be used with YAML sources.
+All error reporting is done with exceptions (die'ing).
+Note that META files are expected to be in UTF-8 encoding, only. When
+converted string data, it must first be decoded from UTF-8.
+=begin Pod::Coverage
+=end Pod::Coverage
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 load_file
+ my $metadata_structure = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_file('META.json');
+ my $metadata_structure = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_file('META.yml');
+This method will read the named file and deserialize it to a data structure,
+determining whether it should be JSON or YAML based on the filename.
+The file will be read using the ":utf8" IO layer.
+=head2 load_yaml_string
+ my $metadata_structure = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_yaml_string($yaml_string);
+This method deserializes the given string of YAML and returns the first
+document in it. (CPAN metadata files should always have only one document.)
+If the source was UTF-8 encoded, the string must be decoded before calling
+=head2 load_json_string
+ my $metadata_structure = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_json_string($json_string);
+This method deserializes the given string of JSON and the result.
+If the source was UTF-8 encoded, the string must be decoded before calling
+=head2 load_string
+ my $metadata_structure = Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_string($some_string);
+If you don't know whether a string contains YAML or JSON data, this method
+will use some heuristics and guess. If it can't tell, it assumes YAML.
+=head2 yaml_backend
+ my $backend = Parse::CPAN::Meta->yaml_backend;
+Returns the module name of the YAML serializer. See L</ENVIRONMENT>
+for details.
+=head2 json_backend
+ my $backend = Parse::CPAN::Meta->json_backend;
+Returns the module name of the JSON serializer. This will either
+be L<JSON::PP> or L<JSON>. Even if C<PERL_JSON_BACKEND> is set,
+this will return L<JSON> as further delegation is handled by
+the L<JSON> module. See L</ENVIRONMENT> for details.
+For maintenance clarity, no functions are exported by default. These functions
+are available for backwards compatibility only and are best avoided in favor of
+=head2 Load
+ my @yaml = Parse::CPAN::Meta::Load( $string );
+Parses a string containing a valid YAML stream into a list of Perl data
+=head2 LoadFile
+ my @yaml = Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile( 'META.yml' );
+Reads the YAML stream from a file instead of a string.
+By default, L<JSON::PP> will be used for deserializing JSON data. If the
+C<PERL_JSON_BACKEND> environment variable exists, is true and is not
+"JSON::PP", then the L<JSON> module (version 2.5 or greater) will be loaded and
+used to interpret C<PERL_JSON_BACKEND>. If L<JSON> is not installed or is too
+old, an exception will be thrown.
+By default, L<CPAN::Meta::YAML> will be used for deserializing YAML data. If
+the C<PERL_YAML_BACKEND> environment variable is defined, then it is interpreted
+as a module to use for deserialization. The given module must be installed,
+must load correctly and must implement the C<Load()> function or an exception
+will be thrown.
+=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan
+=head1 SUPPORT
+=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests
+Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
+at L<>.
+You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.
+=head2 Source Code
+This is open source software. The code repository is available for
+public review and contribution under the terms of the license.
+ git clone
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Adam Kennedy <>
+=item *
+David Golden <>
+=for stopwords Graham Knop Joshua ben Jore Karen Etheridge Neil Bowers Ricardo Signes Steffen Mueller
+=over 4
+=item *
+Graham Knop <>
+=item *
+Joshua ben Jore <>
+=item *
+Karen Etheridge <>
+=item *
+Neil Bowers <>
+=item *
+Ricardo Signes <>
+=item *
+Steffen Mueller <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Adam Kennedy and Contributors.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.