diff options
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index a7f459bb1..44451bbf8 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,94 +35,176 @@
# Lance Larsh <>
# A. Karl Kornel <>
# Marc Schumann <>
-# Hey, what's this?
-# '' is a script that is supposed to run during installation
-# time and also after every upgrade.
-# The goal of this script is to make the installation even easier.
-# It does this by doing things for you as well as testing for problems
-# in advance.
-# You can run the script whenever you like. You SHOULD run it after
-# you update Bugzilla, because it may then update your SQL table
-# definitions to resync them with the code.
-# Currently, this module does the following:
-# - check for required perl modules
-# - set defaults for local configuration variables
-# - create and populate the data directory after installation
-# - set the proper rights for the *.cgi, *.html, etc. files
-# - verify that the code can access the database server
-# - creates the database 'bugs' if it does not exist
-# - creates the tables inside the database if they don't exist
-# - automatically changes the table definitions if they are from
-# an older version of Bugzilla
-# - populates the groups
-# - put the first user into all groups so that the system can
-# be administrated
-# - changes preexisting SQL tables if you change your local
-# settings, e.g. when you add a new platform
-# - ... and a whole lot more.
-# There should be no need for Bugzilla Administrators to modify
-# this script; all user-configurable stuff has been moved
-# into a local configuration file called 'localconfig'. When that file
-# in changed and '' is run, then the user's changes
-# will be reflected back into the database.
-# Developers, however, have to modify this file at various places. To
-# make this easier, there are some special tags for which one
-# can search.
-# To Search for
-# add/delete local configuration variables --LOCAL--
-# check for more required modules --MODULES--
-# add more database-related checks --DATABASE--
-# change the defaults for local configuration vars --DATA--
-# update the assigned file permissions --CHMOD--
-# change table definitions --TABLE--
-# add more groups --GROUPS--
-# add user-adjustable settings --SETTINGS--
-# create initial administrator account --ADMIN--
-# Note: sometimes those special comments occur more than once. For
-# example, --LOCAL-- is used at least 3 times in this code! --TABLE--
-# is also used more than once, so search for each and every occurrence!
-# To operate checksetup non-interactively, run it with a single argument
-# specifying a filename that contains the information usually obtained by
-# prompting the user or by editing localconfig.
-# The format of that file is as follows:
-# $answer{'db_host'} = q[
-# $db_host = 'localhost';
-# $db_driver = 'mydbdriver';
-# $db_port = 3306;
-# $db_name = 'mydbname';
-# $db_user = 'mydbuser';
-# ];
-# $answer{'db_pass'} = q[$db_pass = 'mydbpass';];
-# $answer{'ADMIN_OK'} = 'Y';
-# $answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'} = '';
-# $answer{'ADMIN_PASSWORD'} = 'fooey';
-# $answer{'ADMIN_REALNAME'} = 'Joel Peshkin';
-# $answer{'SMTP_SERVER'} = '';
-# Note: Only information that supersedes defaults from LocalVar()
-# function calls needs to be specified in this file.
+=head1 NAME
+ - A do-it-all upgrade and installation script for Bugzilla.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ./ [--help|--check-modules]
+ ./ [SCRIPT [--verbose]] [--no-templates|-t]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item F<SCRIPT>
+Name of script to drive non-interactive mode. This script should
+define an C<%answer> hash whose keys are variable names and the
+values answers to all the questions asks. For details
+on the format of this script, do C<perldoc> and look for
+=item B<--help>
+Display this help text
+=item B<--check-modules>
+Only check for correct module dependencies and quit afterward.
+=item B<--no-templates> (B<-t>)
+Don't compile the templates at all. Existing compiled templates will
+remain; missing compiled templates will not be created. (Used primarily
+by developers to speed up checksetup.) Use this switch at your own risk.
+=item B<--verbose>
+Output results of SCRIPT being processed.
+Hey, what's this?
+F<> is a script that is supposed to run during
+installation time and also after every upgrade.
+The goal of this script is to make the installation even easier.
+It does this by doing things for you as well as testing for problems
+in advance.
+You can run the script whenever you like. You SHOULD run it after
+you update Bugzilla, because it may then update your SQL table
+definitions to resync them with the code.
