path: root/template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl
diff options
mode: <>2005-08-22 03:16:40 +0200 <>2005-08-22 03:16:40 +0200
commitf4966aeb0e7a655c986aeb285c1a220274ddbfd9 (patch)
tree70fc81865b58b54e97da10c8cc824ae9fb641672 /template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl
parentd055246d2010e546bbad8c65d99496d53eee0bff (diff)
Bug 70907: QuickSearch: port the JS code to perl (make it server-side) - Patch by Marc Schumann <> r=wicked a=myk
Diffstat (limited to 'template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl b/template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..529484991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/en/default/pages/quicksearchhack.html.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+[%# %]
+[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ # the License at
+ #
+ # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ # implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ # rights and limitations under the License.
+ #
+ # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+ #
+ # Contributor(s): N.N.
+ # Marc Schumann <>
+ #%]
+[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
+[% INCLUDE global/header.html.tmpl
+ title = "$terms.Bugzilla QuickSearch (for Hackers)",
+ style = 'th {text-align: left}'
+ onload = 'document.forms[\'f\'].quicksearch.focus()'
+ %]
+ Type in one or more words (or word fragments) to search for:
+<form name="f" action="buglist.cgi" method="get"
+ onsubmit="if (this.quicksearch.value == '')
+ { alert('Please enter one or more search terms first.');
+ return false; } return true;">
+ <input type="text" size="40" name="quicksearch">
+ <input type="submit" value="Find">
+ <input type="submit" name="load" value="Load Search Form">
+ This is a case-insensitive &ldquo;all words as substrings&rdquo; search;
+ words are separated by spaces.
+ By default, the following fields are relevant: Summary, Keywords,
+ Product, Component, Status Whiteboard.
+ If a word looks like a part of a URL, that field is included in the search,
+ too.
+ The generic format for a &ldquo;word&rdquo; is
+ <tt>field1,&hellip;,fieldN:value1,&hellip;,valueM</tt>.
+ A [% terms.bug %] qualifies if at least one of the values occurs as a
+ substring in at least one of the fields.
+ For example, <tt>assignee,reporter,qa:ibm,sun</tt> will give you
+ [%+ terms.bugs %] where the assignee, reporter, or qa contact has a login
+ that contains <tt>ibm</tt> or <tt>sun</tt>.
+ If only <tt>value1,&hellip;,valueM</tt> is given, the prefix (roughly) defaults to
+ <tt>summary,keywords,product,component,statuswhiteboard:</tt> as noted above.
+ You can use <tt>-<i>word</i></tt> to express the logical negation of
+ <tt><i>word</i></tt>.
+ Here is a complete listing of available fields (the Shortcut column is just
+ for access speed):
+<table border="1">
+ <th>Searched by default</th>
+ <th>Shortcut</th>
+ <th>Field Name</th>
+ <th>Aliases</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+<!-- Status, Resolution, Platform, OS, Priority, Severity -->
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td rowspan="2">
+ <tt>UNCO,NEW,&hellip;,CLOS,<br>FIX,DUP,&hellip;<i>(as first word)</i></tt>
+ </td>
+ <td><tt>status</tt></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#status">Status</a>
+ <i>(&ldquo;bug_status&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>resolution</tt></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#resolution">Resolution</a></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><i>as-is</i></td>
+ <td><tt>platform</tt></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#rep_platform">Platform</a>
+ <i>(&ldquo;rep_platform&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>os</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>opsys</tt></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#op_sys">OS</a>
+ <i>(&ldquo;op_sys&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>p1,p2</tt> <i>or</i> <tt>p1-2</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>priority</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>pri</tt></td>
+ <td><a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#priority">Priority</a></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>blo,cri,&hellip;,enh</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>severity</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>sev</tt></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#bug_severity">Severity</a>
+ <i>(&ldquo;bug_severity&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+<!-- People: AssignedTo, Reporter, QA Contact, CC, Added comment -->
+<!-- Added comment is missing!!!! -->
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><b>@</b><i>assignee</i></td>
+ <td><tt>assignedto</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>assignee</tt></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#assigned_to">Assignee</a>
+ <i>(&ldquo;assigned_to&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>reporter</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>rep</tt></td>
