path: root/Bugzilla/Install
diff options
authorDylan William Hardison <>2016-04-26 18:59:52 +0200
committerDylan William Hardison <>2016-05-10 15:59:10 +0200
commitaf3c716b7dbe9e44719766593f6c51cf30a054e7 (patch)
tree08cacbfed0fd57fba9868fa11379df65e404b290 /Bugzilla/Install
parent516ac2aed77eb1a6f8f06320ecf502a4dd6a44ed (diff)
Bug 1251100 - no longer tells admins which modules are installed and which version is installed
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/Install')
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Install/ b/Bugzilla/Install/
index af9152cf9..abeab56fe 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/Install/
+++ b/Bugzilla/Install/
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(install_string bin_loc success
use List::Util qw(max);
use Term::ANSIColor;
+use CPAN::Meta;
+use CPAN::Meta::Prereqs;
+use CPAN::Meta::Requirements;
+use Module::Metadata;
use parent qw(Exporter);
use autodie;
@@ -29,12 +33,17 @@ use autodie;
our @EXPORT = qw(
- check_requirements
+ load_cpan_meta
+ check_cpan_requirements
+ check_cpan_feature
+ check_all_cpan_features
+our $checking_for_indent = 0;
# This is how many *'s are in the top of each "box" message printed
# by
use constant TABLE_WIDTH => 71;
@@ -44,7 +53,7 @@ use constant TABLE_WIDTH => 71;
# The keys are the names of the modules, the values are what the module
# is called in the output of "apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES".
-use constant APACHE_MODULES => {
+use constant APACHE_MODULES => {
mod_headers => 'headers_module',
mod_env => 'env_module',
mod_expires => 'expires_module',
@@ -63,7 +72,7 @@ use constant APACHE => qw(apachectl httpd apache2 apache);
# If we don't find any of the above binaries in the normal PATH,
# these are extra places we look.
use constant APACHE_PATH => [qw(
- /usr/sbin
+ /usr/sbin
@@ -92,41 +101,110 @@ use constant FEATURE_FILES => (
auth_delegation => ['auth.cgi'],
-sub check_requirements {
- my ($output) = @_;
- my $missing_apache = _missing_apache_modules(APACHE_MODULES, $output);
+sub load_cpan_meta {
+ my $dir = bz_locations()->{libpath};
+ my @meta_json = map { File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_) } qw( MYMETA.json META.json );
+ my ($file) = grep { -f $_ } @meta_json;
- # If we're running on Windows, reset the input line terminator so that
- # console input works properly - loading CGI tends to mess it up
- $/ = "\015\012" if ON_WINDOWS;
+ if ($file) {
+ open my $meta_fh, '<', $file or die "unable to open $file: $!";
+ my $str = do { local $/ = undef; scalar <$meta_fh> };
+ # detaint
+ $str =~ /^(.+)$/s; $str = $1;
+ close $meta_fh;
- return { apache => $missing_apache };
+ return CPAN::Meta->load_json_string($str);
+ }
+ else {
+ ThrowCodeError('cpan_meta_missing');
+ }
-sub _missing_apache_modules {
- my ($modules, $output) = @_;
- my $apachectl = _get_apachectl();
- return [] if !$apachectl;
- my $command = "$apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES";
- my $cmd_info = `$command 2>&1`;
- # If apachectl returned a value greater than 0, then there was an
- # error parsing Apache's configuration, and we can't check modules.
