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+The Bugzilla Database Schema v1.0
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+The Original Code is "The Bugzilla Database Schema".
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AtHome Corporation. Portions
+created by AtHome are Copyright © 1995-2000 AtHome Corporation. All Rights
+Reserved. @Home, Excite@Home, @Work, and Excite are the trademarks of At Home
+Corporation, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions
+Contributor(s): Matthew P. Barnson <>
+Last update: May 16, 2000
+Version 1.0: Initial public release (May 16, 2000)
+Maintainer: Matthew P. Barnson <>
+Table Of Contents
+ This information comes straight from my life. I was forced to learn how
+Bugzilla organizes database because of nitpicky requests from users for tiny
+changes in wording, rather than having people re-educate themselves or
+figure out how to work our procedures around the tool. It sucks, but it can
+and will happen to you, so learn how the schema works and deal with it when it
+ I'm sorry this version is plain text. I can whip this info out a lot faster
+if I'm not concerned about complex formatting. I'll get it into sgml for easy
+portability as time permits.
+ The Bugzilla Database Schema has a home! In addition to availability via CVS
+and released versions 2.12 and higher of Bugzilla, you can find the latest &
+greatest version of the Bugzilla Database Schema at
+ This is a living document; please be sure
+you are up-to-date with the latest version before mirroring.
+ The Bugzilla Database Schema is designed to provide vital information
+regarding the structure of the MySQL database. Where appropriate, this
+document will refer to URLs rather than including documents in their entirety
+to ensure completeness even should this paper become out of date.
+ This document is not maintained by Netscape or Netscape employees, so please
+do not contact them regarding errors or omissions contained herein. Please
+direct all questions, comments, updates, flames, etc. to Matthew P. Barnson
+<> (barnboy or barnhome on in
+ I'm sure I've made some glaring errors or omissions in this paper -- please
+email me corrections or post corrections to the
+netscape.public.mozilla.webtools newsgroup.
+ So, here you are with your brand-new installation of Bugzilla. You've got
+MySQL set up, Apache working right, Perl DBI and DBD talking to the database
+flawlessly. Maybe you've even entered a few test bugs to make sure email's
+working; people seem to be notified of new bugs and changes, and you can
+enter and edit bugs to your heart's content. Perhaps you've gone through the
+trouble of setting up a gateway for people to submit bugs to your database via
+email, have had a few people test it, and received rave reviews from your beta
+ What's the next thing you do? Outline a training strategy for your
+development team, of course, and bring them up to speed on the new tool you've
+labored over for hours.
+ Your first training session starts off very well! You have a captive
+audience which seems enraptured by the efficiency embodied in this thing called
+"Bugzilla". You are caught up describing the nifty features, how people can
+save favorite queries in the database, set them up as headers and footers on
+their pages, customize their layouts, generate reports, track status with
+greater efficiency than ever before, leap tall buildings with a single bound
+and rescue Jane from the clutches of Certain Death!
+ But Certain Death speaks up -- a tiny voice, from the dark corners of the
+conference room. "I have a concern," the voice hisses from the darkness,
+"about the use of the word 'verified'.
+ The room, previously filled with happy chatter, lapses into reverential
+silence as Certain Death (better known as the Vice President of Software
+Engineering) continues. "You see, for two years we've used the word 'verified'
+to indicate that a developer or quality assurance engineer has confirmed that,
+in fact, a bug is valid. I don't want to lose two years of training to a
+new software product. You need to change the bug status of 'verified' to
+'approved' as soon as possible. To avoid confusion, of course."
+ Oh no! Terror strikes your heart, as you find yourself mumbling "yes, yes, I
+don't think that would be a problem," You review the changes with Certain
+Death, and continue to jabber on, "no, it's not too big a change. I mean, we
+have the source code, right? You know, 'Use the Source, Luke' and all that...
+no problem," All the while you quiver inside like a beached jellyfish bubbling,
+burbling, and boiling on a hot Jamaican sand dune...
+ Thus begins your adventure into the heart of Bugzilla. You've been forced
+to learn about non-portable enum() fields, varchar columns, and tinyint
+definitions. The Adventure Awaits You!