+Currently, this script does the following:
+=item *
+Check for required perl modules
+=item *
+Set defaults for local configuration variables
+=item *
+Create and populate the F<data> directory after installation
+=item *
+Set the proper rights for the F<*.cgi>, F<*.html>, etc. files
+=item *
+Verify that the code can access the database server
+=item *
+Creates the database C<bugs> if it does not exist
+=item *
+Creates the tables inside the database if they don't exist
+=item *
+Automatically changes the table definitions if they are from
+an older version of Bugzilla
+=item *
+Populates the groups
+=item *
+Puts the first user into all groups so that the system can
+be administered
+=item *
+...And a whole lot more.
+There should be no need for Bugzilla Administrators to modify
+this script; all user-configurable stuff has been moved
+into a local configuration file called F<localconfig>. When that file
+in changed and F<> is run, then the user's changes
+will be reflected back into the database.
+Developers, however, have to modify this file at various places. To
+make this easier, there are some special tags for which one
+can search.
+ To Search for
+ add/delete local configuration variables --LOCAL--
+ check for more required modules --MODULES--
+ add more database-related checks --DATABASE--
+ change the defaults for local configuration vars --DATA--
+ update the assigned file permissions --CHMOD--
+ change table definitions --TABLE--
+ add more groups --GROUPS--
+ add user-adjustable settings --SETTINGS--
+ create initial administrator account --ADMIN--
+Note: sometimes those special comments occur more than once. For
+example, C<--LOCAL--> is used at least 3 times in this code! C<--TABLE-->
+is also used more than once, so search for each and every occurrence!
+To operate checksetup non-interactively, run it with a single argument
+specifying a filename that contains the information usually obtained by
+prompting the user or by editing localconfig.
+The format of that file is as follows:
+ $answer{'db_host'} = q[
+ $db_host = 'localhost';
+ $db_driver = 'mydbdriver';
+ $db_port = 3306;
+ $db_name = 'mydbname';
+ $db_user = 'mydbuser';
+ ];
+ $answer{'db_pass'} = q[$db_pass = 'mydbpass';];
+ $answer{'ADMIN_OK'} = 'Y';
+ $answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'} = '';
+ $answer{'ADMIN_PASSWORD'} = 'fooey';
+ $answer{'ADMIN_REALNAME'} = 'Joel Peshkin';
+ $answer{'SMTP_SERVER'} = '';
+Note: Only information that supersedes defaults from C<LocalVar()>
+function calls needs to be specified in this file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
use strict;
@@ -154,35 +236,9 @@ BEGIN {
# Check for help request. Display help page if --help/-h/-? was passed.
+use Pod::Usage;
my $help = grep(/^--help$/, @ARGV) || grep (/^-h$/, @ARGV) || grep (/^-\?$/, @ARGV) || 0;
-help_page() if $help;
-sub help_page {
- my $programname = $0;
- $programname =~ s#^\./##;
- print "$programname - checks your setup and updates your Bugzilla installation\n";
- printf "Version: " . BUGZILLA_VERSION . " on perl %vd\n", $^V;
- print "\nUsage: $programname [SCRIPT [--verbose]] [--check-modules|--help]\n";
- print " [--no-templates]\n";
- print "\n";
- print " --help Display this help text.\n";
- print " --check-modules Only check for correct module dependencies and quit thereafter;\n";
- print " does not perform any changes.\n";
- print " --no-templates (-t) Don't compile the templates at all. Existing\n";
- print " compiled templates will remain; missing compiled\n";
- print " templates will not be created. (Used primarily by\n";
- print " developers to speed up checksetup.) Use this\n";
- print " switch at your own risk.\n";
- print " SCRIPT Name of script to drive non-interactive mode.\n";
- print " This script should define an \%answer hash whose\n";
- print " keys are variable names and the values answers to\n";
- print " all the questions asks.\n";
- print " (See comments at top of $programname for more info.)\n";
- print " --verbose Output results of SCRIPT being processed.\n";
- print "\n";
- exit 1;
+pod2usage({-verbose => 1, -exitval => 1}) if $help;
# Non-interactive override. Pass a filename on the command line which is