path: root/extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js
diff options
authorSebastin Santy <>2017-06-10 05:18:53 +0200
committerDylan William Hardison <>2017-06-10 05:18:53 +0200
commit9243cbb3b6f014563d15c8b7ababdd55a722627a (patch)
tree40aa9450f816610d73c9254c74567bb390bad667 /extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js
parentb1abfe7caca072a36c312d6961ff9fbbfe306933 (diff)
Bug 1365342 - Extract the preview comment functionality and make it a reusable template
* Putting variables.none at the top * Put the message at the top * Remove header_done * Add an #xhr-error to show bugzilla_ajax() errors
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js')
1 files changed, 1504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js b/extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a5a149fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/BugModal/web/common_bug_modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1504 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. */
+// expand/collapse module
+function slide_module(module, action, fast) {
+ if (!module.attr('id'))
+ return;
+ var latch = module.find('.module-latch');
+ var spinner = module.find('.module-spinner');
+ var content = $(module.children('.module-content')[0]);
+ var duration = fast ? 0 : 200;
+ function slide_done() {
+ var is_visible =':visible');
+ spinner.attr({
+ 'aria-expanded': is_visible,
+ 'aria-label': is_visible ?'label-expanded') :'label-collapsed'),
+ });
+ if (BUGZILLA.user.settings.remember_collapsed)
+ localStorage.setItem(module.attr('id') + '.visibility', is_visible ? 'show' : 'hide');
+ }
+ if (action == 'show') {
+ content.slideDown(duration, 'swing', slide_done);
+ }
+ else if (action == 'hide') {
+ content.slideUp(duration, 'swing', slide_done);
+ }
+ else {
+ content.slideToggle(duration, 'swing', slide_done);
+ }
+function init_module_visibility() {
+ if (!BUGZILLA.user.settings.remember_collapsed)
+ return;
+ $('.module').each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var id = that.attr('id');
+ if (!id) return;
+ if ('non-stick')) return;
+ var stored = localStorage.getItem(id + '.visibility');
+ if (stored) {
+ slide_module(that, stored, true);
+ }
+ });
+$(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // update relative dates
+ var relative_timer_duration = 60000;
+ var relative_timer_id = window.setInterval(relativeTimer, relative_timer_duration);
+ $(document).on('show.visibility', function() {
+ relative_timer_id = window.setInterval(relativeTimer, relative_timer_duration);
+ });
+ $(document).on('hide.visibility', function() {
+ window.clearInterval(relative_timer_id);
+ });
+ function relativeTimer() {
+ var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
+ $('.rel-time').each(function() {
+ $(this).text(timeAgo(now - $(this).data('time')));
+ });
+ $('.rel-time-title').each(function() {
+ $(this).attr('title', timeAgo(now - $(this).data('time')));
+ });
+ }
+ // all keywords for autocompletion (lazy-loaded on edit)
+ var keywords = [];
+ // products with descriptions (also lazy-loaded)
+ var products = [];
+ // restore edit mode after navigating back
+ function restoreEditMode() {
+ if (!$('#editing').val())
+ return;
+ $('.module')
+ .each(function() {
+ slide_module($(this), 'hide', true);
+ });
+ $($('#editing').val().split(' '))
+ .each(function() {
+ slide_module($('#' + this), 'show', true);
+ });
+ $('#mode-btn').click();
+ $('.save-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#editing').val('');
+ }
+ // expand/colapse module
+ $('.module-latch')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ slide_module($(this).parents('.module'));
+ })
+ .keydown(function(event) {
+ // expand/colapse module with the enter or space key
+ if (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 32) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ slide_module($(this).parents('.module'));
+ }
+ });
+ // toggle obsolete attachments
+ $('#attachments-obsolete-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $($('#attachments tr:hidden').length ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Obsolete Attachments');
+ $('#attachments tr.attach-obsolete').toggle();
+ });
+ // url --> unsafe warning
+ $('.bug-url')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ if (!'safe')) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (confirm('This is considered an unsafe URL and could possibly be harmful. ' +
+ 'The full URL is:\n\n' + that.attr('href') + '\n\nContinue?'))
+ {
+ try {
+ } catch(ex) {
+ alert('Malformed URL');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // top btn
+ $('#top-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $.scrollTo($('body'));
+ });
+ // bottom btn
+ $('#bottom-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $.scrollTo($('#bottom-actions'));
+ });
+ // hide floating message when clicked
+ $('#floating-message')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $(this).hide();
+ });
+ // use non-native tooltips for relative/absolute times and bug summaries
+ $('.rel-time, .rel-time-title, .abs-time-title, .bz_bug_link, .tt').tooltip({
+ position: { my: "left top+8", at: "left bottom", collision: "flipfit" },
+ show: { effect: 'none' },
+ hide: { effect: 'none' }
+ });
+ // tooltips create a new ui-helper-hidden-accessible div each time a
+ // tooltip is shown. this is never removed leading to memory leak and
+ // bloated dom.
