path: root/extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled
diff options
authorByron Jones <>2012-11-14 16:04:59 +0100
committerByron Jones <>2012-11-14 16:04:59 +0100
commit99ec314f1888f326b2305be67da991c5316ce20f (patch)
treecc265de3ca27248da52a989bfea54cecbae29072 /extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled
parentef644aeffea4e6d9513f37eb88d39707ce155c4a (diff)
Bug 589322: deploy push extension
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled/ b/extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..832cc9262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/Push/lib/Connector.disabled/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Connector::ServiceNow;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Connector::Base';
+use Bugzilla::Attachment;
+use Bugzilla::Bug;
+use Bugzilla::Component;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Serialise;
+use Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Util;
+use Bugzilla::Field;
+use Bugzilla::Mailer;
+use Bugzilla::Product;
+use Bugzilla::User;
+use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim trick_taint);
+use Email::MIME;
+use FileHandle;
+use LWP;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use constant SEND_COMPONENTS => (
+ {
+ product => '',
+ component => 'Server Operations: Desktop Issues',
+ },
+sub options {
+ return (
+ {
+ name => 'bugzilla_user',
+ label => 'Bugzilla Service-Now User',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ validate => sub {
+ Bugzilla::User->new({ name => $_[0] })
+ || die "Invalid Bugzilla user ($_[0])\n";
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'ldap_scheme',
+ label => 'Mozilla LDAP Scheme',
+ type => 'select',
+ values => [ 'LDAP', 'LDAPS' ],
+ default => 'LDAPS',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'ldap_host',
+ label => 'Mozilla LDAP Host',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'ldap_user',
+ label => 'Mozilla LDAP Bind Username',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'ldap_pass',
+ label => 'Mozilla LDAP Password',
+ type => 'password',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'ldap_poll',
+ label => 'Mozilla LDAP Poll Frequency',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '3',
+ required => 1,
+ help => 'minutes',
+ validate => sub {
+ $_[0] =~ /\D/
+ && die "LDAP Poll Frequency must be an integer\n";
+ $_[0] == 0
+ && die "LDAP Poll Frequency cannot be less than one minute\n";
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'service_now_url',
+ label => 'Service Now JSON URL',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ help => "Must start with https:// and end with ?JSON",
+ validate => sub {
+ $_[0] =~ m#^https://[^\.\/]+\.service-now\.com\/#
+ || die "Invalid Service Now JSON URL\n";
+ $_[0] =~ m#\?JSON$#
+ || die "Invalid Service Now JSON URL (must end with ?JSON)\n";
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'service_now_user',
+ label => 'Service Now JSON Username',
+ type => 'string',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'service_now_pass',
+ label => 'Service Now JSON Password',
+ type => 'password',
+ default => '',
+ required => 1,
+ },
+ );
+sub options_validate {
+ my ($self, $config) = @_;
+ my $host = $config->{ldap_host};
+ trick_taint($host);
+ my $scheme = lc($config->{ldap_scheme});
+ eval {
+ my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($host, scheme => $scheme, onerror => 'die', timeout => 5)
+ or die $!;
+ $ldap->bind($config->{ldap_user}, password => $config->{ldap_pass});
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ die sprintf("Failed to connect to %s://%s/: %s\n", $scheme, $host, $@);
+ }
+my $_instance;
+sub init {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $_instance = $self;
+sub load_config {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::load_config(@_);
+ $self->{bugzilla_user} ||= Bugzilla::User->new({ name => $self->config->{bugzilla_user} });
+sub should_send {
+ my ($self, $message) = @_;
+ my $data = $message->payload_decoded;
+ my $bug_data = $self->_get_bug_data($data)
+ || return 0;
+ # we don't want to send the initial comment in a separate message
+ # because we inject it into the inital message
+ if (exists $data->{comment} && $data->{comment}->{number} == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $target = $data->{event}->{target};
+ unless ($target eq 'bug' || $target eq 'comment' || $target eq 'attachment') {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # ensure the service-now user can see the bug
+ if (!$self->{bugzilla_user} || !$self->{bugzilla_user}->is_enabled) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $self->{bugzilla_user}->can_see_bug($bug_data->{id})
+ || return 0;
+ # don't push changes made by the service-now account
+ $data->{event}->{user}->{id} == $self->{bugzilla_user}->id
+ && return 0;
+ # filter based on the component
+ my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new($bug_data->{id});
+ my $send = 0;
+ foreach my $rh (SEND_COMPONENTS) {
+ if ($bug->product eq $rh->{product} && $bug->component eq $rh->{component}) {
+ $send = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $send;
+sub send {
+ my ($self, $message) = @_;
+ my $logger = Bugzilla->push_ext->logger;
+ my $config = $self->config;
+ # should_send intiailises bugzilla_user; make sure we return a useful error message
+ if (!$self->{bugzilla_user}) {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "Invalid bugzilla-user (" . $self->config->{bugzilla_user} . ")");
+ }
+ # load the bug
+ my $data = $message->payload_decoded;
+ my $bug_data = $self->_get_bug_data($data);
+ my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new($bug_data->{id});
+ if ($message->routing_key eq 'bug.create') {
+ # inject the comment into the data for new bugs
+ my $comment = shift @{ $bug->comments };
+ if ($comment->body ne '') {
+ $bug_data->{comment} = Bugzilla::Extension::Push::Serialise->instance->object_to_hash($comment, 1);
+ }
+ } elsif ($message->routing_key eq 'attachment.create') {
+ # inject the attachment payload
+ my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->new($data->{attachment}->{id});
+ $data->{attachment}->{data} = encode_base64($attachment->data);
+ }
+ # map bmo login to ldap login and insert into json payload
+ $self->_add_ldap_logins($data, {});
+ # flatten json data
+ $self->_flatten($data);
+ # add sysparm_action
+ $data->{sysparm_action} = 'insert';
+ if ($logger->debugging) {
+ $logger->debug(to_json(ref($data) ? $data : from_json($data), 1));
+ }
+ # send to service-now
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $self->config->{service_now_url});
+ $request->content_type('application/json');
+ $request->content(to_json($data));
+ $request->authorization_basic($self->config->{service_now_user}, $self->config->{service_now_pass});
+ $self->{lwp} ||= LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => Bugzilla->params->{urlbase});
+ my $result = $self->{lwp}->request($request);
+ # http level errors
+ if (!$result->is_success) {
+ # treat these as transient
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, $result->status_line);
+ }
+ # empty response
+ if (length($result->content) == 0) {
+ # malformed request, treat as transient to allow code to fix
+ # may also be misconfiguration on servicenow, also transient
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, "Empty response");
+ }
+ # json errors
+ my $result_data;
+ eval {
+ $result_data = from_json($result->content);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_TRANSIENT, clean_error($@));
+ }
+ if ($logger->debugging) {
+ $logger->debug(to_json($result_data, 1));
+ }
+ if (exists $result_data->{error}) {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_ERROR, $result_data->{error});
+ };
+ # malformed/unexpected json response
+ if (!exists $result_data->{records}
+ || ref($result_data->{records}) ne 'ARRAY'
+ || scalar(@{$result_data->{records}}) == 0
+ ) {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_ERROR, "Malformed JSON response from ServiceNow: missing or empty 'records' array");
+ }
+ my $record = $result_data->{records}->[0];
+ if (ref($record) ne 'HASH') {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_ERROR, "Malformed JSON response from ServiceNow: 'records' array does not contain an object");
+ }
+ # sys_id is the unique identifier for this action
+ if (!exists $record->{sys_id} || $record->{sys_id} eq '') {