- my $retval = $?;
- if ($retval > 0) {
- print STDERR install_string('apachectl_failed',
- { command => $command, root => ROOT_USER }), "\n";
- return [];
+sub check_all_cpan_features {
+ my ($meta, $dirs, $output) = @_;
+ my %report;
+ local $checking_for_indent = 2;
+ print "\nOptional features:\n" if $output;
+ my @features = sort { $a->identifier cmp $b->identifier } $meta->features;
+ foreach my $feature (@features) {
+ next if $feature->identifier eq 'features';
+ printf "Feature '%s': %s\n", $feature->identifier, $feature->description if $output;
+ my $result = check_cpan_feature($feature, $dirs, $output);
+ print "\n" if $output;
+ $report{$feature->identifier} = {
+ description => $feature->description,
+ result => $result,
+ };
+ print install_string('all_optional_features_require'), "\n" if $output;
+ my $features = check_cpan_feature($meta->feature('features'), $dirs, $output);
+ print "\n" if $output;
+ $report{features} = {
+ description => $meta->feature('features')->description,
+ result => $features,
+ };
+ return \%report;
+sub check_cpan_feature {
+ my ($feature, $dirs, $output) = @_;
+ return _check_prereqs($feature->prereqs, $dirs, $output);
+sub check_cpan_requirements {
+ my ($meta, $dirs, $output) = @_;
+ my $result = _check_prereqs($meta->effective_prereqs, $dirs, $output);
+ print colored(install_string('installation_failed'), COLOR_ERROR), "\n" if !$result->{ok} && $output;
+ return $result;
+sub _check_prereqs {
+ my ($prereqs, $dirs, $output) = @_;
+ $dirs //= \@INC;
+ my $reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements(['configure', 'runtime'], ['requires']);
+ my @found;
my @missing;
- foreach my $module (sort keys %$modules) {
- my $ok = _check_apache_module($module, $modules->{$module},
- $cmd_info, $output);
- push(@missing, $module) if !$ok;
+ foreach my $module (sort $reqs->required_modules) {
+ my $ok = _check_module($reqs, $module, $dirs, $output);
+ if ($ok) {
+ push @found, $module;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @missing, $module;
+ }
+ }
+ return { ok => (@missing == 0), found => \@found, missing => \@missing };
+sub _check_module {
+ my ($reqs, $module, $dirs, $output) = @_;
+ my $required_version = $reqs->requirements_for_module($module);
+ if ($module eq 'perl') {
+ my $ok = $reqs->accepts_module($module, $]);
+ _checking_for({package => "perl", found => $], wanted => $required_version, ok => $ok}) if $output;
+ return $ok;
+ } else {
+ my $metadata = Module::Metadata->new_from_module($module, inc => $dirs);
+ my $version = eval { $metadata->version };
+ my $ok = $metadata && $version && $reqs->accepts_module($module, $version || 0);
+ _checking_for({package => $module, $version ? ( found => $version ) : (), wanted => $required_version, ok => $ok}) if $output;
+ return $ok;
- return \@missing;
sub _get_apachectl {
foreach my $bin_name (APACHE) {
my $bin = bin_loc($bin_name);
@@ -140,18 +218,6 @@ sub _get_apachectl {
return undef;
-sub _check_apache_module {
- my ($module, $config_name, $mod_info, $output) = @_;
- my $ok;
- if ($mod_info =~ /^\s+\Q$config_name\E\b/m) {
- $ok = 1;
- }
- if ($output) {
- _checking_for({ package => $module, ok => $ok });
- }
- return $ok;
sub check_webdotbase {
my ($output) = @_;
@@ -172,7 +238,7 @@ sub check_webdotbase {
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
# Check .htaccess allows access to generated images
if (-e "$webdotdir/.htaccess") {
- my $htaccess = new IO::File("$webdotdir/.htaccess", 'r')
+ my $htaccess = new IO::File("$webdotdir/.htaccess", 'r')
|| die "$webdotdir/.htaccess: " . $!;
if (!grep(/ \\\.png\$/, $htaccess->getlines)) {
print STDERR install_string('webdot_bad_htaccess',
@@ -211,13 +277,13 @@ sub check_font_file {
sub _checking_for {
my ($params) = @_;
- my ($package, $ok, $wanted, $blacklisted, $found) =
+ my ($package, $ok, $wanted, $blacklisted, $found) =
@$params{qw(package ok wanted blacklisted found)};
my $ok_string = $ok ? install_string('module_ok') : '';