+ $('.ui-helper-hidden-accessible').remove();
+ // product/component info
+ $('.spin-toggle, #product-latch, #component-latch')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ spin_toggle(event);
+ }).keydown(function(event) {
+ // allow space or enter to toggle visibility
+ if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) {
+ spin_toggle(event);
+ }
+ });
+ function spin_toggle(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var type = $('for');
+ var latch = $('#' + type + '-latch');
+ var name = $('#' + type + '-name');
+ var info = $('#' + type + '-info');
+ var label = latch.attr('aria-label');
+ if ('expanded')) {
+ label = label.replace(/^hide/, 'show');
+'expanded', false).html('&#9656;');
+ latch.attr('aria-expanded', false);
+ info.hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ label = label.replace(/^show/, 'hide');
+'expanded', true).html('&#9662;');
+ latch.attr('aria-expanded', true);
+ }
+ latch.attr('aria-label', label);
+ name.attr('title', label);
+ }
+ // cc list
+ function ccListLoading() {
+ $('#cc-list').html(
+ '<img src="extensions/BugModal/web/throbber.gif" width="16" height="11"> Loading...'
+ );
+ }
+ function ccListUpdate() {
+ bugzilla_ajax(
+ {
+ url: 'rest/bug_modal/cc/' + BUGZILLA.bug_id
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ $('#cc-list').html(data.html);
+ $('#cc-latch').data('fetched', true);
+ $('#cc-list .cc-user').hover(
+ function() {
+ $('#ccr-' + $(this).data('n')).css('visibility', 'visible');
+ },
+ function() {
+ $('#ccr-' + $(this).data('n')).css('visibility', 'hidden');
+ }
+ );
+ $('#cc-list .cc-remove')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ var n = $(this).data('n');
+ var ccu = $('#ccu-' + n);
+ if (ccu.hasClass('cc-removed')) {
+ ccu.removeClass('cc-removed');
+ $('#cc-' + n).remove();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#removecc').val('on');
+ ccu.addClass('cc-removed');
+ $('<input>').attr({
+ type: 'hidden',
+ id: 'cc-' + n,
+ value: $('#ccr-' + n).data('login'),
+ name: 'cc'
+ }).appendTo('#changeform');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if ( {
+ $('#cc-summary').addClass('cc-loadable');
+ $('#cc-latch, #cc-summary')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ cc_toggle(event);
+ }).keydown(function(event) {
+ // allow space or enter to toggle visibility
+ if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) {
+ cc_toggle(event);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function cc_toggle(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var latch = $('#cc-latch');
+ var label = latch.attr('aria-label');
+ if ('expanded')) {
+ label = label.replace(/^hide/, 'show');
+'expanded', false).html('&#9656;');
+ $('#cc-list').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+'expanded', true).html('&#9662;');
+ label = label.replace(/^show/, 'hide');
+ $('#cc-list').show();
+ if (!'fetched')) {
+ ccListLoading();
+ ccListUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ latch.attr('aria-label', label);
+ $('#cc-summary').attr('aria-label', label);
+ }
+ // copy summary to clipboard
+ function clipboardSummary() {
+ return 'Bug ' + BUGZILLA.bug_id + ' - ' + $('#field-value-short_desc').text();
+ }
+ if ($('#copy-summary').length) {
+ var hasExecCopy = false;
+ try {
+ hasExecCopy = document.queryCommandSupported("copy");
+ } catch(ex) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ if (hasExecCopy) {
+ $('#copy-summary')
+ .click(function() {
+ // execCommand("copy") only works on selected text
+ $('#clip-container').show();
+ $('#clip').val(clipboardSummary()).select();
+ document.execCommand("copy");
+ $('#clip-container').hide();
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ // we don't know if flash is enabled without waiting for load to timeout
+ // remember the flash enabled state between pages
+ var hasFlash = true;
+ if (localStorage.getItem('hasFlash') === null) {
+ $('#copy-summary').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ hasFlash = localStorage.getItem('hasFlash');
+ }
+ if (hasFlash) {
+ var s = document.createElement("script");
+ s.onload = function () {
+ ZeroClipboard.config({ flashLoadTimeout: 5000 });
+ var zero = new ZeroClipboard($('#copy-summary'));
+ zero.on({
+ 'ready': function(event) {
+ $('#copy-summary').show();
+ localStorage.setItem('hasFlash', true);
+ },
+ 'error': function(event) {
+ console.log(event.message);
+ zero.destroy();
+ $('#global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge').remove();
+ $('#copy-summary').hide();
+ localStorage.removeItem('hasFlash');
+ },
+ 'copy': function(event) {
+ var clipboard = event.clipboardData;
+ clipboard.setData('text/plain', clipboardSummary());
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ s.src = "extensions/BugModal/web/ZeroClipboard/ZeroClipboard.min.js";
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // lightboxes
+ $('.lightbox, .comment-text .lightbox + span:first-of-type a:first-of-type')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey)
+ return;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ lb_show(this);
+ });
+ // when copying the bug id and summary, reformat to remove \n and alias
+ $(document).on(
+ 'copy', function(event) {
+ var selection = document.getSelection().toString().trim();
