path: root/Makefile.PL
diff options
authorDylan Hardison <>2016-02-23 22:23:20 +0100
committerDylan Hardison <>2016-02-23 22:23:20 +0100
commit2c33712dc066463ab9741a009e56d9a5c2ffedf6 (patch)
tree0be4c1368181648d715a35fd077324d3db0e4dc7 /Makefile.PL
parenta8adffb5ba7161a9ac491cca98d880577c1ab2fc (diff)
Bug 1246528 - Use Makefile.PL and allow Bugzilla use cpanm-compatible local dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile.PL')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19d635111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# This file has detailed POD docs, do "perldoc" to see them.
+# Initialization
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5);
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.55;
+use Bugzilla::Constants qw(BUGZILLA_VERSION);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+# META.json and META.yml exist only for the benefit of older
+# installs where cpanm can't get the optional features out of Makefile.PL
+# Unfortunately having META.json and META.yml commited to the repo is weird
+# and MakeMaker always prefers their content to the internal data (unless CPAN::META
+# is not installed).
+# Since we (Bugzilla) require this cludge, we hide the files from MakeMaker.
+ warn "Hiding META.{json,yml} from MakeMaker...\n";
+ rename('META.json', 'META.json.hide') || unlink("META.json");
+ rename('META.yml', 'META.yml.hide') || unlink("META.yml");
+END {
+ warn "Unhiding META.{json,yml}...\n";
+ rename('META.json.hide', 'META.json');
+ rename('META.yml.hide', 'META.yml');
+my %requires = (
+ 'CGI' => '3.51',
+ 'DBI' => '1.614',
+ 'Date::Format' => '2.23',
+ 'DateTime' => '0.75',
+ 'DateTime::TimeZone' => '1.64',
+ 'Digest::SHA' => 0,
+ 'Email::MIME' => '1.904',
+ 'Email::Sender' => '1.300011',
+ 'File::Slurp' => '9999.13',
+ 'JSON::XS' => '2.01',
+ 'List::MoreUtils' => '0.32',
+ 'Math::Random::ISAAC' => '1.0.1',
+ 'Template' => '2.24',
+ 'URI' => '1.55',
+my %optional_features = (
+ features => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'CPAN::Meta::Check' => 0, 'Module::Runtime' => 0, 'CPAN::Meta' => 0, }, }, },
+ description => "Base support for Features"
+ },
+ smtp_auth => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Authen::SASL' => 0 } } },
+ description => 'SMTP Authentication'
+ },
+ detect_charset => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Encode::Detect' => 0, Encode => '2.21' } } },
+ description => 'Automatic charset detection for text attachments'
+ },
+ new_charts => {
+ description => 'New Charts',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Chart::Lines' => 'v2.4.10', GD => '1.20' } } }
+ },
+ html_desc => {
+ description => 'More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'HTML::Parser' => '3.67', 'HTML::Scrubber' => 0 } } }
+ },
+ markdown => {
+ description => 'Markdown syntax support for comments',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Text::MultiMarkdown' => '1.000034' } } }
+ },
+ pg => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'DBD::Pg' => 'v2.19.3' } } },
+ description => 'Postgres database support'
+ },
+ memcached => {
+ description => 'Memcached Support',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Cache::Memcached::Fast' => '0.17' } } }
+ },
+ auth_delegation => {
+ description => 'Auth Delegation',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0 } } }
+ },
+ updates => {
+ description => 'Automatic Update Notifications',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0, 'XML::Twig' => 0 } } }
+ },
+ auth_radius => {
+ description => 'RADIUS Authentication',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Authen::Radius' => 0 } } }
+ },
+ documentation => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'File::Which' => 0, 'File::Copy::Recursive' => 0 } } },
+ description => 'Documentation',
+ },
+ xmlrpc => {
+ description => 'XML-RPC Interfaze',
+ prereqs => {
+ runtime =>
+ { requires => { 'XMLRPC::Lite' => '0.712', 'SOAP::Lite' => '0.712', 'Test::Taint' => '1.06' } }
+ }
+ },
+ auth_ldap => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Net::LDAP' => 0 } } },