+The Basics
+ If you were like me, at this point you're totally clueless about the
+internals of MySQL, and if it weren't for this executive order from the Vice
+President you couldn't care less about the difference between a "bigint" and a
+"tinyint" entry in MySQL. I'd refer you first to the MySQL documentation,
+available at, but that's mostly a confusing
+morass of high-level database jargon. Here are the basics you need to know
+about the database to proceed:
+1. To connect to your database, type "mysql -u root" at the command prompt as
+any user. If this works without asking you for a password, SHAME ON YOU! You
+should have locked your security down like the README told you to. You can
+find details on locking down your database in the Bugzilla FAQ in this
+directory (under "Security"), or more robust security generalities in the
+MySQL searchable documentation at
+ .
+2. You should now be at a prompt that looks like this:
+ At the prompt, if "bugs" is the name of your Bugzilla database, type:
+mysql> use bugs;
+ (don't forget the ";" at the end of each line, or you'll be kicking yourself
+all the way through this documentation)
+ Young Grasshopper, you are now ready for the unveiling of the Bugzilla
+database, in the next section...
+ Imagine your MySQL database as a series of spreadsheets, and you won't be too
+far off. If you use this command:
+mysql> show tables from bugs;
+ you'll be able to see all the "spreadsheets" (tables) in your database. Cool,
+huh? It's kinda' like a filesystem, only much faster and more robust. Come
+on, I'll show you more!
+ From the command issued above, you should now have some output that looks
+like this:
+| Tables in bugs |
+| attachments |
+| bugs |
+| bugs_activity |
+| cc |
+| components |
+| dependencies |
+| fielddefs |
+| groups |
+| keyworddefs |
+| keywords |
+| logincookies |
+| longdescs |
+| milestones |
+| namedqueries |
+| products |
+| profiles |
+| profiles_activity |
+| shadowlog |
+| versions |
+| votes |
+| watch |
+ If it doesn't look quite the same, that probably means it's time to
+update this documentation :)
+ Here's an overview of what each table does. Most columns in each table have
+descriptive names that make it fairly trivial to figure out their jobs.
+attachments: This table stores all attachments to bugs. It tends to be your
+largest table, yet also generally has the fewest entries because file
+attachments are so (relatively) large.
+bugs: This is the core of your system. The bugs table stores most of the
+current information about a bug, with the exception of the info stored in the
+other tables.
+bugs_activity: This stores information regarding what changes are made to bugs
+when -- a history file.
+cc: This tiny table simply stores all the CC information for any bug which has
+any entries in the CC field of the bug. Note that, like most other tables in
+Bugzilla, it does not refer to users by their user names, but by their unique
+userid, stored as a primary key in the profiles table.
+components: This stores the programs and components (or products and
+components, in newer Bugzilla parlance) for Bugzilla. Curiously, the "program"
+(product) field is the full name of the product, rather than some other unique
+identifier, like bug_id and user_id are elsewhere in the database.
+dependencies: Stores data about those cool dependency trees.
+fielddefs: A nifty table that defines other tables. For instance, when you
+submit a form that changes the value of "AssignedTo" this table allows
+translation to the actual field name "assigned_to" for entry into MySQL.
+groups: defines bitmasks for groups. A bitmask is a number that can uniquely
+identify group memberships. For instance, say the group that is allowed to
+tweak parameters is assigned a value of "1", the group that is allowed to edit
+users is assigned a "2", and the group that is allowed to create new groups is
+assigned the bitmask of "4". By uniquely combining the group bitmasks (much
+like the chmod command in UNIX,) you can identify a user is allowed to tweak
+parameters and create groups, but not edit users, by giving him a bitmask of
+"5", or a user allowed to edit users and create groups, but not tweak
+parameters, by giving him a bitmask of "6" Simple, huh?
+ If this makes no sense to you, try this at the mysql prompt:
+mysql> select * from groups;
+ You'll see the list, it makes much more sense that way.
+keyworddefs: Definitions of keywords to be used
+keywords: Unlike what you'd think, this table holds which keywords are
+associated with which bug id's.
+logincookies: This stores every login cookie ever assigned to you for every
+machine you've ever logged into Bugzilla from. Curiously, it never does any
+housecleaning -- I see cookies in this file I've not used for months. However,
+since Bugzilla never expires your cookie (for convenience' sake), it makes
+longdescs: The meat of bugzilla -- here is where all user comments are stored!