+ var match = selection.match(/^(Bug \d+)\s*\n(.+)$/) ||
+ selection.match(/^(Bug \d+)\s+\([^\)]+\)\s*\n(.+)$/);
+ if (match) {
+ var content = match[1] + ' - ' + match[2].trim();
+ if (event.originalEvent.clipboardData) {
+ event.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', content);
+ }
+ else if (window.clipboardData) {
+ window.clipboardData.setData('Text', content);
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ // action button actions
+ // reset
+ $('#action-reset')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var visible = $(this).data('modules');
+ $('.module-content').each(function() {
+ var content = $(this);
+ var moduleID = content.parent('.module').attr('id');
+ var isDefault = $.inArray(moduleID, visible) !== -1;
+ if (':visible') && !isDefault) {
+ slide_module($('#' + moduleID), 'hide');
+ }
+ else if (':hidden') && isDefault) {
+ slide_module($('#' + moduleID), 'show');
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ .data('modules', $('.module-content:visible').map(function() {
+ return $(this).parent('.module').attr('id');
+ }));
+ // expand all modules
+ $('#action-expand-all')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('.module-content:hidden').each(function() {
+ slide_module($(this).parent('.module'));
+ });
+ });
+ // collapse all modules
+ $('#action-collapse-all')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('.module-content:visible').each(function() {
+ slide_module($(this).parent('.module'));
+ });
+ });
+ // add comment menuitem, scroll the textarea into view
+ $('#action-add-comment, #add-comment-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // focus first to grow the textarea, so we scroll to the correct location
+ $('#comment').focus();
+ $.scrollTo($('#bottom-save-btn'));
+ });
+ // last comment menuitem
+ $('#action-last-comment')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var id = $('.comment:last')[0];
+ $.scrollTo(id);
+ });
+ // show bug history
+ $('#action-history')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ document.location.href = 'show_activity.cgi?id=' + BUGZILLA.bug_id;
+ });
+ // use scrollTo for in-page activity links
+ $('.activity-ref')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $.scrollTo($(this).attr('href').substr(1));
+ });
+ // Update readable bug status
+ var rbs = $("#readable-bug-status");
+ var rbs_text = bugzillaReadableStatus.readable('readable-bug-status'));
+ rbs.text(rbs_text);
+ if ( === 0) return;
+ //
+ // anything after this point is only executed for logged in users
+ //
+ // dirty field tracking
+ $('#changeform select').each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var dirty = $('#' + that.attr('id') + '-dirty');
+ if (!dirty) return;
+ var isMultiple = that.attr('multiple');
+ // store the option that had the selected attribute when we
+ // initially loaded
+ var value = that.find('option[selected]').map(function() { return this.value; }).toArray();
+ if (value.length === 0 && !that.attr('multiple'))
+ value = that.find('option:first').map(function() { return this.value; }).toArray();
+'preselected', value);
+ // if the user hasn't touched a field, override the browser's choice
+ // with bugzilla's
+ if (!dirty.val())
+ that.val(value);
+ });
+ // edit/save mode button
+ $('#mode-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // hide buttons, old error messages
+ $('#mode-btn-readonly').hide();
+ // toggle visibility
+ $('.edit-hide').hide();
+ $('.edit-show').show();
+ // expand specific modules during the initial edit
+ if (!$('#editing').val())
+ slide_module($('#module-details'), 'show');
+ // if there's no current user-story, it's a better experience if it's editable by default
+ if ($('#cf_user_story').val() === '') {
+ $('#user-story-edit-btn').click();
+ }
+ // "loading.." ui
+ $('#mode-btn-loading').show();
+ $('#cancel-btn').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#mode-btn').prop('disabled', true);
+ // load the missing select data
+ bugzilla_ajax(
+ {
+ url: 'rest/bug_modal/edit/' + BUGZILLA.bug_id
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ $('#mode-btn').hide();
+ // populate select menus
+ $.each(data.options, function(key, value) {
+ var el = $('#' + key);
+ if (!el) return;
+ var selected = el.val();
+ el.empty();
+ $(value).each(function(i, v) {
+ el.append($('<option>', { value:, text: }));
+ });
+ el.val(selected);
+ if (el.attr('multiple') && value.length < 5) {
+ el.attr('size', value.length);
+ }
+ });
+ // build our product description hash
+ $.each(data.options.product, function() {
+ products[] = this.description;
+ });
+ // keywords is a multi-value autocomplete
+ keywords = data.keywords;
+ $('#keywords')
+ .devbridgeAutocomplete({
+ lookup: function(query, done) {
+ query = query.toLowerCase();
+ var matchStart =
+ $.grep(keywords, function(keyword) {
+ return keyword.toLowerCase().substr(0, query.length) === query;
+ });
+ var matchSub =
+ $.grep(keywords, function(keyword) {
+ return keyword.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) !== -1 &&
+ $.inArray(keyword, matchStart) === -1;
+ });
+ var suggestions =
+ $.map($.merge(matchStart, matchSub), function(suggestion) {
+ return { value: suggestion };
+ });
+ done({ suggestions: suggestions });
+ },
+ tabDisabled: true,