+ <td>Reporter (login)</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>qa</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>qacontact</tt></td>
+ <td>QA Contact (login) <i>(&ldquo;qa_contact&rdquo;)</i></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>cc</tt></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>CC (login)</td>
+<!-- Product, Version, Component, Target Milestone -->
+ <td><i>yes</i></td>
+ <td rowspan="2"><b>:</b><i>area</i></td>
+ <td><tt>product</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>prod</tt></td>
+ <td>Product (enum)</td>
+ <td><i>yes</i></td>
+ <td><tt>component</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>comp</tt></td>
+ <td><a href="describecomponents.cgi">Component</a></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>version</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>ver</tt></td>
+ <td>Version (enum)</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>milestone</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>target, targetmilestone</tt></td>
+ <td>Target Milestone <i>(&ldquo;target_milestone&rdquo;)</i></td>
+<!-- Summary, Description, URL, Status whiteboard, Keywords -->
+ <td><i>yes</i></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>summary</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>shortdesc</tt></td>
+ <td>
+ [% terms.Bug %] Summary (short text)
+ <i>(&ldquo;short_desc&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>description</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>desc, longdesc<!--, comment--></tt></td>
+ <!-- reserve "comment" for "added comment" login search?! -->
+ <td>[% terms.Bug %] Description / Comments (long text)</td>
+ <td><i>depends</i></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>url</tt></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>URL <i>(&ldquo;bug_file_loc&rdquo;)</i></td>
+ <td><i>yes</i></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>statuswhiteboard</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>sw, whiteboard</tt></td>
+ <td>Status Whiteboard <i>(&ldquo;status_whiteboard&rdquo;)</i></td>
+ <td><i>yes</i></td>
+ <td><b>!</b><i>keyword</i></td>
+ <td><tt>keywords</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>kw</tt></td>
+ <td><a href="describekeywords.cgi">Keywords</a></td>
+<!-- Attachments -->
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>attachmentdesc</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>attachdesc</tt></td>
+ <td>
+ Attachment Description
+ <i>(&ldquo;attachments.description&rdquo;)</i>
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>attachmentdata</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>attachdata</tt></td>
+ <td>Attachment Data <i>(&ldquo;attachments.thedata&rdquo;)</i></td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;</td>
+ <td><tt>attachmentmimetype</tt></td>
+ <td><tt>attachmimetype</tt></td>
+ <td>Attachment mime-type <i>(&ldquo;attachments.mimetype&rdquo;)</i></td>
+ Examples for some useful abbreviations:
+<table border="1">
+ <th>Syntax</th>
+ <th>Semantics and Examples</th>
+ <td><i>STAT</i> <i>(as first word)</i></td>
+ <td><b>status,resolution:</b> <i>STAT</i></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td><tt>ALL</tt> <i>(as first word)</i></td>
+ <td><i>include all resolved [% terms.bugs %] in your search</i></td>
+ <td><tt>+DUP,FIXED</tt> <i>(as first word)</i></td>
+ <td><i>include DUPLICATE and FIXED [% terms.bugs %] in your search</i></td>
+ <td><b>:</b><i>area</i></td>
+ <td><b>product,component:</b><i>area</i></td>
+ <td><tt>:browser</tt></td>
+ <td><i>[% terms.bugs %] in the Browser product</i></td>
+ <td><tt>:mail</tt></td>
+ <td><i>[% terms.bugs %] in the MailNews product</td>
+ <td><tt>:xbl</tt></td>
+ <td><i>[% terms.bugs %] in the XBL component</i></td>
+ -->
+ <td><i>sev</i></td>
+ <td><b>severity:</b><i>sev</i></td>
+ <td><tt>blo,cri,maj</tt></td>
+ <td><i>severe [% terms.bugs %]</i></td>
+ <td><tt>enh</tt></td>
+ <td><i>enhancement requests</i></td>
+ <td><b>p</b><i>level</i></td>
+ <td><b>priority:</b><i>level</i></td>
+ <td><tt>p1</tt></td>
+ <td><i>very high-priority [% terms.bugs %]</i></td>
+ <td><tt>p1-2</tt></td>
+ <td><i>high-priority [% terms.bugs %]</i></td>
+ <td><b>@</b><i>assignee</i></td>
+ <td><b>assignedto:</b><i>assignee</i></td>
+ <td><tt>@nobody</tt></td>
+ <td><i>assigneeless [% terms.bugs %]</i></td>
+ <td><tt></tt></td>
+ <td><i>[% terms.bugs %] assigned to members</i></td>
+ -->
+ <td><b>!</b><i>keyword</i></td>
+ <td><b>keywords:</b><i>keyword</i></td>
+ <td><tt>!crash</tt></td>
+ <td><i>crasher [% terms.bugs %]</i></td>
+ <td><tt>!helpwanted</tt></td>
+ <td><i>[% terms.bugs %] waiting for your help</i></td>
+ -->
+ More information can be found in the
+ <a href="page.cgi?id=quicksearch.html#features">&ldquo;Features&rdquo;</a>
+ section on the <a href="page.cgi?id=quicksearch.html">introductory page</a>.
+[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]