+You've only got 2^24 bytes per comment (it's a mediumtext field), so speak
+sparingly -- that's only the amount of space the Old Testament from the Bible
+would take (uncompressed, 16 megabytes). Each comment is keyed to the
+bug_id to which it's attached, so the order is necessarily chronological, for
+comments are played back in the order in which they are received.
+milestones: Interesting that milestones are associated with a specific product
+in this table, but Bugzilla does not yet support differing milestones by
+product through the standard configuration interfaces.
+namedqueries: This is where everybody stores their "custom queries". Very
+cool feature; it beats the tar out of having to bookmark each cool query you
+products: What products you have, whether new bug entries are allowed for the
+product, what milestone you're working toward on that product, votes, etc. It
+will be nice when the components table supports these same features, so you
+could close a particular component for bug entry without having to close an
+entire product...
+profiles: Ahh, so you were wondering where your precious user information was
+stored? Here it is! With the passwords in plain text for all to see! (but
+sshh... don't tell your users!)
+profiles_activity: Need to know who did what when to who's profile? This'll
+tell you, it's a pretty complete history.
+shadowlog: I could be mistaken here, but I believe this table tells you when
+your shadow database is updated and what commands were used to update it. We
+don't use a shadow database at our site yet, so it's pretty empty for us.
+versions: Version information for every product
+votes: Who voted for what when
+watch: Who (according to userid) is watching who's bugs (according to their
+ Ahh, so you're wondering just what to do with the information above? At the
+mysql prompt, you can view any information about the columns in a table with
+this command (where "table" is the name of the table you wish to view):
+mysql> show columns from table;
+ You can also view all the data in a table with this command:
+mysql> select * from table;
+ -- note: this is a very bad idea to do on, for instance, the "bugs" table if
+you have 50,000 bugs. You'll be sitting there a while until you ctrl-c or
+50,000 bugs play across your screen.
+ You can limit the display from above a little with the command, where
+"column" is the name of the column for which you wish to restrict information:
+mysql> select * from table where (column = "some info");
+ -- or the reverse of this
+mysql> select * from table where (column != "some info");
+ Let's take our example from the introduction, and assume you need to change
+the word "verified" to "approved" in the resolution field. We know from the
+above information that the resolution is likely to be stored in the "bugs"
+table. Note we'll need to change a little perl code as well as this database
+change, but I won't plunge into that in this document. Let's verify the
+information is stored in the "bugs" table:
+mysql> show columns from bugs
+ (exceedingly long output truncated here)
+ Sorry about that long line. We see from this that the "bug status" column is
+an "enum field", which is a MySQL peculiarity where a string type field can
+only have certain types of entries. While I think this is very cool, it's not
+standard SQL. Anyway, we need to add the possible enum field entry
+'APPROVED' by altering the "bugs" table.
+mysql> ALTER table bugs CHANGE bug_status bug_status
+ -> "VERIFIED", "APPROVED", "CLOSED") not null;
+ (note we can take three lines or more -- whatever you put in before the
+semicolon is evaluated as a single expression)
+Now if you do this:
+mysql> show columns from bugs;
+ you'll see that the bug_status field has an extra "APPROVED" enum that's
+available! Cool thing, too, is that this is reflected on your query page as
+well -- you can query by the new status. But how's it fit into the existing
+scheme of things?
+ Looks like you need to go back and look for instances of the word "verified"
+in the perl code for Bugzilla -- wherever you find "verified", change it to
+"approved" and you're in business (make sure that's a case-insensitive search).
+Although you can query by the enum field, you can't give something a status
+of "APPROVED" until you make the perl changes. Note that this change I
+mentioned can also be done by editing, which automates a lot of
+this. But you need to know this stuff anyway, right?
+ I hope this database tutorial has been useful for you. If you have comments
+to add, questions, concerns, etc. please direct them to Please direct flames to /dev/null :) Have a nice
+Great MySQL tutorial site:
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/FAQ.html b/docs/FAQ.html
index e2d3d7578..fb3e90af3 100644
--- a/docs/FAQ.html
+++ b/docs/FAQ.html
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ of At Home Corporation, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions
Various contributors (you know who you are... thank you!)</li>
-Last change: April 10, 2000
+Last change: June 7, 2000
<br>Version 0.2: Initial public release. (April 10, 2000)
<br>Version 0.2.1: Fixed formatting, released as HTML.&nbsp; Also corrected