+ delimiter: /,\s*/,
+ minChars: 0,
+ autoSelectFirst: false,
+ triggerSelectOnValidInput: false,
+ formatResult: function(suggestion, currentValue) {
+ // disable <b> wrapping of matched substring
+ return suggestion.value.htmlEncode();
+ },
+ onSearchStart: function(params) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ // adding spaces shouldn't initiate a new search
+ var parts = that.val().split(/,\s*/);
+ var query = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ return query === $.trim(query);
+ },
+ onSelect: function() {
+ this.value = this.value + ', ';
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ })
+ .addClass('bz_autocomplete');
+ $('#cancel-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ $('#cancel-btn').show();
+ $('#commit-btn').show();
+ },
+ function() {
+ $('#mode-btn-readonly').show();
+ $('#mode-btn-loading').hide();
+ $('#mode-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#mode-btn').show();
+ $('#cancel-btn').hide();
+ $('#commit-btn').hide();
+ $('.edit-show').hide();
+ $('.edit-hide').show();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ $('#mode-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ // disable the save buttons while posting
+ $('.save-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (document.changeform.checkValidity && !document.changeform.checkValidity())
+ return;
+ $('.save-btn').attr('disabled', true);
+ this.form.submit();
+ // remember expanded modules
+ $('#editing').val(
+ $('.module .module-content:visible')
+ .parent()
+ .map(function(el) { return $(this).attr('id'); })
+ .toArray()
+ .join(' ')
+ );
+ })
+ .attr('disabled', false);
+ // cc toggle (follow/stop following)
+ $('#cc-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var is_cced = $('is-cced') == '1';
+ var cc_change;
+ var cc_count = $('#cc-summary').data('count');
+ if (is_cced) {
+ cc_change = { remove: [ BUGZILLA.user.login ] };
+ cc_count--;
+ $('#cc-btn')
+ .text('Follow')
+ .data('is-cced', '0')
+ .prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ else {
+ cc_change = { add: [ BUGZILLA.user.login ] };
+ cc_count++;
+ $('#cc-btn')
+ .text('Stop Following')
+ .data('is-cced', '1')
+ .prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ is_cced = !is_cced;
+ // update visible count
+ $('#cc-summary').data('count', cc_count);
+ if (cc_count == 1) {
+ $('#cc-summary').text(is_cced ? 'Just you' : '1 person');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#cc-summary').text(cc_count + ' people');
+ }
+ // clear/update user list
+ $('#cc-latch').data('fetched', false);
+ if ($('#cc-latch').data('expanded'))
+ ccListLoading();
+ // show message
+ $('#floating-message-text')
+ .text(is_cced ? 'You are now following this bug' : 'You are no longer following this bug');
+ $('#floating-message')
+ .fadeIn(250)
+ .delay(2500)
+ .fadeOut();
+ // show/hide "add me to the cc list"
+ if (is_cced) {
+ $('#add-self-cc-container').hide();
+ $('#add-self-cc').attr('disabled', true);
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#add-self-cc-container').show();
+ $('#add-self-cc').attr('disabled', false);
+ }
+ bugzilla_ajax(
+ {
+ url: 'rest/bug/' + BUGZILLA.bug_id,
+ type: 'PUT',
+ data: JSON.stringify({ cc: cc_change })
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ $('#cc-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ if (!(data.bugs[0].changes && data.bugs[0]
+ return;
+ if (data.bugs[0] == BUGZILLA.user.login) {
+ $('#cc-btn')
+ .text('Stop Following')
+ .data('is-cced', '1');
+ }
+ else if (data.bugs[0] == BUGZILLA.user.login) {
+ $('#cc-btn')
+ .text('Follow')
+ .data('is-cced', '0');
+ }
+ if ($('#cc-latch').data('expanded'))
+ ccListUpdate();
+ },
+ function(message) {
+ $('#cc-btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ if ($('#cc-latch').data('expanded'))
+ ccListUpdate();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ // cancel button, reset the ui back to read-only state
+ // for now, do this with a redirect to self
+ // ideally this should revert all field back to their initially loaded
+ // values and switch the ui back to read-only mode without the redirect
+ $('#cancel-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ window.location.replace($('#this-bug').attr('href'));
+ });
+ // Open help page
+ $('#help-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+"", "_blank");
+ });
+ // needinfo in people section -> scroll to near-comment ui
+ $('#needinfo-scroll')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $.scrollTo($('#needinfo_role'), function() { $('#needinfo_role').focus(); });
+ });
+ // knob
+ $('#bug_status, #bottom-bug_status')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var val = that.val();
+ var other = $(that.attr('id') == 'bug_status' ? '#bottom-bug_status' : '#bug_status');
+ other.val(val);
+ if (val == "RESOLVED" || val == "VERIFIED") {
+ $('#resolution, #bottom-resolution').change().show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#resolution, #bottom-resolution').hide();
+ $('#duplicate-container, #bottom-duplicate-container').hide();
+ $('#mark-as-dup-btn, #bottom-mark-as-dup-btn').show();
+ }
+ })
+ .change();
+ $('#resolution, #bottom-resolution')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var val = that.val();