+ description => 'LDAP Authentication'
+ },
+ old_charts => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { GD => '1.20', 'Chart::Lines' => 'v2.4.10' } } },
+ description => 'Old Charts'
+ },
+ moving => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'MIME::Parser' => '5.406', 'XML::Twig' => 0 } } },
+ description => 'Move Bugs Between Installations'
+ },
+ oracle => {
+ description => 'Oracle database support',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'DBD::Oracle' => '1.19' } } }
+ },
+ typesniffer => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'IO::Scalar' => 0, 'File::MimeInfo::Magic' => 0 } } },
+ description => 'Sniff MIME type of attachments'
+ },
+ sqlite => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.29' } } },
+ description => 'SQLite database support'
+ },
+ smtp_ssl => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Net::SMTP::SSL' => '1.01' } } },
+ description => 'SSL Support for SMTP'
+ },
+ mysql => {
+ description => 'MySQL database support',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'DBD::mysql' => '4.001' } } }
+ },
+ jsonrpc => {
+ description => 'JSON-RPC Interface',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'JSON::RPC' => 0, 'Test::Taint' => '1.06' } } }
+ },
+ graphical_reports => {
+ description => 'Graphical Reports',
+ prereqs => {
+ runtime => {
+ requires => {
+ 'GD::Text' => 0,
+ 'Template::Plugin::GD::Image' => 0,
+ 'GD::Graph' => 0,
+ GD => '1.20',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ mod_perl => {
+ description => 'mod_perl support under Apache',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'mod_perl2' => '0' } } }
+ },
+ inbound_email => {
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'Email::Reply' => 0, 'HTML::FormatText::WithLinks' => '0.13' } } },
+ description => 'Inbound Email'
+ },
+ patch_viewer => {
+ description => 'Patch Viewer',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { PatchReader => 'v0.9.6' } } }
+ },
+ rest => {
+ description => 'REST Interface',
+ prereqs => {
+ runtime => {
+ requires => {
+ 'Test::Taint' => '1.06',
+ 'HTTP::Request' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Response' => 0,
+ Moo => 2,
+ 'Module::Runtime' => 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ jobqueue => {
+ description => 'Mail Queueing',
+ prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { TheSchwartz => '1.1', 'Daemon::Generic' => 0 } } }
+ },
+ psgi => {
+ description => 'Plack/PSGI support',
+ prereqs => {
+ runtime => { requires => { Plack => '1.0031', 'CGI::Compile' => 0, 'CGI::Emulate::PSGI' => 0 } }
+ }
+ },
+for my $file (glob("extensions/*/")) {
+ my $dir = dirname($file);
+ my $name = basename($dir);
+ next if -f File::Spec->catfile($dir, "disabled");
+ require $file;
+ my $class = "Bugzilla::Extension::$name";
+ if ($class->can("REQUIRED_MODULES")) {
+ foreach my $required_module (@{ $class->REQUIRED_MODULES() }) {
+ $requires{$required_module->{module}} = $required_module->{version};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($class->can('OPTIONAL_MODULES')) {
+ my $default_feature = 'extension_' . lc($name) . '_optional';
+ foreach my $mod (@{ $class->OPTIONAL_MODULES }) {
+ my @features = $mod->{feature} ? @{$mod->{feature}} : ($default_feature);
+ foreach my $feature (@features) {
+ $optional_features{$feature}{prereqs}{runtime}{requires}{$mod->{module}} = $mod->{version} // 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NAME => 'Bugzilla',
+ AUTHOR => q{Bugzilla Developers <>},
+ ABSTRACT => 'Bugzilla Bug Tracking System',
+ LICENSE => 'Mozilla_2_0',
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.10.1',
+ CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.55' },
+ PREREQ_PM => \%requires,
+ TEST_REQUIRES => { 'Test::More' => 0, 'Pod::Coverage' => 0, 'Test::Perl::Critic' => 0, },
+ "meta-spec" => { url => "", version => "2" },
+ dynamic_config => 1,
+ dog => 1,
+ optional_features => \%optional_features,
+ },
+sub MY::postamble {
+ return <<MAKE;
+GEN_CPANFILE_ARGS = -A -U mod_perl -U oracle
+cpanfile: MYMETA.json