path: root/qa/t/test_shared_searches.t
diff options
authorDavid Lawrence <>2015-06-25 05:35:16 +0200
committerDavid Lawrence <>2015-06-25 05:35:16 +0200
commita6238e079b4e8e62d3e23f019e0895c626133c83 (patch)
tree5c840202b0e02237a9a6b6acfdd613d78d38624a /qa/t/test_shared_searches.t
parent28f425dac57db417b2a701fa99ef4ad73da0a729 (diff)
Bug 1144485: Adapt upstream Selenium test suite to BMO
Diffstat (limited to 'qa/t/test_shared_searches.t')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/t/test_shared_searches.t b/qa/t/test_shared_searches.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b38a271b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/t/test_shared_searches.t
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+use Test::More "no_plan";
+use QA::Util;
+my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium();
+# Set the querysharegroup param to be the canconfirm group.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+set_parameters($sel, { "Group Security" => {"querysharegroup" => {type => "select", value => "canconfirm"}} });
+# Create new saved search and call it 'Shared Selenium buglist'.
+$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", ":TestProduct Selenium");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->type_ok("save_newqueryname", "Shared Selenium buglist");
+$sel->title_is("Search created");
+my $text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ /OK, you have a new search named Shared Selenium buglist./, "New search named 'Shared Selenium buglist' has been created");
+# Retrieve the newly created saved search's internal ID and make sure it's displayed
+# in the footer by default.
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+my $ssname = $sel->get_attribute('//input[@type="checkbox" and @alt="Shared Selenium buglist"]@name');
+$ssname =~ /(?:link_in_footer_(\d+))/;
+my $saved_search1_id = $1;
+# As an admin, the "Add to footer" checkbox must be displayed, but unchecked by default.
+$sel->select_ok("share_$saved_search1_id", "label=canconfirm");
+ok(!$sel->is_checked("force_$saved_search1_id"), "Shared search not displayed in other users' footer by default");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# Log in as the "canconfirm" user. The search shared by the admin must appear
+# in the footer.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'canconfirm');
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("Shared Selenium buglist");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Shared Selenium buglist");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: Shared Selenium buglist");
+# You cannot delete other users' saved searches.
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("Forget Search 'Shared Selenium buglist'"), "'Forget...' link not available");
+# The name of the sharer must appear in the "Saved Searches" section.
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# Remove the shared search from your footer.
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# Go to a page where the query name is unlikely to appear in the main page.
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("Shared Selenium buglist"), "Shared query no longer displayed in the footer");
+# Create your own saved search, and share it with the canconfirm group.
+$sel->type_ok("quicksearch_top", ":TestProduct sw:helpwanted");
+$sel->title_is("Bug List");
+$sel->type_ok("save_newqueryname", "helpwanted");
+$sel->title_is("Search created");
+$text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ /OK, you have a new search named helpwanted./, "New search named helpwanted has been created");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$ssname = $sel->get_attribute('//input[@type="checkbox" and @alt="helpwanted"]@name');
+$ssname =~ /(?:link_in_footer_(\d+))/;
+my $saved_search2_id = $1;
+# Our own saved searches are displayed in the footer by default.
+$sel->select_ok("share_$saved_search2_id", "label=canconfirm");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# Log in as admin again. The other user is not a blesser for the 'canconfirm'
+# group, and so his shared search must not be displayed by default. But it
+# must still be available and can be added to the footer, if desired.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("helpwanted"), "No 'helpwanted' shared search displayed");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_checked("link_in_footer_$saved_search2_id"), "Shared query available but not displayed");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# This query is now available from the footer.
+$sel->title_is("Bug List: helpwanted");
+# Remove the 'Shared Selenium buglist' query.
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+# There is no better way to identify the link
+ undef, "Deleting the 'Shared Selenium buglist' search");
+$sel->title_is("Search is gone");
+$text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ /OK, the Shared Selenium buglist search is gone./, "The 'Shared Selenium buglist' search is gone");
+# Make sure that the 'helpwanted' query is not shared with the QA_Selenium_TEST
+# user as he doesn't belong to the 'canconfirm' group.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'QA_Selenium_TEST');
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("helpwanted"), "The 'helpwanted' query is not displayed in the footer");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("helpwanted"), "The 'helpwanted' query is not shared with this user");
+# Now remove the 'helpwanted' saved search.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'canconfirm');
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Saved Searches");
+$sel->title_is("User Preferences");
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present("Shared Selenium buglist"), "The 'Shared Selenium buglist' is no longer available");
+ undef, "Deleting the 'helpwanted' search");
+$sel->title_is("Search is gone");
+$text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ /OK, the helpwanted search is gone./, "The 'helpwanted' search is gone");