+ var other = $(that.attr('id') == 'resolution' ? '#bottom-resolution' : '#resolution');
+ other.val(val);
+ var bug_status = $('#bug_status').val();
+ if ((bug_status == "RESOLVED" || bug_status == "VERIFIED") && val == "DUPLICATE") {
+ $('#duplicate-container, #bottom-duplicate-container').show();
+ $('#mark-as-dup-btn, #bottom-mark-as-dup-btn').hide();
+ $(that.attr('id') == 'resolution' ? '#dup_id' : '#bottom-dup_id').focus();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#duplicate-container, #bottom-duplicate-container').hide();
+ $('#mark-as-dup-btn, #bottom-mark-as-dup-btn').show();
+ }
+ })
+ .change();
+ $('#mark-as-dup-btn, #bottom-mark-as-dup-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#bug_status').val('RESOLVED').change();
+ $('#resolution').val('DUPLICATE').change();
+ $($(this).attr('id') == 'mark-as-dup-btn' ? '#dup_id' : '#bottom-dup_id').focus();
+ });
+ $('#dup_id, #bottom-dup_id')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var other = $(that.attr('id') == 'dup_id' ? '#bottom-dup_id' : '#dup_id');
+ other.val(that.val());
+ });
+ // add see-also button
+ $('.bug-urls-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var name =$/, '');
+ $(;
+ $('#' + name).show().focus();
+ });
+ // bug flag value <select>
+ $('.bug-flag')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ var target = $(;
+ var id = target.prop('id').replace(/^flag(_type)?-(\d+)/, "#requestee$1-$2");
+ if (target.val() == '?') {
+ $(id + '-container').show();
+ $(id).focus().select();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(id + '-container').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ // tracking flags
+ $('.tracking-flags select')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ tracking_flag_change(;
+ });
+ // take button
+ $('.take-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#field-status-view').hide();
+ $('#field-status-edit').show();
+ if ($('#bug_status option').filter(function() { return $(this).val() == 'ASSIGNED'; }).length) {
+ $('#assigned-container').show();
+ }
+ var field = $(this).data('field');
+ $('#field-' + field + '.edit-hide').hide();
+ $('#field-' + field + '.edit-show').show();
+ $('#' + field).val(BUGZILLA.user.login).focus().select();
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ if ($('#set-default-assignee').is(':checked')) {
+ $('#set-default-assignee').click();
+ }
+ });
+ // mark as assigned
+ $('#mark-as-assigned-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#bug_status').val('ASSIGNED').change();
+ });
+ // reply button
+ $('.reply-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var comment_id = $('reply-id');
+ var comment_author = $('reply-name');
+ var prefix = "(In reply to " + comment_author + " from comment #" + comment_id + ")\n";
+ var reply_text = "";
+ if (BUGZILLA.user.settings.quote_replies == 'quoted_reply') {
+ var text = $('#ct-' + comment_id).text();
+ reply_text = prefix + wrapReplyText(text);
+ }
+ else if (BUGZILLA.user.settings.quote_replies == 'simply_reply') {
+ reply_text = prefix;
+ }
+ // quoting a private comment, check the 'private' cb
+ $('#add-comment-private-cb').prop('checked',
+ $('#add-comment-private-cb:checked').length || $('#is-private-' + comment_id + ':checked').length);
+ // remove embedded links to attachment details
+ reply_text = reply_text.replace(/(attachment\s+\d+)(\s+\[[^\[\n]+\])+/gi, '$1');
+ if ($('#comment').val() != reply_text) {
+ $('#comment').val($('#comment').val() + reply_text);
+ }
+ $.scrollTo($('#comment'), function() { $('#comment').focus(); });
+ });
+ // add comment --> enlarge on focus
+ if (BUGZILLA.user.settings.zoom_textareas) {
+ $('#comment')
+ .focus(function(event) {
+ $('rows', 25);
+ });
+ }
+ // add comment --> private
+ $('#add-comment-private-cb')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ if ($('checked')) {
+ $('#comment').addClass('private-comment');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#comment').removeClass('private-comment');
+ }
+ });
+ // show "save changes" button if there are any immediately editable elements
+ if ($('.module select:visible').length || $('.module input:visible').length) {
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ }
+ // status/resolve as buttons
+ $('.resolution-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#field-status-view').hide();
+ $('#field-status-edit').show();
+ $('#field-status-edit .name').show();
+ $('#bug_status').val('RESOLVED').change();
+ $('#bottom-resolution').val($(;
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ $('#resolve-as').hide();
+ $('#bottom-status').show();
+ $('#bottom-dup_id').focus();
+ });
+ $('.status-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#field-status-view').hide();
+ $('#field-status-edit').show();
+ $('#bug_status').val($('status')).change();
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ $('#resolve-as').hide();
+ $('#bottom-status').show();
+ });
+ // vote button
+ // ideally this should function like CC and xhr it, but that would require
+ // a rewrite of the voting extension
+ $('#vote-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ window.location.href = 'page.cgi?id=voting/user.html&bug_id=' + BUGZILLA.bug_id + '#vote_' + BUGZILLA.bug_id;
+ });
+ // user-story
