path: root/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin
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Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/Template/Plugin')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/ b/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/
index 99ece0880..e74363461 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/
+++ b/Bugzilla/Template/Plugin/
@@ -20,93 +20,98 @@
# Contributor(s): Myk Melez <>
# Zach Lipton <>
# Elliotte Martin <>
+# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
package Bugzilla::Template::Plugin::Hook;
use strict;
+use base qw(Template::Plugin);
use Bugzilla::Constants;
-use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(include_languages);
-use Bugzilla::Template;
+use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(include_languages template_base_directories
+ template_lang_directories);
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use File::Spec;
-use base qw(Template::Plugin);
-sub load {
- my ($class, $context) = @_;
- return $class;
sub new {
my ($class, $context) = @_;
return bless { _CONTEXT => $context }, $class;
+sub _context { return $_[0]->{_CONTEXT} }
sub process {
my ($self, $hook_name, $template) = @_;
- $template ||= $self->{_CONTEXT}->stash->{component}->{name};
- my @hooks;
+ my $context = $self->_context();
+ $template ||= $context->stash->{component}->{name};
# sanity check:
if (!$template =~ /[\w\.\/\-_\\]+/) {
- ThrowCodeError('template_invalid', { name => $template});
+ ThrowCodeError('template_invalid', { name => $template });
- # also get extension hook files that live in extensions/:
- # parse out the parts of the template name
- my ($vol, $subpath, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($template);
- $subpath = $subpath || '';
- $filename =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)\.tmpl/;
- my $templatename = $1;
+ my (undef, $path, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($template);
+ $path ||= '';
+ $filename =~ m/(.+)\.(.+)\.tmpl$/;
+ my $template_name = $1;
my $type = $2;
- # munge the filename to create the extension hook filename:
- my $extensiontemplate = $subpath.'/'.$templatename.'-'.$hook_name.'.'.$type.'.tmpl';
- my @extensions = glob(bz_locations()->{'extensionsdir'} . "/*");
- my @usedlanguages = include_languages({use_languages => Bugzilla->languages});
- foreach my $extension (@extensions) {
- next if -e "$extension/disabled";
- foreach my $language (@usedlanguages) {
- my $file = $extension.'/template/'.$language.'/'.$extensiontemplate;
+ # Munge the filename to create the extension hook filename
+ my $extension_template = "$path/$template_name-$hook_name.$type.tmpl";
+ my $template_sets = _template_hook_include_path();
+ my @hooks;
+ foreach my $dir_set (@$template_sets) {
+ foreach my $lang_dir (@$dir_set) {
+ my $file = File::Spec->catdir($lang_dir, $extension_template);
if (-e $file) {
- # tt is stubborn and won't take a template file not in its
- # include path, so we open a filehandle and give it to process()
- # so the hook gets invoked:
- open (my $fh, $file);
+ # TT won't take a template file not in its include path,
+ # so we open a filehandle and give it to process()
+ # instead of the file name.
+ open (my $fh, '<', $file) or die "$file: $!";
push(@hooks, $fh);
+ # Don't run the hook for more than one language.
+ last;
- my $paths = $self->{_CONTEXT}->{LOAD_TEMPLATES}->[0]->paths;
- # we keep this too since you can still put hook templates in
- # template/en/custom/hook
- foreach my $path (@$paths) {
- my @files = glob("$path/hook/$template/$hook_name/*.tmpl");
- # Have to remove the templates path (INCLUDE_PATH) from the
- # file path since the template processor auto-adds it back.
- @files = map($_ =~ /^$path\/(.*)$/ ? $1 : {}, @files);
- # Add found files to the list of hooks, but removing duplicates,
- # which can happen when there are identical hooks or duplicate
- # directories in the INCLUDE_PATH (the latter probably being a TT bug).
- foreach my $file (@files) {
- push(@hooks, $file) unless grep($file eq $_, @hooks);
- }
- }
my $output;
- foreach my $hook (@hooks) {
- $output .= $self->{_CONTEXT}->process($hook);
+ foreach my $hook_fh (@hooks) {
+ $output .= $context->process($hook_fh);
+ close($hook_fh);
return $output;
+sub _template_hook_include_path {
+ my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
+ my $language = $cache->{language} || '';
+ my $cache_key = "template_plugin_hook_include_path_$language";
+ return $cache->{$cache_key} if defined $cache->{$cache_key};
+ my @used_languages = include_languages({
+ use_languages => Bugzilla->languages,
+ only_language => $language });
+ my $template_dirs = template_base_directories();
+ # We create an array of arrayrefs, with each arrayref being a single
+ # extension's "language" directories. In addition to the extensions/
+ # directory, this also includes a set for the base template/ directory.
+ my @template_sets;
+ foreach my $template_dir (@$template_dirs) {
+ my @language_dirs = template_lang_directories(\@used_languages,
+ $template_dir, 'hook');
+ if (scalar @language_dirs) {
+ push(@template_sets, \@language_dirs);
+ }
+ }
+ $cache->{$cache_key} = \@template_sets;
+ return $cache->{$cache_key};
@@ -165,8 +170,4 @@ Output from processing template extension.