path: root/Bugzilla/S3
diff options
authorByron Jones <>2015-08-11 17:16:38 +0200
committerByron Jones <>2015-08-11 17:17:00 +0200
commit99bec2e52b174c1e8774ebf12da5963330d47af9 (patch)
treeee9f39a742eb6739be38355eac4af3399d17fb01 /Bugzilla/S3
parentdd7cd13b7cecaa92caebd3c4930154b2de35ff29 (diff)
Bug 1160929 - add support for storing attachments in s3
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/S3')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/S3/ b/Bugzilla/S3/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37c61e666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/S3/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+package Bugzilla::S3::Bucket;
+# Forked from Amazon::S3, which appears to be abandoned.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use File::stat;
+use IO::File;
+use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(bucket creation_date account));
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ croak "no bucket" unless $self->bucket;
+ croak "no account" unless $self->account;
+ return $self;
+sub _uri {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ return ($key)
+ ? $self->bucket . "/" . $self->account->_urlencode($key)
+ : $self->bucket . "/";
+# returns bool
+sub add_key {
+ my ($self, $key, $value, $conf) = @_;
+ croak 'must specify key' unless $key && length $key;
+ if ($conf->{acl_short}) {
+ $self->account->_validate_acl_short($conf->{acl_short});
+ $conf->{'x-amz-acl'} = $conf->{acl_short};
+ delete $conf->{acl_short};
+ }
+ if (ref($value) eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= -s $$value;
+ $value = _content_sub($$value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= length $value;
+ }
+ # If we're pushing to a bucket that's under DNS flux, we might get a 307
+ # Since LWP doesn't support actually waiting for a 100 Continue response,
+ # we'll just send a HEAD first to see what's going on
+ if (ref($value)) {
+ return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing_probed('PUT',
+ $self->_uri($key), $conf, $value);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing('PUT',
+ $self->_uri($key), $conf, $value);
+ }
+sub add_key_filename {
+ my ($self, $key, $value, $conf) = @_;
+ return $self->add_key($key, \$value, $conf);
+sub head_key {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ return $self->get_key($key, "HEAD");
+sub get_key {
+ my ($self, $key, $method, $filename) = @_;
+ $method ||= "GET";
+ $filename = $$filename if ref $filename;
+ my $acct = $self->account;
+ my $request = $acct->_make_request($method, $self->_uri($key), {});
+ my $response = $acct->_do_http($request, $filename);
+ if ($response->code == 404) {
+ $acct->err(404);
+ $acct->errstr('The requested key was not found');
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return undef unless $acct->_check_response($response);
+ my $etag = $response->header('ETag');
+ if ($etag) {
+ $etag =~ s/^"//;
+ $etag =~ s/"$//;
+ }
+ my $return = {
+ content_length => $response->content_length || 0,
+ content_type => $response->content_type,
+ etag => $etag,
+ value => $response->content,
+ };
+ foreach my $header ($response->headers->header_field_names) {
+ next unless $header =~ /x-amz-meta-/i;
+ $return->{lc $header} = $response->header($header);
+ }
+ return $return;
+sub get_key_filename {
+ my ($self, $key, $method, $filename) = @_;
+ $filename = $key unless defined $filename;
+ return $self->get_key($key, $method, \$filename);
+# returns bool
+sub delete_key {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ croak 'must specify key' unless $key && length $key;
+ return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing('DELETE',
+ $self->_uri($key), {});
+sub get_acl {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ my $acct = $self->account;
+ my $request = $acct->_make_request('GET', $self->_uri($key) . '?acl', {});
+ my $response = $acct->_do_http($request);
+ if ($response->code == 404) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return undef unless $acct->_check_response($response);
+ return $response->content;
+sub set_acl {
+ my ($self, $conf) = @_;
+ $conf ||= {};
+ unless ($conf->{acl_xml} || $conf->{acl_short}) {
+ croak "need either acl_xml or acl_short";
+ }
+ if ($conf->{acl_xml} && $conf->{acl_short}) {
+ croak "cannot provide both acl_xml and acl_short";
+ }
+ my $path = $self->_uri($conf->{key}) . '?acl';
+ my $hash_ref =
+ ($conf->{acl_short})
+ ? {'x-amz-acl' => $conf->{acl_short}}
+ : {};
+ my $xml = $conf->{acl_xml} || '';
+ return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing('PUT', $path,
+ $hash_ref, $xml);
+sub get_location_constraint {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $xpc =
+ $self->account->_send_request('GET', $self->bucket . '/?location');
+ return undef unless $xpc && !$self->account->_remember_errors($xpc);
+ my $lc = $xpc->{content};
+ if (defined $lc && $lc eq '') {
+ $lc = undef;
+ }
+ return $lc;
+# proxy up the err requests
+sub err { $_[0]->account->err }
+sub errstr { $_[0]->account->errstr }
+sub _content_sub {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $stat = stat($filename);
+ my $remaining = $stat->size;
+ my $blksize = $stat->blksize || 4096;
+ croak "$filename not a readable file with fixed size"
+ unless -r $filename
+ and $remaining;
+ my $fh = IO::File->new($filename, 'r')
+ or croak "Could not open $filename: $!";
+ $fh->binmode;
+ return sub {
+ my $buffer;
+ # upon retries the file is closed and we must reopen it
+ unless ($fh->opened) {
+ $fh = IO::File->new($filename, 'r')
+ or croak "Could not open $filename: $!";
+ $fh->binmode;
+ $remaining = $stat->size;
+ }
+ unless (my $read = $fh->read($buffer, $blksize)) {
+ croak
+ "Error while reading upload content $filename ($remaining remaining) $!"