+ $('#user-story-edit-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#user-story').hide();
+ $('#user-story-edit-btn').hide();
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ $('#cf_user_story').show();
+ // don't focus the user-story field when restoring edit mode after navigation
+ if ($('#editing').val() === '')
+ $('#cf_user_story').focus().select();
+ });
+ $('#user-story-reply-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var text = "(Commenting on User Story)\n" + wrapReplyText($('#cf_user_story').val());
+ var current = $('#comment').val();
+ if (current != text) {
+ $('#comment').val(current + text);
+ $('#comment').focus();
+ $.scrollTo($('#bottom-save-btn'));
+ }
+ });
+ // cab review 'gate'
+ $('#cab-review-gate-close')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#cab-review-gate').hide();
+ $('#cab-review-edit').show();
+ });
+ // custom textarea fields
+ $('.edit-textarea-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var id = $('id').replace(/-edit$/, '');
+ $(;
+ $('#' + id + '-view').hide();
+ $('#' + id).show().focus().select();
+ });
+ // date/datetime pickers
+ $('.cf_datetime').datetimepicker({
+ format: 'Y-m-d G:i:s',
+ datepicker: true,
+ timepicker: true,
+ scrollInput: false,
+ lazyInit: false, // there's a bug which prevents img->show from working with lazy:true
+ closeOnDateSelect: true
+ });
+ $('.cf_date').datetimepicker({
+ format: 'Y-m-d',
+ datepicker: true,
+ timepicker: false,
+ scrollInput: false,
+ lazyInit: false,
+ closeOnDateSelect: true
+ });
+ $('.cf_datetime-img, .cf_date-img')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ var id = $('id').replace(/-img$/, '');
+ $('#' + id).datetimepicker('show');
+ });
+ // timetracking
+ $('#work_time').change(function() {
+ // subtracts time spent from remaining time
+ // prevent negative values if work_time > fRemainingTime
+ var new_time = Math.max(BUGZILLA.remaining_time - $('#work_time').val(), 0.0);
+ // get upto 2 decimal places
+ $('#remaining_time').val(Math.round((new_time * 100)/100).toFixed(1));
+ });
+ $('#remaining_time').change(function() {
+ // if the remaining time is changed manually, update BUGZILLA.remaining_time
+ BUGZILLA.remaining_time = $('#remaining_time').val();
+ });
+ // "reset to default" checkboxes
+ $('#product, #component')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ $('.set-default-container').show();
+ $('#set-default-assignee').prop('checked', $('#assigned_to').val() == BUGZILLA.default_assignee).change();
+ $('#set-default-qa-contact').prop('checked', $('#qa_contact').val() == BUGZILLA.default_qa_contact).change();
+ slide_module($('#module-people'), 'show');
+ });
+ $('.set-default')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ var cb = $(;
+ var input = $('#' +'for'));
+ input.attr('disabled', cb.prop('checked'));
+ })
+ .change();
+ // hotkeys
+ $(window)
+ .keydown(function(event) {
+ if (!(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey))
+ return;
+ switch(String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase()) {
+ // ctrl+e or meta+e = enter edit mode
+ case 'e':
+ if (event.shiftKey)
+ return;
+ // don't conflict with text input shortcut
+ if (document.activeElement.nodeNode == 'INPUT' || document.activeElement.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA')
+ return;
+ if ($('#cancel-btn:visible').length === 0) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#mode-btn').click();
+ }
+ break;
+ // ctrl+shift+p = toggle comment preview
+ case 'p':
+ if (event.metaKey || !event.shiftKey)
+ return;
+ if ( == 'comment') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#comment-preview-tab').click();
+ }
+ else if ($('#comment-preview:visible').length !== 0) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#comment-edit-tab').click();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ // add cc button
+ $('#add-cc-btn')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#add-cc-btn').hide();
+ $('#add-cc-container').show();
+ $('#top-save-btn').show();
+ $('#add-cc').focus();
+ });
+ // Add user to cc list if they mark the bug as security sensitive
+ $('.restrict_sensitive')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ $('#add-self-cc:not(:checked)').attr('checked', true);
+ });
+ // product change --> load components, versions, milestones, groups
+ $('#product').data('default', $('#product').val());
+ $('#component, #version, #target_milestone').each(function() {
+ $(this).data('default', $(this).val());
+ });
+ $('#product')
+ .change(function(event) {
+ $('#product-throbber').show();
+ $('#component, #version, #target_milestone').attr('disabled', true);
+ slide_module($('#module-tracking'), 'show');
+ $.each($('input[name=groups]'), function() {
+ if (this.checked) {
+ slide_module($('#module-security'), 'show');
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ bugzilla_ajax(
+ {
+ url: 'rest/bug_modal/new_product/' + BUGZILLA.bug_id + '?product=' + encodeURIComponent($('#product').val())
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ $('#product-throbber').hide();
+ $('#component, #version, #target_milestone').attr('disabled', false);
+ var is_default = $('#product').val() == $('#product').data('default');
+ // populate selects
+ $.each(data, function(key, value) {
+ if (key == 'groups') return;
+ var el = $('#' + key);