# If we're actually checking versions (like for Perl modules), then
- # we have some rather complex logic to determine what we want to
+ # we have some rather complex logic to determine what we want to
# show. If we're not checking versions (like for GraphViz) we just
# show "ok" or "not found".
if (exists $params->{found}) {
@@ -240,10 +306,11 @@ sub _checking_for {
my $black_string = $blacklisted ? install_string('blacklisted') : '';
- my $want_string = $wanted ? "v$wanted" : install_string('any');
+ my $want_string = $wanted ? "$wanted" : install_string('any');
my $str = sprintf "%s %20s %-11s $ok_string $black_string\n",
- install_string('checking_for'), $package, "($want_string)";
+ ( ' ' x $checking_for_indent ) . install_string('checking_for'),
+ $package, "($want_string)";
print $ok ? $str : colored($str, COLOR_ERROR);
@@ -289,24 +356,27 @@ of file names (which are passed to C<glob>, so shell patterns work).
=over 4
-=item C<check_requirements>
+=item C<check_cpan_requirements>
=item B<Description>
-This checks what optional or required perl modules are installed, like
+This checks what required perl modules are installed, like
C<> does.
=item B<Params>
+=item C<$meta> - A C<CPAN::Meta> object.
+=item C<$dirs> - the include dirs to search for modules, defaults to @INC.
=item C<$output> - C<true> if you want the function to print out information
about what it's doing, and the versions of everything installed.
@@ -318,15 +388,86 @@ A hashref containing these values:
-=item C<apache> - The name of each optional Apache module that is missing.
+=item C<ok> - if all the requirements are met, this is true.
+=item C<found> - an arrayref of found modules
+=item C<missing> - an arrayref of missing modules
+=item C<check_cpan_feature>
+=item B<Description>
+This checks that the optional Perl modules required for a feature are installed.
+=item B<Params>
+=item C<$feature> - A C<CPAN::Meta::Feature> object.
+=item C<$dirs> - the include dirs to search for modules, defaults to @INC.
+=item C<$output> - C<true> if you want the function to print out information about what it's doing, and the versions of everything installed.
+=item B<Returns>
+A hashref containing these values:
+=item C<ok> - if all the requirements are met, this is true.
+=item C<found> - an arrayref of found modules
+=item C<missing> - an arrayref of missing modules
+=item C<check_all_cpan_features>
+=item B<Description>
+This checks which optional Perl modules are currently installed which can enable optional features.
+=item B<Params>
+=item C<$meta> - A C<CPAN::Meta> object.
+=item C<$dirs> - the include dirs to search for modules, defaults to @INC.
+=item C<$output> - C<true> if you want the function to print out information
+about what it's doing, and the versions of everything installed.
+=item B<Returns>
+A hashref keyed on the feature name. The values
+are hashrefs containing C<description> and C<result> keys.
+C<description> is the English description of the feature.
+C<result> is a hashref in the same format as the return value of C<check_cpan_requirements()>,
+described previously.
=item C<check_webdotbase($output)>
-Description: Checks if the graphviz binary specified in the
+Description: Checks if the graphviz binary specified in the
C<webdotbase> parameter is a valid binary, or a valid URL.
Params: C<$output> - C<$true> if you want the function to
@@ -349,5 +490,11 @@ Returns: C<1> if the check was successful, C<0> otherwise.
Returns a hashref where file names are the keys and the value is the feature
that must be enabled in order to compile that file.
+=item C<load_cpan_meta>
+Load MYMETA.json or META.json from the bugzilla directory, and a return a L<CPAN::Meta> object.
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Install/ b/Bugzilla/Install/
index 3ec185c2b..d8882a71b 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/Install/
+++ b/Bugzilla/Install/
@@ -269,6 +269,15 @@ sub indicate_progress {
+sub feature_description {
+ my ($feature_name) = @_;
+ eval {
+ my $meta = _cache()->{cpan_meta} //= Bugzilla::Install::Requirements::load_cpan_meta();
+ return $meta->feature($feature_name)->description
+ } or warn $@;
sub install_string {
my ($string_id, $vars) = @_;
_cache()->{install_string_path} ||= template_include_path();
@@ -854,6 +863,10 @@ Used by L<Bugzilla::Template> to determine the languages' list which
are compiled with the browser's I<Accept-Language> and the languages
of installed templates.
+=item C<feature_description>
+Return the English-language description of a feature from the (MY)META.json files.
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>