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_ERROR, "Malformed JSON response from ServiceNow: 'records object' does not contain a valid sys_id");
+ }
+ # success
+ return (PUSH_RESULT_OK, "sys_id: " . $record->{sys_id});
+sub _get_bug_data {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my $target = $data->{event}->{target};
+ if ($target eq 'bug') {
+ return $data->{bug};
+ } elsif (exists $data->{$target}->{bug}) {
+ return $data->{$target}->{bug};
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+sub _flatten {
+ # service-now expects a flat json object
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my $target = $data->{event}->{target};
+ # delete unnecessary deep objects
+ if ($target eq 'comment' || $target eq 'attachment') {
+ $data->{$target}->{bug_id} = $data->{$target}->{bug}->{id};
+ delete $data->{$target}->{bug};
+ }
+ delete $data->{event}->{changes};
+ $self->_flatten_hash($data, $data, 'u');
+sub _flatten_hash {
+ my ($self, $base_hash, $hash, $prefix) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
+ if (ref($hash->{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $self->_flatten_hash($base_hash, $hash->{$key}, $prefix . "_$key");
+ } elsif (ref($hash->{$key}) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ $base_hash->{$prefix . "_$key"} = $hash->{$key};
+ }
+ delete $hash->{$key};
+ }
+sub _add_ldap_logins {
+ my ($self, $rh, $cache) = @_;
+ if (exists $rh->{login}) {
+ my $login = $rh->{login};
+ $cache->{$login} ||= $self->_bmo_to_ldap($login);
+ Bugzilla->push_ext->logger->debug("BMO($login) --> LDAP(" . $cache->{$login} . ")");
+ $rh->{ldap} = $cache->{$login};
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %$rh) {
+ next unless ref($rh->{$key}) eq 'HASH';
+ $self->_add_ldap_logins($rh->{$key}, $cache);
+ }
+sub _bmo_to_ldap {
+ my ($self, $login) = @_;
+ my $ldap = $self->_ldap_cache();
+ return '' unless $login =~ /\@mozilla\.(?:com|org)$/;
+ foreach my $check ($login, canon_email($login)) {
+ # check for matching bugmail entry
+ foreach my $mail (keys %$ldap) {
+ next unless $ldap->{$mail}{bugmail_canon} eq $check;
+ return $mail;
+ }
+ # check for matching mail
+ if (exists $ldap->{$check}) {
+ return $check;
+ }
+ # check for matching email alias
+ foreach my $mail (sort keys %$ldap) {
+ next unless grep { $check eq $_ } @{$ldap->{$mail}{aliases}};
+ return $mail;
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+sub _ldap_cache {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $logger = Bugzilla->push_ext->logger;
+ my $config = $self->config;
+ # cache of all ldap entries; updated infrequently
+ if (!$self->{ldap_cache_time} || (time) - $self->{ldap_cache_time} > $config->{ldap_poll} * 60) {
+ $logger->debug('refreshing LDAP cache');
+ my $cache = {};
+ my $host = $config->{ldap_host};
+ trick_taint($host);
+ my $scheme = lc($config->{ldap_scheme});
+ my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($host, scheme => $scheme, onerror => 'die')
+ or die $!;
+ $ldap->bind($config->{ldap_user}, password => $config->{ldap_pass});
+ foreach my $ldap_base ('o=com,dc=mozilla', 'o=org,dc=mozilla') {
+ my $result = $ldap->search(
+ base => $ldap_base,
+ scope => 'sub',
+ filter => '(mail=*)',
+ attrs => ['mail', 'bugzillaEmail', 'emailAlias', 'cn', 'employeeType'],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry ($result->entries) {
+ my ($name, $bugMail, $mail, $type) =
+ map { $entry->get_value($_) || '' }
+ qw(cn bugzillaEmail mail employeeType);
+ next if $type eq 'DISABLED';
+ $mail = lc $mail;
+ $bugMail = '' if $bugMail !~ /\@/;
+ $bugMail = trim($bugMail);
+ if ($bugMail =~ / /) {
+ $bugMail = (grep { /\@/ } split / /, $bugMail)[0];
+ }
+ $name =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $cache->{$mail}{name} = trim($name);
+ $cache->{$mail}{bugmail} = $bugMail;
+ $cache->{$mail}{bugmail_canon} = canon_email($bugMail);
+ $cache->{$mail}{aliases} = [];
+ foreach my $alias (
+ @{$entry->get_value('emailAlias', asref => 1) || []}
+ ) {
+ push @{$cache->{$mail}{aliases}}, canon_email($alias);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{ldap_cache} = $cache;
+ $self->{ldap_cache_time} = (time);
+ }
+ return $self->{ldap_cache};