+ if (!el) return;
+ el.empty();
+ var selected ='preselect');
+ $(value).each(function(i, v) {
+ el.append($('<option>', { value:, text: }));
+ if (typeof selected === 'undefined' && v.selected)
+ selected =;
+ });
+ el.val(selected);
+ el.prop('required', true);
+ if (is_default) {
+ el.removeClass('attention');
+ el.val('default'));
+ }
+ else {
+ el.addClass('attention');
+ }
+ });
+ // update groups
+ var dirtyGroups = [];
+ var any_groups_checked = 0;
+ $('#module-security').find('input[name=groups]').each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var defaultChecked = !!that.attr('checked');
+ if (defaultChecked !==':checked')) {
+ dirtyGroups.push({ name: that.val(), value:':checked') });
+ }
+ if (':checked')) {
+ any_groups_checked = 1;
+ }
+ });
+ $('#module-security .module-content')
+ .html(data.groups)
+ .addClass('attention');
+ $.each(dirtyGroups, function() {
+ $('#module-security').find('input[value=' + + ']').prop('checked', this.value);
+ });
+ // clear any default groups if user was making bug public
+ // unless the group is mandatory for the new product
+ if (!any_groups_checked) {
+ $('#module-security').find('input[name=groups]').each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ if (!'mandatory')) {
+ that.prop('checked', false);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ function() {
+ $('#product-throbber').hide();
+ $('#component, #version, #target_milestone').attr('disabled', false);
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ // product/component search
+ $('#product-search')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#product').hide();
+ $('#product-search').hide();
+ $('#product-search-cancel').show();
+ $('.pcs-form').show();
+ $('#pcs').val('').focus();
+ });
+ $('#product-search-cancel')
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $('#product-search-error').hide();
+ $('.pcs-form').hide();
+ $('#product').show();
+ $('#product-search-cancel').hide();
+ $('#product-search').show();
+ });
+ $('#pcs')
+ .devbridgeAutocomplete('setOptions', {
+ onSelect: function(suggestion) {
+ $('#product-search-error').hide();
+ $('.pcs-form').hide();
+ $('#product-search-cancel').hide();
+ $('#product-search').show();
+ if ($('#product').val() != {
+ $('#component').data('preselect',;
+ $('#product').val(;
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#component').val(;
+ }
+ $('#product').show();
+ }
+ });
+ $(document)
+ .on('pcs:search', function(event) {
+ $('#product-search-error').hide();
+ })
+ .on('pcs:results', function(event) {
+ $('#product-search-error').hide();
+ })
+ .on('pcs:no_results', function(event) {
+ $('#product-search-error')
+ .prop('title', 'No components found')
+ .show();
+ })
+ .on('pcs:too_many_results', function(event, el) {
+ $('#product-search-error')
+ .prop('title', 'Results limited to ' +'max_results') + ' components')
+ .show();
+ })
+ .on('pcs:error', function(event, message) {
+ $('#product-search-error')
+ .prop('title', message)
+ .show();
+ });
+ // comment preview
+ var last_comment_text = '';
+ $('#comment-tabs li').click(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ if (that.attr('aria-selected') === 'true')
+ return;
+ // ensure preview's height matches the comment
+ var comment = $('#comment');
+ var preview = $('#comment-preview');
+ var comment_height = comment[0].offsetHeight;
+ // change tabs
+ $('#comment-tabs li').attr({ tabindex: -1, 'aria-selected': false });
+ $('.comment-tabpanel').hide();
+ that.attr({ tabindex: 0, 'aria-selected': true });
+ var tabpanel = $('#' + that.attr('aria-controls')).show();
+ var focus ='focus');
+ if (focus !== '') {
+ $('#' + focus).focus();
+ }
+ // update preview
+ preview.css('height', comment_height + 'px');
+ if (tabpanel.attr('id') != 'comment-preview-tabpanel' || last_comment_text == comment.val())
+ return;
+ $('#preview-throbber').show();
+ preview.html('');
+ bugzilla_ajax(
+ {
+ url: 'rest/bug/comment/render',
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: { text: comment.val() },
+ hideError: true
+ },
+ function(data) {
+ $('#preview-throbber').hide();
+ preview.html(data.html);
+ },
+ function(message) {
+ $('#preview-throbber').hide();
+ var container = $('<div/>');
+ container.addClass('preview-error');
+ container.text(message);
+ preview.html(container);
+ }
+ );
+ last_comment_text = comment.val();
+ }).keydown(function(event) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var tabs = $('#comment-tabs li');
+ var target;
+ // enable keyboard navigation on tabs
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 35: // End
+ target = tabs.last();
+ break;
+ case 36: // Home
+ target = tabs.first();
+ break;
+ case 37: // Left arrow
+ target = that.prev('[role="tab"]');
+ break;
+ case 39: // Right arrow
+ target ='[role="tab"]');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target && target.length) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ // dirty field tracking
+ $('#changeform select')
+ .change(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ var dirty = $('#' + that.attr('id') + '-dirty');
+ if (!dirty) return;
+ if (that.attr('multiple')) {
+ var preselected ='preselected');
+ var selected = that.val();
+ var isDirty = preselected.length != selected.length;
