path: root/extensions/Ember
diff options
authorDave Lawrence <>2013-12-18 06:11:01 +0100
committerDave Lawrence <>2013-12-18 06:11:01 +0100
commit45c4b91b8e0208b36baef469bc60fb56a5bc17a3 (patch)
tree6de75b3a6b7b7162158222a56852a42529ccd7ac /extensions/Ember
parentc469b433d581bf80fe2272dfd380cd12043aafd0 (diff)
Bug 928989 - add a new method to ember which just returns current values
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/Ember')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Ember/lib/ b/extensions/Ember/lib/
index 585079ac5..96c6a5646 100644
--- a/extensions/Ember/lib/
+++ b/extensions/Ember/lib/
@@ -252,6 +252,72 @@ sub search {
return $result;
+sub bug {
+ my ($self, $params) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $bug_id = delete $params->{id};
+ $bug_id || ThrowCodeError('param_required',
+ { function => 'Ember.bug', param => 'id' });
+ my ($comments, $attachments) = ([], []);
+ my $bug = $self->get({ ids => [ $bug_id ] });
+ $bug = $bug->{bugs}->[0];
+ # Only return changes since last_updated if provided
+ my $last_updated = delete $params->{last_updated};
+ if ($last_updated) {
+ trick_taint($last_updated);
+ my $updated_fields = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT
+ FROM fielddefs INNER JOIN bugs_activity
+ ON = bugs_activity.fieldid
+ WHERE bugs_activity.bug_when > ?
+ AND bugs_activity.bug_id = ?',
+ undef, ($last_updated, $bug->{id}));
+ my %field_map = reverse %{ Bugzilla::Bug::FIELD_MAP() };
+ $field_map{''} = 'flags';
+ my $changed_bug = {};
+ foreach my $field (@$updated_fields) {
+ my $field_name = $field_map{$field} || $field;
+ if ($bug->{$field_name}) {
+ $changed_bug->{$field_name} = $bug->{$field_name};
+ }
+ }
+ $bug = $changed_bug;
+ # Find any comments created since the last_updated date
+ $comments = $self->comments({ ids => $bug_id, new_since => $last_updated });
+ # Find any new attachments or modified attachments since the
+ # last_updated date
+ my $updated_attachments =
+ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT attach_id FROM attachments
+ WHERE (creation_ts > ? OR modification_time > ?)
+ AND bug_id = ?',
+ undef, ($last_updated, $last_updated, $bug->{id}));
+ if ($updated_attachments) {
+ $attachments = $self->_get_attachments({ attachment_ids => $updated_attachments,
+ exclude_fields => ['data'] });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $comments = $self->comments({ ids => [ $bug_id ] });
+ $attachments = $self->_get_attachments({ ids => [ $bug_id ],
+ exclude_fields => ['data'] });
+ }
+ $comments = $comments->{bugs}->{$bug_id}->{comments};
+ return {
+ bug => $bug,
+ comments => $comments,
+ attachments => $attachments,
+ };
sub get_attachments {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $attachments = $self->_get_attachments($params);
@@ -686,12 +752,6 @@ sub rest_resources {
- # show bug page - one or more bug ids
- qr{^/ember/show$}, {
- GET => {
- method => 'show'
- }
- },
# search - wrapper around SUPER::search which also includes the total
# number of bugs when using pagination
qr{^/ember/search$}, {
@@ -699,6 +759,15 @@ sub rest_resources {
method => 'search',
+ # get current bug attributes without field information - single bug id
+ qr{^/ember/bug/(\d+)$}, {
+ GET => {
+ method => 'bug',
+ params => sub {
+ return { id => $_[0] };
+ }
+ }
+ },
# attachments - wrapper around SUPER::attachments that also includes
# can_edit attribute
qr{^/ember/bug/(\d+)/attachments$}, {
@@ -858,3 +927,95 @@ As per Bugzilla::WebService::Bug::search()
+=head2 bug
+=item B<Description>
+This method returns just the current bug values, comments, and attachments without
+all of the field information.
+=item B<Params>
+You pass a field called C<id> that is a valid bug ids.
+=item C<id> (integer) - A valid bug id
+=item C<last_updated> - (dateTime) An optional timestamp that includes only fields,
+attachments, or comments that have been changed or added since.
+=item B<Returns>
+=item B<Errors>
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in BMO Bugzilla B<4.2>.
+=head2 get_attachments
+=item B<Description>
+This method returns the current attachment data and flag types for a given
+bug id or attachment id.
+=item B<Params>
+You pass a field called C<id> that is a valid bug id or an C<attachment_id> which
+is a valid attachment id.
+=item C<id> (integer) - A valid bug id.
+=item C<attachment_id> (integer) - A valid attachment id.
+=item B<Returns>
+=item B<Errors>
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in BMO Bugzilla B<4.2>.