+ if $! and $remaining;
+ $fh->close # otherwise, we found EOF
+ or croak "close of upload content $filename failed: $!";
+ $buffer
+ ||= ''; # LWP expects an empty string on finish, read returns 0
+ }
+ $remaining -= length($buffer);
+ return $buffer;
+ };
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::S3::Bucket - A container class for a S3 bucket and its contents.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Instaniates a new bucket object.
+Requires a hash containing two arguments:
+=item bucket
+The name (identifier) of the bucket.
+=item account
+The L<S3::Amazon> object (representing the S3 account) this
+bucket is associated with.
+NOTE: This method does not check if a bucket actually
+exists. It simply instaniates the bucket.
+Typically a developer will not call this method directly,
+but work through the interface in L<S3::Amazon> that will
+handle their creation.
+=head2 add_key
+Takes three positional parameters:
+=item key
+A string identifier for the resource in this bucket
+=item value
+A SCALAR string representing the contents of the resource.
+=item configuration
+A HASHREF of configuration data for this key. The configuration
+is generally the HTTP headers you want to pass the S3
+service. The client library will add all necessary headers.
+Adding them to the configuration hash will override what the
+library would send and add headers that are not typically
+required for S3 interactions.
+In addition to additional and overriden HTTP headers, this
+HASHREF can have a C<acl_short> key to set the permissions
+(access) of the resource without a seperate call via
+C<add_acl> or in the form of an XML document. See the
+documentation in C<add_acl> for the values and usage.
+Returns a boolean indicating its success. Check C<err> and
+C<errstr> for error message if this operation fails.
+=head2 add_key_filename
+The method works like C<add_key> except the value is assumed
+to be a filename on the local file system. The file will
+be streamed rather then loaded into memory in one big chunk.
+=head2 head_key $key_name
+Returns a configuration HASH of the given key. If a key does
+not exist in the bucket C<undef> will be returned.
+=head2 get_key $key_name, [$method]
+Takes a key and an optional HTTP method and fetches it from
+S3. The default HTTP method is GET.
+The method returns C<undef> if the key does not exist in the
+bucket. If a server error occurs C<undef> is returned and
+C<err> and C<errstr> are set.
+On success, the method returns a HASHREF containing:
+=item content_type
+=item etag
+=item value
+=item @meta
+=head2 get_key_filename $key_name, $method, $filename
+This method works like C<get_key>, but takes an added
+filename that the S3 resource will be written to.
+=head2 delete_key $key_name
+Permanently removes C<$key_name> from the bucket. Returns a
+boolean value indicating the operations success.
+=head2 get_acl
+Retrieves the Access Control List (ACL) for the bucket or
+resource as an XML document.
+=item key
+The key of the stored resource to fetch. This parameter is
+optional. By default the method returns the ACL for the
+bucket itself.
+=head2 set_acl $conf
+Retrieves the Access Control List (ACL) for the bucket or
+resource. Requires a HASHREF argument with one of the following keys:
+=item acl_xml
+An XML string which contains access control information
+which matches Amazon's published schema.
+=item acl_short
+Alternative shorthand notation for common types of ACLs that
+can be used in place of a ACL XML document.
+According to the Amazon S3 API documentation the following recognized acl_short
+types are defined as follows:
+=item private
+Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has any access rights.
+This is the default.
+=item public-read
+Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is
+granted READ access. If this policy is used on an object, it
+can be read from a browser with no authentication.
+=item public-read-write
+Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, the anonymous principal is granted
+READ and WRITE access. This is a useful policy to apply to a
+bucket, if you intend for any anonymous user to PUT objects
+into the bucket.
+=item authenticated-read
+Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, and any principal authenticated as
+a registered Amazon S3 user is granted READ access.
+=item key
+The key name to apply the permissions. If the key is not
+provided the bucket ACL will be set.
+Returns a boolean indicating the operations success.
+=head2 get_location_constraint
+Returns the location constraint data on a bucket.
+For more information on location constraints, refer to the
+Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
+=head2 err
+The S3 error code for the last error the account encountered.
+=head2 errstr
+A human readable error string for the last error the account encountered.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Please see the L<Bugzilla::S3> manpage for author, copyright, and
+license information.