+ if (!isDirty) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = preselected.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (selected[i] != preselected[i]) {
+ isDirty = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dirty.val(isDirty ? '1' : '');
+ }
+ else {
+ dirty.val(that.val() ==='preselected')[0] ? '' : '1');
+ }
+ });
+ // finally switch to edit mode if we navigate back to a page that was editing
+ $(window).on('pageshow', restoreEditMode);
+ restoreEditMode();
+function confirmUnsafeURL(url) {
+ return confirm(
+ 'This is considered an unsafe URL and could possibly be harmful.\n' +
+ 'The full URL is:\n\n' + url + '\n\nContinue?');
+// fix url after bug creation/update
+if (history && history.replaceState) {
+ var href = document.location.href;
+ if (!href.match(/new-bug/) && !href.match(/show_bug\.cgi/)) {
+ history.replaceState(null, BUGZILLA.bug_title, 'show_bug.cgi?id=' + BUGZILLA.bug_id);
+ document.title = BUGZILLA.bug_title;
+ }
+ if (href.match(/show_bug\.cgi\?.*list_id=/)) {
+ href = href.replace(/[\?&]+list_id=(\d+|cookie)/, '');
+ history.replaceState(null, BUGZILLA.bug_title, href);
+ }
+// ajax wrapper, to simplify error handling and auth
+function bugzilla_ajax(request, done_fn, error_fn) {
+ $('#xhr-error').hide('');
+ $('#xhr-error').html('');
+ request.url += (request.url.match('\\?') ? '&' : '?') +
+ 'Bugzilla_api_token=' + encodeURIComponent(BUGZILLA.api_token);
+ if (request.type != 'GET') {
+ request.contentType = 'application/json';
+ request.processData = false;
+ if ( && === Object) {
+ = JSON.stringify(;
+ }
+ }
+ return $.ajax(request)
+ .done(function(data) {
+ if (data.error) {
+ if (!request.hideError) {
+ $('#xhr-error').html(data.message);
+ $('#xhr-error').show('fast');
+ }
+ if (error_fn)
+ error_fn(data.message);
+ }
+ else if (done_fn) {
+ done_fn(data);
+ }
+ })
+ .fail(function(data) {
+ if (data.statusText === 'abort')
+ return;
+ var message = data.responseJSON ? data.responseJSON.message : 'Unexpected Error'; // all errors are unexpected :)
+ if (!request.hideError) {
+ $('#xhr-error').html(message);
+ $('#xhr-error').show('fast');
+ }
+ if (error_fn)
+ error_fn(message);
+ });
+// lightbox
+function lb_show(el) {
+ $(window).trigger('close');
+ $(document).bind('', function(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode == 27) {
+ lb_close(event);
+ }
+ });
+ var overlay = $('<div>')
+ .prop('id', 'lb_overlay')
+ .css({ opacity: 0 })
+ .appendTo('body');
+ var overlay2 = $('<div>')
+ .prop('id', 'lb_overlay2')
+ .css({ top: $(window).scrollTop() + 5 })
+ .appendTo('body');
+ var title = $('<div>')
+ .prop('id', 'lb_text')
+ .appendTo(overlay2);
+ var img = $('<img>')
+ .prop('id', 'lb_img')
+ .prop('src', el.href)
+ .prop('alt', 'Loading...')
+ .css({ opacity: 0 })
+ .appendTo(overlay2)
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ window.location.href = el.href;
+ });
+ var close_btn = $('<button>')
+ .prop('id', 'lb_close_btn')
+ .prop('type', 'button')
+ .addClass('minor')
+ .text('Close')
+ .appendTo(overlay2);
+ title.text(el.title);
+ overlay.add(overlay2).click(lb_close);
+ img.add(overlay).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200);
+function lb_close(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $(document).unbind('');
+ $('#lb_overlay, #lb_overlay2, #lb_close_btn, #lb_img, #lb_text').remove();
+$(function() {
+ $("button.button-link").on("click", function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ window.location = $(this).data("href");
+ });
+// extensions
+(function($) {
+ $.extend({
+ // Case insensative $.inArray (
+ // $.inArrayIn(value, array [, fromIndex])
+ // value (type: String)
+ // The value to search for
+ // array (type: Array)
+ // An array through which to search.
+ // fromIndex (type: Number)
+ // The index of the array at which to begin the search.
+ // The default is 0, which will search the whole array.
+ inArrayIn: function(elem, arr, i) {
+ // not looking for a string anyways, use default method
+ if (typeof elem !== 'string') {
+ return $.inArray.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ // confirm array is populated
+ if (arr) {
+ var len = arr.length;
+ i = i ? (i < 0 ? Math.max(0, len + i) : i) : 0;
+ elem = elem.toLowerCase();
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i in arr && arr[i].toLowerCase() == elem) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // stick with inArray/indexOf and return -1 on no match
+ return -1;
+ },
+ // Bring an element into view, leaving space for the outline.
+ // If passed a string, it will be treated as an id - the page will scroll
+ // unanimated and the url will be added to the browser's history.
+ // If passed an element, an smooth scroll will take place and no entry
+ // will be added to the history.
+ scrollTo: function(target, complete) {
+ if (typeof target === 'string') {
+ var el = $('#' + target);
+ window.location.hash = target;
+ var $html = $('html');
+ if (Math.abs($html.scrollTop() - el.offset().top) <= 1) {
+ $html.scrollTop($html.scrollTop() - 10);
+ }
+ $html.scrollLeft(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ var offset = target.offset();
+ $('html')
+ .animate({
+ scrollTop: - 20,
+ scrollLeft: 0
+ },
+ 200,
+ complete
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });